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Mad Poster
#1001 Old 29th Aug 2024 at 11:51 PM Last edited by AndrewGloria : 30th Aug 2024 at 12:05 AM.
Default Househunting? The Search is OVER!
Yes! The househunting is finally over when you get the keys of a new-build Jones & Moltke house in Monopolis.

Monopolis, the brainchild of inspired financier Milburn Pennybags, who lives in Monopolis himself, is a young, vibrant, forward-looking community, only a short free taxi ride from Veronaville, with its famous downtown nightlife clubs. Choosing a Jones & Moltke house in Monopolis makes you part of this community.

Our houses are traditionally built by the best craftsmen and -women, but modern and comfortable. Modern, but with a hint of old Veronavillesque charm. We specialise in building affordable attractive value-for-money homes. Managing Director Andrew Jones-Moltke says, "In some parts of the world there are developers who complain about planners who make them include 10-15% 'affordable' homes in their developments, and keep pressing the planners to drop or reduce this requirement. I totally disagree with these developers; at Jones & Moltke we only build affordable homes. I can't see any point at all in building unaffordable houses. I mean if nobody can afford them, how are we going to sell them? All our houses are affordable."

So why not visit our site sales office in Old Kent Road, Monopolis?

Jones & Moltke Site Office, Old Kent Road, Monopolis (by Veronaville)

Telephone Monopolis 53104, or email sales@jones_moltke.co.ve . Our reps there Mallory and Keith will be delighted to meet you and talk over your requirements. We are confident that we can build something for you that meets both your needs and your purse. We look forward to meeting you.

(The water visible next door is part of Julian's "Water Hole" swimming pool just for local teens and children.)

Here are some recent homes that we've built for our discerning clients:

5 Whitechapel Road, Monopolis. Built for single teenager Dylan Cooney.

24 Pall Mall, Monopolis. We built this house for Gareth Junor and his teenage son Henry.

106 Pall Mall, Monopolis. This is the house we built recently for teenager Zara Higgins, and her two adopted children Ursula and Alan.

Monopolis really is a young community. There is only one adult (Gareth Junor) in the four properties illustrated. Even our two site reps Mallory and Keith (who live in a flat at the back of the office) are teens.

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
My Simblr ~~ My LJ
Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#1002 Old 30th Aug 2024 at 9:53 AM
Those are really lovely looking houses, I wish Jones & Moltke could build one for me in real life!
Mad Poster
#1003 Old 30th Aug 2024 at 12:50 PM Last edited by grammapat : 7th Sep 2024 at 7:41 PM.
I just had another birthday; ergo, I'm not even trying to understand.
C...my statement is my opinion; silly of you to disagree with that..

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
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