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#1 Old 7th Jul 2023 at 8:12 PM
Default The Sims 2 Lepancy or Expansion Challenge
I had already posted this challenge but I changed a lot of rules so I decided to make another post

Challenge expansion rules:
-As you complete each generation you will unlock the packs and their resources. (Like Furniture, Cities, Careers, Clothes Etc...).
-You can only use cheats to buy a house and live in a world you can't live in, nothing more.
-Do not use any package that is not from the generation until you complete it.
-If you cannot complete the generation, the child must redo the generation.
-Can use object collections
-CC allowed.

Generation 1 Base Game:
You didn't like the basics but you had to live in them, you want to reach the top in your career to give everything to your children and live in pure luxury with them, you got married once and regretted it, so you want to take care of your children alone because she thinks a husband will get in the way of her career again.

-Mundo:Belavista,Estranhópolis,Vila Verona or Custom

-Aspiration: Wealth

-Career:Any of these careers: Business, Medicine, Military, Criminal, Police, Politics, Science, Culinary, Athletics, Opportunist.

-Rules of the Base Game Generation:

-Achieve the maximum in your career.
-Have 30,000 simoleons in the family.
-Have at least 2 children and adopt a child.
- Marry a work colleague and separate (OBS: You can't have children when you marry him, you can get pregnant but you'll have to separate before he or you find out).
-Take care of children alone and not get married until they become teenagers.
-Have a novel.
-Reach level 10 in the cooking skill.

Generation 2 University Life:
You saw your mother reach success without helping anyone, that inspired you to try to reach success like your mother. So you went to university! For you, study comes first, but neither do you and those people who they're just locked in the room studying, seriously we're at university and this is the time for you to enjoy as much as possible before the arrival of adult life.

-World: Belavista, Strangepolis, Villa Verona or Custom

-Aspiration: Romance, Popularity, or Knowledge

-Career: Any of these careers: Natural Scientist, Paranormal, Show Business or Artist.

-Rules of the University Life Generation:

-Get at least two scholarships.
-Take Only High grades at the university.
-Reach level 10 in the creativity skill.
-Have 3 Romances At University.
-Join a guild.
-Throw a graduation party.
-Achieve career highs.
-Marry a colleague from the university.

Generation 3 Nightlife:
You're a sim who doesn't care about anything, you didn't want to study and you did some odd jobs to earn your own money, your parents didn't approve of your attitude and almost all the time they put you in detention.but when the night came and they were While sleeping, you would sneak out to party and kiss some sims, on one of those outings you ended up getting a sim pregnant that you barely know, and in order not to have to pay alimony you think it's better to marry him, but even being married doesn't mean that you can't be with other sims without your spouse knowing, right? and in one of your escapes, what already happened a few years ago happens and now you will have to solve this problem that you ended up getting into.

-World: Downtown(Cheat),Custom or Any world from previous packs.

-Aspiration: Pleasure

-Career: Opportunist

-Nightlife Generation Rules:

-Meet your child's future father or mother on an outing.
-Go on 5 dates with 5 different sims and at least 2 of them must be a dream date.
-Having a child out of wedlock.
-Marry the sim that you got pregnant or that you got pregnant before the baby was born.
-Divorce your spouse and do not remarry.
-Successfully Dine and Escape.
-Have negative friendships with one of your parents.
-Reach level 10 in Charisma.
-(Optional) Make friends with a vampire or become a vampire yourself.

Generation 4 Open For Business:
You go to the stores to escape your troubled family and home, you like to see the happy faces of people buying your stuff, it inspired you to start your own business, you never understood why your parents didn't want to be together That's why you you want to get married soon and live with your spouse and have a big happy family, you also don't want to just focus on your career, you want to be present with your children and teach them everything they need to know differently from their parents. .

-World: Custom or Any world from previous packs.

-Aspiration: Family or Wealth

-Career: You will open a business, but if you want a job, you can choose to be in the base game or in university.

-Rules of the Open for Business Generation:

-having your own lemonade stand as a kid.
-Being successful as a teenager.
-Have at least one business with 5 stars or more (you can also have more than one business).
-Learn parenting skill.
-Teach all your children to talk, walk and use the potty.
-Achieve gold in one of the following talent badges: Sales, Registration, Inventory, Cosmetology, Flower Arranging, Robotics or Toy Making.
-Adopt at least 1 child.

Generation 5 Pets:
You always loved pets, if you could, you would adopt all the stray pets in the world, but your house was too full so your parents only let you have just one pet, but now that you live alone and are in charge of your own life, you adopt many animals to live with you. You are dating and you don't want a child for now, but by accident you end up pregnant and you are not very happy with this news, when your child is born you don't care much, because your pets need more care than a child.

-World: Custom or Any world from previous packs.

-Aspiration: Knowledge

-Career: Pursue a career in business, medicine or own a shop (you can also download a custom veterinary career if you like).

-Rules of the Pets Generation:

-Have at least one dog, cat, hamster or bird.
-Becoming pregnant or impregnating someone only once.
-marry someone who works in the scientific or medical career.
-Teach at least one pet all commands.
-Free one of your pets.
-Make a pet reach the top of any career.
-Achieve the ultimate in logic and cleanliness.
-(Optional) Befriend the pack leader or become a werewolf.

Generation 6 Four Seasons:
You were always in the background and your parents preferred animals and science over you, and that feeling of loneliness ended up making you addicted to food and especially grilled cheese, the day you said you were going to move them they didn't care, you took your pet and went to a faraway place to find someone who truly loves you and also to enjoy the seasons.

-World: Colina Formosa,Custom or Any world from previous packs.

-Aspiration: Family or Grilled Cheese.

-Career: Any of these careers: music, law, journalism, education, adventurer or gambler

-Rules of the Four Seasons Generation:

-Move to another neighborhood with your pet.
- Romance the first sim you're attracted to (NOTE: You have to be an adult, it doesn't count if you're a teenager).
-Fishing every Sunday (you can have a lake at home).
-Have a gardening or fishing talent badge.
-Make your sim live all seasons.
-Join the gardening club.
-Have a garden.
-Achieve the ultimate in cooking and creativity
-(Optional) Befriend a Plantasim or become a Plantasim.

Generation 7 Bon Voyage:
You were a very restless and curious child and you wanted to travel the world to meet the unknown, but your parents didn't want to because they were very attached to you and they were also afraid of planes, when you become an adult you leave your parents' house. parents to be able to travel and explore the world, you pack your stuff and Bon Voyage.

-World: Custom or Any world from previous packs.

-Aspiration: Knowledge or Pleasure

-Career: Adventure

-Bon Voyage Generation Rules:

-Travel to each location at least once.
-Complete all 45 vacation memories.
-have a romance with a local on one of your trips.
-Adopt at least 1 child.
-Own a vacation home in at least one vacation destination.
-Plan a honeymoon.
-Achieve the maximum in physique and charisma.

Generation 8 Free Time:
You were so popular in your teens and you loved it, but when you grew up your "friends" drifted away from you and you became deeply afraid of being abandoned by others and being alone until your old age. inside your mind, so you do your hobbies for fun and try to forget the problems and fears in your life, you are afraid of trying to get pregnant and not being able to have a child, so you adopt children to make sure you won't be a mother bad and for one day to have the courage to get pregnant, you have many fears, including getting married because you are afraid of being abandoned at the altar, so for now you have a lot of free time to train your skills and hobbies, so better enjoy your free time .

-World: Desiderata Valley, Custom or Any world from previous packs.

-Aspiration: Popularity

-Career: Architecture, Dance or Entertainment

-Rules of the Free Time Generation:

-Must gain maximum enthusiasm in one of the hobbies: Film and Literature, Arts and Crafts or Music and Dance.
-Discover a hobby group and become a member of the hobby club.
-Have a talent badge in pottery or sewing.
-Adopt 2 children and get pregnant or get someone pregnant once.
-Subscribe to at least 2 magazines.
-Marry only after adopting 2 children.
-Achieve maximum in Creativity, Cleanliness and Logic and 5 in at least two more.

Generation 9 Apartment Living:
You always liked magical things and wanted to become a witch, people called you crazy but you didn't care, you wanted to get out of your house as soon as possible and you ended up renting an apartment that you couldn't afford on your own, so now you there's a weird roommate, but you're not that normal either, are you?

-World: Belladonna Cove,Custom or Any world from previous packs.

-Aspiration: Knowledge

-Career: Paranormal

-Apartment Life Generation Rules:

-You must live in an apartment.
-Have a roommate at some point.
-Have a butler.
-Become a witch.
-Have your magic skill at maximum.
- Marry your childhood friend.
-Achieve the maximum in logic, mechanics and cooking.
-(Optional) Move or build a mansion for your family at the end of your legacy or when you have enough money.

if you want to change any rules at will.
Mad Poster
#2 Old 10th Jul 2023 at 1:11 AM
This can be fit in and merged with a BACC style challenge as a hybrid like how I'm playing my own Pleasantview game starting it as an Early British American colonial settlement in the 17th century.I'm starting with sims settling on homesteads and farming the land or starting out as arisanson that landif they don't take up a trade or craft.Few if any are able to take regular jobs and those are limited to just a few options like military and adventure as the need to explore the land.I won't be allowed to have a campus before adding that shopping district first and downtown come after the OFB and it's when more sims begin working at jobs.I swtiched the order of expansions based on how the town grows over time like Pleasantview children and kids don't get schooling except if their parents could read and they might get home-schooled as children though rich kids get tutoring and later go to school.
Test Subject
#3 Old 26th Sep 2023 at 3:04 AM
Default Finally did a legacy challenge after 10ish years
WARNING: LOOOONG BORING STORY AHEAD! DO NOT READ IF NOT INTERESTED!! I just felt like throwing this out here but am not looking for criticism or help, just wanted to let random strangers know how my game is going.

I've been playing sims since childhood and prefer the sims 2 over any other generations. Like many other players, I frequently used cheats and lost interest in the game because of that. Recently, I decided to change things up and try to make the game more interesting. Having never done a legacy challenge before I figured that was a good way to break myself of using cheats so often. The legacy is fun but even that has gotten slightly tedious. I didn't want to overdo it so each generation has only had one child to keep the stress level down. I'm currently on Gen. 6, who is now a teen. I have to admit it can be fun; however, I've had to do a couple things slightly different. I know the rule is only marry NPCs and no forcing a relationship. However, probably because I have used boolprop in previous non-legacy gameplay, I think the game is a little glitchy and when my teen girl met and fell for a teen npc boy, I decided they'd grow to adult and get married. When she aged, it asked which sims I wanted to age with her but he wasn't there. I let it go. A few generations later he popped up again and the same thing happened. This time, I decided to use boolprop to add him to the house, force aging, and then add him to the family naturally. Also, I know the rule is that a teen aspiration is based on the roll of the die. However, I don't actually own a single die at all so I downloaded an app and more often than not I have rolled popularity, my least favorite one. So with Generation 6 I re-rolled and got romance for the first time. Finally something different!! It's been fun so far but this will probably be the only legacy I do since it is obviously time consuming. Currently at Gen. 6, we've gone from a very tiny one room building, barely a home, into a 2 story, incredibly spacious house with roughly $400,000 in the bank and every object that comes with having so much money. Fancy car, pond, pool, garden, hot tub, servants, etc. My takeaway from this is that it wouldn't be too hard having multiple kids as long as they aren't back to back, and also that not every sim has to want family. Sometimes it's more fun to try something new to keep the interest in the game alive. End of long boring story and I apologize to anyone who wasted minutes of their life trudging through this post! Thanks for reading till the end!
Mad Poster
#4 Old 26th Sep 2023 at 5:21 AM
The order of adding things in this would work for players using disk installs and wouod've been great as the expansions were being released though I'm doing a version with the order of district additions being suited for UC players and using logic in what is added first.That's why I'd start with OFB shopping district and have downtown second and have a campus as the town got bigger.Sims mostly take regular jobs after the addition of downtown as a working class neighborhood.
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