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#1 Old 21st Apr 2023 at 5:41 PM
A program where i can see the custome content I installed :-?
I have some or a few mod and or custom content that I either do not want or are messed up, and I am unable to see them in Sims 4 Studio. I am trying to remove alpha, and HQ CC and look for the messed up mods. I am just trying to look at them in a program. I could not see the content in S4S. :-<

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#2 Old 21st May 2023 at 11:35 PM
S4S looks for your custom content in your "Mods" folder. If you have a ton like I do, it might take a while for it all to lode. I keep my CC/Mods organized so I can easily move stuff out of my Mods folder in case I do need to look at something in S4S.

To view your CC in S4S:

  • Open Sims4Studio
    Click "MY CC" on the homescreen
    Let it Load
    You'll get a pop-up on the Left
    Click any folder you may have to view the contents inside (it will be a list, and to view the CC you'll need to keep clicking each name)

You can also use Sims 4 Mod Manager, which I really like, because it shows you the thumbnails of the items just like it shows in the game, plus it groups them all together so it's much easier to see everything.
Sims 4 Mod Manager
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