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#51 Old 31st Dec 2011 at 12:27 AM
I haven't disappeared! (and I very nearly wrote disapparated here) My character simply has no bearing whatsoever on the current plot. I suppose I could get together with "Luna" and plan a side story, but life's been not nice in the past few months. I am keeping tabs on the RP though.

Sluggish: If you want Fred and/or George (vhanster's right you can have both of them, especially since they seem to always be together, it'd be easier if one person handled the both of them instead of two people) they are yours. Post the character description thing over on the other thread, and I'll add you/them to the list. ~VP

I'll stop being anti-social when the rest of the world quits being idiots!

My Own Website! www.violetpadfootscreations.weebly.com
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#52 Old 31st Dec 2011 at 1:12 AM
Quote: Originally posted by VioletPadfoot
I haven't disappeared! (and I very nearly wrote disapparated here) My character simply has no bearing whatsoever on the current plot. I suppose I could get together with "Luna" and plan a side story, but life's been not nice in the past few months. I am keeping tabs on the RP though.

Sluggish: If you want Fred and/or George (vhanster's right you can have both of them, especially since they seem to always be together, it'd be easier if one person handled the both of them instead of two people) they are yours. Post the character description thing over on the other thread, and I'll add you/them to the list. ~VP

#53 Old 3rd Jan 2012 at 6:57 AM
@VP: maybe you should make an OC or claim another main character (that exists in the first book) to keep the RP going? You know, to set the timeline and all...
#54 Old 3rd Jan 2012 at 7:08 AM
I keep meaning to make my OC, but real life has other plans. He's almost ready for debut, but I can't seem to find the time, or remember when I do have the time, to polish him up. ~VP

I'll stop being anti-social when the rest of the world quits being idiots!

My Own Website! www.violetpadfootscreations.weebly.com
Lab Assistant
#55 Old 4th Apr 2012 at 1:30 AM
Oh this sounds fun, may I claim Tonks?

♂ + ♂ = ♥ - ♀ + ♀ = ♥ - ♀ + ♂ = ♥
I am a rebel, I don't deny it, but I'm the good kind, the good rebel!
#56 Old 4th Apr 2012 at 5:07 AM
You may, but it seems like no ones doing anything anymore. If you can figure out a way to get the story moving with Tonks while we're still in First year, by all means do so. We seem to be stuck at school's beginning. It seems mostly b/c those who have claimed a main character haven't put in an appearance. Oh and don't forget to post her character profile over on the actual role play thread. I'm pretty sure she should still be in school during the Trio's First Year so maybe you can get things going.~VP

I'll stop being anti-social when the rest of the world quits being idiots!

My Own Website! www.violetpadfootscreations.weebly.com
#57 Old 4th Apr 2012 at 5:38 PM
That's right. As much as I'd like to stay active, it wouldn't make much sense if the RP is too dominated by the OCs. Most of the canon characters I like doesn't appear in the first book, so it's rather pointless for me to claim them. Unless, of course, I'm allowed to take claimed characters whose players are inactive- but that's not the case at all, isn't it?
Mad Poster
#58 Old 4th Apr 2012 at 11:59 PM
Precisely my point. I'd like to keep up with this RP but I have two OCs and neither are really suitable to pull along the whole plot.
#59 Old 5th Apr 2012 at 9:57 PM Last edited by VioletPadfoot : 5th Apr 2012 at 10:43 PM.
I know. I actually have a cannon character, but since Ginny isn't at school right now, i can't exactly do anything to move the plot along. Perhaps I'll go poke/pester the people who signed up for Harry and Hermione to get back to this. ~VP

EDIT: I just PMed everyone who is listed on the RP thread as having a cannon character. Anyone who has a cannon character must post on of the two threads by the 20th of April, or their character si up for grabs. I expect three characters to be left unclaimed as their owners haven't logged in in a long time. Leanord, who has McGonagall and WithcAlice who has Harry and Dumbledore have not logged into MTS in a while, (I went and checked everyone's profiles for the last log in date.) So if anyone wants those characters, they are up for grabs but you can't officially claim them until the 21st.

And everyone: if you're going to claim a cannon character especially one as important as one of the trio, please make sure you can play him/her. If something comes up where you wont be able to play for a while, let us know so someone else can (temporarily) take over the character.

Thanks everyone, and hopefully we can get this going within the next couple of weeks.~VP

I'll stop being anti-social when the rest of the world quits being idiots!

My Own Website! www.violetpadfootscreations.weebly.com
#60 Old 8th Apr 2012 at 2:55 PM Last edited by VioletPadfoot : 11th Apr 2012 at 12:38 AM. Reason: character update
Double posting, because well, I think it deserves it's own post. I have gotten confirmation from two people about the fate of their cannon characters. If anyone else tried to PM me and failed, I'm sorry. I didn't realize my message bin was that full. the problem's been fixed.

vhanster still has control over the Grey Lady. lorenrose10103 has informed me that she cannot continue due to real life commitments. So Hermione and Luna are up for grabs.

Edit 4/10: KindGenius is out as well. Professor Quirrell is also up for grabs.

I'll stop being anti-social when the rest of the world quits being idiots!

My Own Website! www.violetpadfootscreations.weebly.com
#61 Old 12th Apr 2012 at 9:50 AM
Just a quick question before I decide on anything: must the events that take place in this RP follow the canon events? For example, must Harry meet the others (Ron, Hermione, Neville, etc) in the train, and later defeat the troll, and yadda yadda, or can anything just go?
#62 Old 12th Apr 2012 at 1:52 PM
Whether you follow cannon events is completely up to you. Obviously the cannon events SHOULD happen, but who completes them can be anyone and they don't HAVE to happen. If "Harry" or "Hermione" or "Ron" don't want to do the troll incident and want the Trio's friendship to happen another way, go right ahead. However, consult with the owners of the other characters involved. So should you adopt Ron or Hermione (since Harry is still claimed at this point. He is likely to be up for grabs since his owner hasn't logged in since September) you need to consult with the owners of any other character you're interacting with (should there be any) if the cannon events are going to happen. If no one owns them, you're free to make the decision on your own until they are owned. Also if you're going to make things up, consult with the other character's owners to let them know of the long term plot arc(s). All I'm really going to ask is that the characters be kept "in character". Like Snape can't all of a sudden be all... Lockhart-ish (that's the best I can think of right now that's anti-Snape). Keep 'em in character and you can do whatever you wish with them.

On a side note, now I really want to adopt a Slytherin to play. I'm thinking Draco. Or maybe Pansy. I'll be back later with an actual choice. ~VP

I'll stop being anti-social when the rest of the world quits being idiots!

My Own Website! www.violetpadfootscreations.weebly.com
#63 Old 13th Apr 2012 at 5:35 AM
So as long as the canon events happens, it doesn't matter WHO initiates it? Obviously it can't be too OC-centric or this won't even be a Harry Potter RP anymore. But say, if the ones who defeated the trolls weren't Harry, Ron and Hermione, but a different group of random students- is that OK?
#64 Old 14th Apr 2012 at 1:57 PM
Absolutely. Such as in the Chamber of Secrets storyline, Ginny doesn't have to have the diary. Luna can, or some random Hufflepuff. Hermione could if you could figure out a reason for Tom Riddle to be able to get to her like he does to Ginny. ~VP

I'll stop being anti-social when the rest of the world quits being idiots!

My Own Website! www.violetpadfootscreations.weebly.com
#65 Old 22nd Apr 2012 at 1:35 PM
So time is up! Only three (three!) people responded to my messages about cannon characters. And only one (vhanster) actually wanted to keep their character. So there are a lot of characters available to play. Any Original Characters still belong to their original owners and I did not contact any of them unless they also had a cannon character, as cannon characters are what we need in order to continue. lorenrose1013 and KindGenius both have said they are out due to real life reasons. (So don't expect a response from any OC they might own.) The list of claimed characters has been updated and ay cannon character that has not been spoken for has a "-unclaimed-" next to their name now (as well as changing the name of a user who I just noticed had a user name change). The full list of now-unclaimed characters is: Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Quirinius Quirell, Fred and George Weasley, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, and Angelina Johnson.

The original owners of these character MAY regain ownership of these characters if they post to this thread BEFORE someone else claims the character.

TO EVERYONE: If you DO NOT post in either of the two threads for more than three weeks, I will take ownership of your cannon character from you. If you let me know ahead of time that you won't be able to post for a period of time, I will not take your character, but may play him or her during that period to keep the role play moving.

I think that's everything, and the three week rule will be added to the official rules momentarily. If you'd like ot adopt one of the above listed characters, speak up! ~VP

I'll stop being anti-social when the rest of the world quits being idiots!

My Own Website! www.violetpadfootscreations.weebly.com
#66 Old 22nd Apr 2012 at 8:55 PM
I'm sorry, I was going to respond soon but when I got your original message VP I had to go out and forgot to handle it when I got back. I'm such a ditz sometimes I can't believe it. I think I can handle a three week rule I have just been absorbed back into playing Aion recently when it became free to play. Ugh, enough excuses from me. I would still like to play Severus Snape.
#67 Old 23rd Apr 2012 at 12:32 AM
Snape is yours again, Elyasis. I'll go update the list

I'll stop being anti-social when the rest of the world quits being idiots!

My Own Website! www.violetpadfootscreations.weebly.com
#68 Old 23rd Apr 2012 at 3:45 AM Last edited by vhanster : 23rd Apr 2012 at 10:58 AM.
If you don't mind, I'll be taking Harry. The RP needs more interactions, but I find that hard to do when the characters I control is a ghost and an antisocial OC.
#69 Old 23rd Apr 2012 at 3:52 PM
Alright vhanster, Harry's yours. I kinda figured you'd be taking him when you asked if cannon events were going to happen. I"ll update the list momentarily. posting a new profile for him is optional. If you want the one WitchAlice posted to stand, that's fine, if you want to post a new one, done your way, that's fine too.

I'll stop being anti-social when the rest of the world quits being idiots!

My Own Website! www.violetpadfootscreations.weebly.com
#70 Old 21st Jul 2012 at 3:58 PM
Ok, so two months later, and no one has posted anywhere... I guess that means we all lose our characters? Is there anyone at all still interested in this RP?

I'll stop being anti-social when the rest of the world quits being idiots!

My Own Website! www.violetpadfootscreations.weebly.com
Mad Poster
#71 Old 22nd Jul 2012 at 1:00 AM
I'm interested, but this needs a lot more organisation. People need to be prepared to update consistently, there needs to be more structure and time devoted to setting it up, and I believe there needs to be more than a "Choose your character and start roleplaying" thing going on. If people are going to join, they need to be committed.
#72 Old 22nd Jul 2012 at 1:17 AM
yeah, probably. Rose and i had good ideas I think, but losing her, and my lack of remembering to do anything, has led to... well a crappy roleplay. I'm thinking of closing it now actually. Any objections? Anyone who might want to take it over? Or even offer suggestions for improvement?

I'll stop being anti-social when the rest of the world quits being idiots!

My Own Website! www.violetpadfootscreations.weebly.com
Mad Poster
#73 Old 22nd Jul 2012 at 2:12 AM
Personally, I suggest this particular roleplay gets closed. Perhaps people might plan a more thoroughly thought out one, at which point a new one could begin and people could start joining and participating once more. I might begin planning a new one out, but I'm not sure it'll be posted anytime soon.
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