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#1 Old 4th Jan 2021 at 2:34 AM
Default Problems with Community Time Project
I'm having issues with the Community Time Project Mod. The only mod that loads after it in my load order is df's Taxi Charges Money mod as it has the strings for Community Time project in it so nothing comes up blank with this order.

I've been using CBOY's older version because I was put off by how @Chris Hatch 's doesn't run in University Hoods because while I get the reasoning, I'd personally rather just manage my sims time to make sure they're at home ready for class and keep the realism. Also, other small factors is that CJH's doesn't tell you the time that they will return, just how long it will be before they do (me desperately trying to avoid maths lol) and I'd also have to sort strings out so that I don't have any blank messages in the comm time or taxi charges mods.

I'm now considering switching to Chris' version though because I'm having issues with CBOY's. It would be great if I could edit CJH's to work in university and tell me the time they will arrive. With CBOY's I seem to randomly run into an issue which means that some sims return home exactly 1 hour later than they're supposed to. And, once this happens for the first time, it seems to happen to that sim forever even after resetting them. My worry is, since CJH's uses the same tokens, I worry I will still have this 1 hour delay problem even if I switch to CJH's version. I'm looking for advice on how to diagnose and fix this issue. How do you delete the tokens added by community time? I looked in SimPE and it didn't seem like the sim had any invisible tokens...

I'm also having another issue sometimes, which may or may not be related to community time. Sometimes, a community lot starts playing while I'm still on the loading screen. So by the time I'm out of the loading screen, sometimes an hour or two has passed by and the townies have gotten up to all sorts already. There doesn't seem to be any pattern to when or why this happens either.

I don't know what to do Please help
#2 Old 4th Jan 2021 at 5:23 AM
Just FYI, I sent Chris a message yesterday asking how possible it would be to restore the 'returning at x time' message. Cause I don't want to do maths either. So he may address that, or tell me how to, in the next few days.

I held onto Crammyboy's version for ages, but have switched to Chris Hatch's in the last few months. I haven't noticed any issues other than the lack of a return time. Can't help with tokens, though, that's beyond me.

My new downloads are on my Pillowfort
Mad Poster
#3 Old 4th Jan 2021 at 6:15 AM
SimPE's display of memories and tokens is confusing because there's a tab labeled "tokens" which only really lists a specific type of token, all other tokens, probably including the community time tokens, are in the regular memories tab. To find the specific token, you have to turn on Advanced Mode in the SimPE settings, and then look for a token with the right GUID (which you should be able to find in the community time mod).
Field Researcher
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#4 Old 4th Jan 2021 at 5:17 PM Last edited by BellaDovah : 4th Jan 2021 at 9:27 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by aelflaed
Just FYI, I sent Chris a message yesterday asking how possible it would be to restore the 'returning at x time' message. Cause I don't want to do maths either. So he may address that, or tell me how to, in the next few days.

I held onto Crammyboy's version for ages, but have switched to Chris Hatch's in the last few months. I haven't noticed any issues other than the lack of a return time. Can't help with tokens, though, that's beyond me.

@aelflaed That's awesome! I really hope he gets back to you, please let me know if he does I messaged him a while ago about something else and never got a reply so that's why I came straight to the forums this time
Field Researcher
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#5 Old 4th Jan 2021 at 5:18 PM Last edited by BellaDovah : 4th Jan 2021 at 9:27 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
SimPE's display of memories and tokens is confusing because there's a tab labeled "tokens" which only really lists a specific type of token, all other tokens, probably including the community time tokens, are in the regular memories tab. To find the specific token, you have to turn on Advanced Mode in the SimPE settings, and then look for a token with the right GUID (which you should be able to find in the community time mod).

@kesterellyn Thanks so much! I had no idea there even was an advanced mode so that'd be why I couldn't find it! I'll have a look

Edit: Hm, I can't see any token relating to community time in his inventory, or anyone else's for that matter. But, I did take CBOY's mod out, load the game, and save it..so perhaps that's why. But, I swear I've tried this before; I had this problem with CBOY's in a test neighbourhood, I uninstalled it and saved, installed CJH's version and still got the 1 hour delay I guess I'll have to see what happens this time...
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#6 Old 4th Jan 2021 at 11:10 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Gabby2805
@kesterellyn Thanks so much! I had no idea there even was an advanced mode so that'd be why I couldn't find it! I'll have a look

Edit: Hm, I can't see any token relating to community time in his inventory, or anyone else's for that matter. But, I did take CBOY's mod out, load the game, and save it..so perhaps that's why. But, I swear I've tried this before; I had this problem with CBOY's in a test neighbourhood, I uninstalled it and saved, installed CJH's version and still got the 1 hour delay I guess I'll have to see what happens this time...

You don't need to use CBoys, You can if you prefer it, but Chris updated it to fix some issues so that's the older version.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
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Field Researcher
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#7 Old 4th Jan 2021 at 11:17 PM
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
You don't need to use CBoys, You can if you prefer it, but Chris updated it to fix some issues so that's the older version.

Yes I know, I did say that in my original post. I was sticking to cboy's because there are a couple things I don't like about Chris' version - I'd like to know how to make his version still run in university hoods for example. But since I'm having issues with cboy's atm I'm thinking of switching to CJH's, just not sure if I will keep having the same problems since they both use the same tokens.
#8 Old 4th Jan 2021 at 11:23 PM
If all has gone properly no-one should have a token, the token is given when a sim chooses to go home and removed on arrival home as soon as the time values have been read, before the wait begins.
Enabling University Neighbourhoods should be a simple case of removing/editing the first line in 'Sub - Use Community Time?', it will be obvious if/when you see it. I haven't tried that but I'm quite sure that is all that is required. In the version with the globe project (CJH_CommTime(Pets+).package) that behave is in the CJH_GlobalOverrides(Pets+).package.

I don't know how much is involved in changing it to a 'returning at x time' message but will look in to later today it for you.
Field Researcher
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#9 Old 4th Jan 2021 at 11:47 PM Last edited by BellaDovah : 8th Jan 2021 at 5:48 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Chris Hatch
If all has gone properly no-one should have a token, the token is given when a sim chooses to go home and removed on arrival home as soon as the time values have been read, before the wait begins.
Enabling University Neighbourhoods should be a simple case of removing/editing the first line in 'Sub - Use Community Time?', it will be obvious if/when you see it. I haven't tried that but I'm quite sure that is all that is required. In the version with the globe project (CJH_CommTime(Pets+).package) that behave is in the CJH_GlobalOverrides(Pets+).package.

I don't know how much is involved in changing it to a 'returning at x time' message but will look in to later today it for you.

@Chris Hatch Thank you so much! I'm currently using CJH_CommTime(StandAlone) 20/08/2019 - is that not the right version? I only want this mod and not other things from the globe project - could you please attach the latest version of your community time project?

I did see that line checking if the hood is a university hood, I just wasn't sure if there would be more to it or exactly what to do to change it. Not sure if its best to delete that line entirely (and if anything else would then need to be deleted/edited/fixed) or to set the true target to return false?
Edit: I deleted the line and it seems to work as I want it to in University now - thank you!

I have an STR# conflict between your community time and df's taxi charges money so I tried copying lines 30 & 31 of your mod into df_vehicle_and_taxi_messages which only contains the dialogs into lines 30 & 31 of that mod and getting rid of the old lines meant for cboy's version of community time, and copy & pasting the line from cboy's version that told you the time they will return on the end of line 30 and it didn't display properly so its not as simple as that. I'm trying to establish whether your version is even compatible with taxi charges money because although no conflicts are detected with hcdu and the only conflict detected by the new 'SiMidge' is the STR# bit, I got a "You sent me a crappy GUID, please fix it" error when all the files from df's taxi charges money loaded after your community time mod (which are both at the very bottom of my load order) and this order was fine with cboy's.
Edit: with the my edit of the messages file of df's mod loading after yours but the other 3 files now loading just before it, everything seems to be working fine!

It would be so great if you could add back the "Time of Arrival: xx:xx" (as well as the in xhrs xmins) - thanks!
Edit: It would also be super helpful if the messages could stay there until the sim arrives home/until you get rid of them like they did in cboy's otherwise I forget what time to expect them!
#10 Old 9th Jan 2021 at 12:41 PM
I'm using the stand-alone version too at the moment.
...Mind you, I think that was because I had Inteen at the time I swapped, which no longer applies...

My new downloads are on my Pillowfort
#11 Old 9th Jan 2021 at 1:24 PM
I should have said so sooner but I forgot. I updated it to show both the expected arrival time and a count down to arrival a couple of days ago. I haven't had a chance to test it much and the count down and arrival time can run a couple of minutes out of sync but sim minutes are like our seconds so it's not noticeable.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#12 Old 9th Jan 2021 at 9:39 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Chris Hatch
I should have said so sooner but I forgot. I updated it to show both the expected arrival time and a count down to arrival a couple of days ago. I haven't had a chance to test it much and the count down and arrival time can run a couple of minutes out of sync but sim minutes are like our seconds so it's not noticeable.

@Chris Hatch Thank you so much!
#13 Old 11th Jan 2021 at 4:02 AM
The new version seems to be working fine for me.

My new downloads are on my Pillowfort
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 13th Jan 2021 at 10:26 AM
I have noticed that when a sim buys let's say a new videogame or new clothes they become available for the house lot as soon as you return and not when the sim actually arrives.
Mad Poster
#15 Old 13th Jan 2021 at 4:15 PM
I'll have to test the new version of this very soon since I've been using the other one for ages and it was working fine for me.It actually solved one of my major problems with outings to community lots.
Test Subject
#16 Old 22nd May 2021 at 3:35 PM
I'm also having a problem with both CBoy and Chris's version of the Community Time Project. I installed, CBOY's mod first, but saw that my teens and children sims kept resetting on their own every five seconds, and I couldn't mouse over them without them resetting again. I remove CBOY's mod, put in Chris's mod, and the same problem keeps happening. I've taken them both out to see if it will fix the issue, but the problem still lingered. I did put boolprop testingcheats into the startup, thinking that was initially my issue, but installed it and my teens and children still kept resetting or throwing up error codes. Was there something I did wrong and can anyone offer me a fix? I do like the mod, and it does work, but I'm just not sure how the teens and kids got messed up.

Any advice is appreciated!
#17 Old 22nd May 2021 at 7:49 PM
@Hatchling, if you still get error codes without the mods installed, then I doubt it's them. What were the error codes you were getting? Also, did you try and test in a cc free environment to see if the problem persists without any mods at all? Putting testingcheats on was a good start as the error logs generated while it's on can help you figure out the problem, but yeah, we need to know what they say.

Some resources to help you figure out the error:
Reading Error Logs
Common Errors
What Caused This Utility

"Thinking of you, wherever you are. We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend." - Kingdom Hearts

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aka Kelyns | she/her
Test Subject
#18 Old 25th May 2021 at 3:23 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Phantomknight
@Hatchling, if you still get error codes without the mods installed, then I doubt it's them. What were the error codes you were getting? Also, did you try and test in a cc free environment to see if the problem persists without any mods at all? Putting testingcheats on was a good start as the error logs generated while it's on can help you figure out the problem, but yeah, we need to know what they say.

Some resources to help you figure out the error:
Reading Error Logs
Common Errors
What Caused This Utility

Of course, my dumb self didn't try to test it in a CC-free environment, and of course, when I did test it, I managed to find the ONE mod that messing everything up. It was the Romance mod, and I'm just not even going to try to figure that one out. I sent it to the trash bin and now my teens and children are back to normal. Thank you so much for answering my post so quickly, I really appreciate it!
Test Subject
#19 Old 14th Sep 2022 at 6:00 AM
Quote: Originally posted by BellaDovah
...I have an STR# conflict between your community time and df's taxi charges money so I tried copying lines 30 & 31 of your mod into df_vehicle_and_taxi_messages which only contains the dialogs into lines 30 & 31 of that mod and getting rid of the old lines meant for cboy's version of community time, and copy & pasting the line from cboy's version that told you the time they will return on the end of line 30 and it didn't display properly so its not as simple as that. I'm trying to establish whether your version is even compatible with taxi charges money because although no conflicts are detected with hcdu and the only conflict detected by the new 'SiMidge' is the STR# bit, I got a "You sent me a crappy GUID, please fix it" error when all the files from df's taxi charges money loaded after your community time mod (which are both at the very bottom of my load order) and this order was fine with cboy's.
Edit: with the my edit of the messages file of df's mod loading after yours but the other 3 files now loading just before it, everything seems to be working fine!...

I don't understand what you did to make Taxis Charge and Community Time Project work together; is there any way you could upload your fix for those of us who suck at SimPe, please?
Lab Assistant
#20 Old 8th Feb 2023 at 12:36 PM
Quote: Originally posted by BellaDovah
@Chris Hatch Thank you so much! I'm currently using CJH_CommTime(StandAlone) 20/08/2019 - is that not the right version? I only want this mod and not other things from the globe project - could you please attach the latest version of your community time project?

I did see that line checking if the hood is a university hood, I just wasn't sure if there would be more to it or exactly what to do to change it. Not sure if its best to delete that line entirely (and if anything else would then need to be deleted/edited/fixed) or to set the true target to return false?
Edit: I deleted the line and it seems to work as I want it to in University now - thank you!

I have an STR# conflict between your community time and df's taxi charges money so I tried copying lines 30 & 31 of your mod into df_vehicle_and_taxi_messages which only contains the dialogs into lines 30 & 31 of that mod and getting rid of the old lines meant for cboy's version of community time, and copy & pasting the line from cboy's version that told you the time they will return on the end of line 30 and it didn't display properly so its not as simple as that. I'm trying to establish whether your version is even compatible with taxi charges money because although no conflicts are detected with hcdu and the only conflict detected by the new 'SiMidge' is the STR# bit, I got a "You sent me a crappy GUID, please fix it" error when all the files from df's taxi charges money loaded after your community time mod (which are both at the very bottom of my load order) and this order was fine with cboy's.
Edit: with the my edit of the messages file of df's mod loading after yours but the other 3 files now loading just before it, everything seems to be working fine!

It would be so great if you could add back the "Time of Arrival: xx:xx" (as well as the in xhrs xmins) - thanks!
Edit: It would also be super helpful if the messages could stay there until the sim arrives home/until you get rid of them like they did in cboy's otherwise I forget what time to expect them!

@BellaDovah could you explain this, its not clear, do you copy lines 30 and 31 from CT into taxi messages mod or remove lines 30 and 31 of taxi messages and replace them with lines 30 and 31 of CT?
Test Subject
#21 Old 10th Nov 2024 at 7:25 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Sam_Verey
@BellaDovah could you explain this, its not clear, do you copy lines 30 and 31 from CT into taxi messages mod or remove lines 30 and 31 of taxi messages and replace them with lines 30 and 31 of CT?

I know this is an old thread but I got this working myself, and want to have a solution for others having the same issue.
If you open community time project in simpe, there should be a "Text Lists (STR#)" option on the left, opening "Dialogues" will show you some options near the bottom of the screen. Scroll down until you see "0x001E" with a 30 at the end. Copy and paste that to a text document, do the same for line 31. Open up df_vehicle_and_taxi_messages in SimPE now, there is only the text lists available. Once again go down to lines (30) and (31), and paste the text you got from each respective line. Make sure that df_vehicle_and_taxi.package loads AFTER community time project, now your return messages should work properly!
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