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#1 Old 25th Aug 2024 at 12:44 PM
WCIF mending furniture from the bin.
Hi everyone. I'm fond of the Eco Lifestyle DLC but I'm always a bit angry about something. When my sims are looking for objects in the bin/trashcan/junk, they sometimes find good furniture, and sometimes broken ones, all black.
You can sell directly this pieces of furniture, but if you put it on the ground, their value is 0, and the only thing you can do is sell it (for 0 lol) or replace it.

I wonder if there is a project or a mod somewhere who can add some repairing time to render the furniture good as new, with the cost of time and a little part of the definitive value. Like mending furniture.

I'm french and I don't know if I can speak with the right words. Looking for such a mod doesn't give any result. Maybe I'm not searching with the right codes.

Thank you if you can help me!
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 25th Aug 2024 at 2:58 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Sandshan
Hi everyone. I'm fond of the Eco Lifestyle DLC but I'm always a bit angry about something. When my sims are looking for objects in the bin/trashcan/junk, they sometimes find good furniture, and sometimes broken ones, all black.
You can sell directly this pieces of furniture, but if you put it on the ground, their value is 0, and the only thing you can do is sell it (for 0 lol) or replace it.

I wonder if there is a project or a mod somewhere who can add some repairing time to render the furniture good as new, with the cost of time and a little part of the definitive value. Like mending furniture.

I'm french and I don't know if I can speak with the right words. Looking for such a mod doesn't give any result. Maybe I'm not searching with the right codes.

Thank you if you can help me!

I was not able to find a mod that lets you do it outright, but there are ways in the game to do so.

In the civil designer career, on the green technician branch, you can submit design blueprints made on the tablet, and have a chance to get a fabrication recipe for the smog vacuum. The smog vacuum allows you to repair the broken furniture with recycle bits. You can also buy the vacuum with bb.showhiddenobjects (search for Eco-matic Smog Vacuum), but some players say it doesn't function correctly when done this way.

If you also own Realm of Magic, spellcasters that know the Repairo spell can cast it to fix broken furniture as well. That is the only other way in the game unfortunately.

I'm surprised a mod hasn't been made for this yet, considering how annoying it is to do in game.
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#3 Old 26th Aug 2024 at 12:15 PM
Thank you for this answer! I forget about the vacuum. I'll try this way. Maybe someone will read my question and will create a mod
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