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#1 Old 14th Nov 2024 at 12:25 PM
Default Sim has squiggly line thought
So i was just playing Sims 2 like a normal person but yes i did things that could risk my game like saving with a ghost active fucking with my sims by changing their species and ages to see what chaos of sims i can make etc etc but Recently my Sim just had a squiggly line thought
It didn't happen only once it happened twice but at the time my account didn't exist here and i didn't take a screenshot but i didn't care but now i am concerned for my game i am afraid i corrupted my game
if possible help me

CBF detected, loser! Click between Frames is illegitimate and will not be allowed for use in The Sims 2. Please disable the mod in order to continue playing.
Lovable, Unpredictable, Programmable! It's The Sims! Hey there Sport, what's all the racket?
Mad Poster
#2 Old 14th Nov 2024 at 1:02 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 14th Nov 2024 at 1:14 PM.
April Black has a video on the variation of squiggly line thought bubbles and whether they mean corruption or not (and if it's anything to worry about). The other videos are worth a watch, too.

(Judging by the type, it's most likely a case of the "missing thumbnail" issue, which can happen with stuck/invisible objects, CC, and the occasional food item. In most cases it's harmless. Potentially it could happen if the sim is thinking about buggy/deleted characters, though it seems that squiggly is a bit different).
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