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#1 Old 11th Apr 2006 at 10:06 PM
Default strange transparency prblem
i ncreated this mesh after several failed attempts-from afbodyslip
then i went to its savedsims file i made some changes to add transparency
now it appears like this-
see pic
why-an how to solve please tell me?
i checked in milkshape-the mesh is fine-
#2 Old 11th Apr 2006 at 11:18 PM
Assuming that vertices of new group aren't inside original mesh (for waistline I think that is the problem), I'd tried to check weights. Ah, to make sure - did you tried to hit F6 in Bodyshop and did those holes disappear? If yes - then it's definitely weight problem.
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#3 Old 11th Apr 2006 at 11:59 PM
when i saw it closely in bodyshop-they disaooeared but form normal view they occur
then i went so saved sims
in 2nd material defination
i changed the alphatestenabled 1 bak to 0 and its fine now
but i cant figure
how can i make texture show from inside too
like i see from front-and u can see form under the skirt u can see whats back side-but i want the texture there
someone told me
to duplicate transparent group-reverse vertex order and it will
i used afbodyslip
for first transparent group i used body_alpha 3
for the other i used body_alpha5
but it didnt show texture from inside
#4 Old 12th Apr 2006 at 1:38 AM Last edited by Dr Pixel : 12th Apr 2006 at 1:51 AM.
For the "inside" transparency, just duplicate the transparent group - reverse vertex order - then re-group it back into the same group as the other transparent group. There is no need for the complication of adding another group since you want it to share the same texture as the outside anyway.
I have done it both ways just to see (Maxis also has done it both ways) and the one with two separate alpha groups doesn't look any better than the one that has only one, it was just way more complicated to make and more difficult to skin.

You can't simply add an extra group to your mesh in MilkShape if the original mesh didn't have one - you would also have to do all the editing explained in this thread to have it work:

The "holes" you show in your picture are almost always the result of underweighted vertices. These are not such a problem on the normal body group, but will cause the problem you are having on transparent groups. Always use the "fix underweighted bones" tool on every non-morph group of your mesh.

First, use Unhide All

Next, hide every morph group - the morph groups do not, and should not, have any vertex assignments at all.

Select the whole mesh by vertex

Finally use the "fix underweighted bones" tool.

To check, again select the whole mesh by vertex.

Then use the "find underweighted bones" tool - the whole mesh should un-select because there should be no underweighted vertices left.

It's really a good idea to do this to every mesh you edit even if it has no "alpha" groups at all.
#5 Old 12th Apr 2006 at 2:46 AM
i changed the alphatestenabled 1 bak to 0 and its fine now
By the way, I think I misinformed you about this property :sorry: I had played with transparency recently and realized that I didn't understood it properly. When stdMatAlphaTestEnabled=1, then parts with alpha below stdMatAlphaRefValue (default=127) are invisible. If it's not what you want, it's better to keep that property = 0.
but i cant figure
how can i make texture show from inside too
Your mesh should have additional faces facing inside - texture is only applied to existing faces.
someone told me
to duplicate transparent group-reverse vertex order and it will
I'm not too familiar with Milkshape, but it sounds like correct. Just make sure that normals for duplicate are faced correctly. I think you should scale duplicate to make it definitely inside the original - if animation somehow would put its vertices out, it would look weird. Also, you probably have to regroup - to join original and duplicate into 1 subset - I'm not sure whether it's allowed to have > 3 subsets in a clothing mesh.
Admin of Randomness
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#6 Old 12th Apr 2006 at 6:15 AM
In the infocenter, the milkshape tips article has links to several useful mini tutorials on site, including one for making the inside layer (for your skirt or hair)

Milkshape, the Insides - http://www.modthesims2.com/article.php?p=1109515
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#7 Old 12th Apr 2006 at 7:42 AM
thankyou tiggery

I'm not sure whether it's allowed to have > 3 subsets in a clothing mesh
if the clothing mesh already has then them u can
this mesh caled afbodyslip has 4 subsets-but 2 share same alpha
rest 2 have single alpha each
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