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#1 Old 1st Feb 2019 at 12:02 PM
Default Selling custom food in OFB
How do I make foods sellable? I assume it's something editable with SimPe, right?
I'm making a snack shop, and half of my custom snacks can't be placed for sale.
#2 Old 2nd Feb 2019 at 2:24 AM
I assume that you are talking about something you can buy through buy mode, and not like a custom food? I'm not an expert, but from reading this thread: http://modthesims.info/t/259795, it seems that you need to have a bhav (CT - Is Sellable) that tells the game the object is sellable. If you don't know how to make one like they explain in the thread, you should be able to copy the bhav from another object and import it into the object you're modding.

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#3 Old 2nd Feb 2019 at 1:22 PM
(This site could really use a "Request to move" feature to tell which thread to move to without having to tag individual staff members). Yeah, this is suitable for Help section.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
Field Researcher
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#4 Old 2nd Feb 2019 at 2:51 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Phantomknight
I assume that you are talking about something you can buy through buy mode, and not like a custom food? I'm not an expert, but from reading this thread: http://modthesims.info/t/259795, it seems that you need to have a bhav (CT - Is Sellable) that tells the game the object is sellable. If you don't know how to make one like they explain in the thread, you should be able to copy the bhav from another object and import it into the object you're modding.

It's for custom food. Would that be different?
Me? Sarcastic? Never.
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#5 Old 2nd Feb 2019 at 2:56 PM
Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
(This site could really use a "Request to move" feature to tell which thread to move to without having to tag individual staff members). Yeah, this is suitable for Help section.

But this isn't a game problem, which is what help is for. This is a gameplay issue, bordering on creating. So I think Sims Discussion is where it belongs.

Quote: Originally posted by AsaButler
It's for custom food. Would that be different?

Nope, same thing.
Field Researcher
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#6 Old 2nd Feb 2019 at 7:44 PM
CT - Sellable isn't in the snack items. Just the regular dishes. I found a similarity between the snacks already in game (which are sellable for 1 simoleon each) and the custom ones I found. There might be more, but I was looking in the BHAV files only: CT - Is Craftable?, CT - Shops - Preserve, and CT - Restock Replacement. One has none of these files and is also unsellable.
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#7 Old 2nd Feb 2019 at 11:23 PM
Quote: Originally posted by AsaButler
How do I make foods sellable? I assume it's something editable with SimPe, right?
I'm making a snack shop, and half of my custom snacks can't be placed for sale.

Just click the sale tool on them. I have CC foods on plates sellable in my coffee shop. Sometimes you may have to move the mouse around a bit to find the sweet spot. If it's totally not letting you set it for sale I guess that would be something to set in simPE. What food are you trying?

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
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#8 Old 6th Feb 2019 at 8:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Just click the sale tool on them. I have CC foods on plates sellable in my coffee shop. Sometimes you may have to move the mouse around a bit to find the sweet spot. If it's totally not letting you set it for sale I guess that would be something to set in simPE. What food are you trying?

These are some of the snacks I'm trying to sell. Since the 3 snacks already in game are sellable, I wanted to add more.
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#9 Old 6th Feb 2019 at 10:18 PM
So the ones that you can set for sale are those from the fridge? There are two different types of game snacks, fridge snacks and vending machine snacks. By sell, you mean place on shelves and sell them and they go into a sim inventory? Or do you mean sell in vending machines for the sims to eat right there and then? That link is for fridge snacks so I assume you mean place those on shelves and sell them. The more info people have the better than can help you. I didn't think any of the fridge snacks was sellable, so that's interesting. You tell the sim to grab a snack, cancel eat and use the for sale tool on it?

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Field Researcher
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#10 Old 7th Feb 2019 at 1:26 PM
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
So the ones that you can set for sale are those from the fridge? There are two different types of game snacks, fridge snacks and vending machine snacks. By sell, you mean place on shelves and sell them and they go into a sim inventory? Or do you mean sell in vending machines for the sims to eat right there and then? That link is for fridge snacks so I assume you mean place those on shelves and sell them. The more info people have the better than can help you. I didn't think any of the fridge snacks was sellable, so that's interesting. You tell the sim to grab a snack, cancel eat and use the for sale tool on it?

Yes, that is how I get the snacks to sell, by cancelling the Eat interaction after taking them from the fridge. (If the sim takes a bite, it can't be sold then, if I'm remembering correctly.) They're selling price is 0 - 2 simoleons, depending on what the sale tool's pricing is set to. I just use the custom pricing, though.
#11 Old 7th Feb 2019 at 3:27 PM
Quote: Originally posted by AsaButler
Yes, that is how I get the snacks to sell, by cancelling the Eat interaction after taking them from the fridge. (If the sim takes a bite, it can't be sold then, if I'm remembering correctly.) They're selling price is 0 - 2 simoleons, depending on what the sale tool's pricing is set to. I just use the custom pricing, though.

Do you do this on a community lot?
Field Researcher
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#12 Old 7th Feb 2019 at 10:11 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Sunrader
Do you do this on a community lot?

Both community and home lots.
#13 Old 8th Feb 2019 at 12:20 AM
Quote: Originally posted by AsaButler
Both community and home lots.

I tried this today but every time I went back to the community lot, the food was spoiled. Even nospoil mods didn't work. Clearly, I'm doing it wrong.
Mad Poster
#14 Old 8th Feb 2019 at 12:56 AM
You have to put food on the food rack, then it won't spoil. To mark food for sale, you actually have to mark the plate, not the food, if you're having trouble figuring out where to click.
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