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#1 Old 2nd May 2021 at 7:31 AM Last edited by CuteCuteSimChild : 16th May 2021 at 9:49 PM. Reason: Your welcome
Default Sentencing 7 Teens to Life in School prison Sims 2 Challenge
Sentencing 7 Teens to Life in School prison Challenge

For some reason, you woke up in a strange place with no idea how you got here, you have a heavy criminal record, no one here is sane. Everyone is crazy. You try to escape only yo be met with failure. What will you do?

Your parents must have sent you here because of bad behavior, they felt backed into a wall. You made them feel that way, now this is the penalty you'll have to pay for life.

Set up:

You know the drill.

1. Build a whole prison on your own.

2. Put 7 teens in it and an adult, the adult is the warden.

3. Create a special homework room in the prison.

4. Create a kill room with what can kill a sim.



2. NO BARS, BEDS, SHOWERS OR TOILETS for the prisoners.

3. The Warden has a room only the warden can go in with the bed, shower, toilet and a bar that's ALL ONLY FOR THE WARDEN.

4. No romance. Life is too miserable.

5. You cannot control the Warden.

6. You can only control one sim a day.

110. the sim you control must work for the warden AS A SLAVE

11. They must stay here until the warden dies of old age and they can escape prison.

12. No one else but the warden can be set to kill on their own.

13. All sims must do homework in a special homework room.

14. If a prisoner sim ends up with an F, they must be punished and left in a room for 24 sim hours.

15. If a prisoner sim gets a D, they must do all the work in the prison for 4 sim days.

16. The warden has no punishments and does not have to do homework at all, but he or she can do homework at their own will.

17. Now, if they grow to adulthood, instead of homework, they'll be allowed to do odd jobs for the warden:
They can sell paintings, garden, etc.
They cannot have a real job, nor can they go to college.

18. If they age up, no birthday cake. They can only have a birthday cake if they befriend the warden.
They all have to age up on their own, which is possible and automatic.

In this part of the challenge, if the warden is still alive, the one who ages up first must be given a higher ranking such as prison guard.

A prison guard watches over prisoners.
Prison guards are allowed to Shower, use the toilet, they can have romances with sims outside the lot, they can't marry them, however.

They can even sleep in tents outside the prison.

Prison Guards are prisoners, however, they're just prisoners with a better role and privileges.

They must still do work and sleep in a prison cell.
Not as many rules for the prisoners apply to them, either.

Adults don't have to do homework, but the guards have specific rules they don't need to listen to so the warden won't lose their favor.

The role of prison guard can also be applied to adults who have a good relationship with the warden.

Here are the Prison Rules they can ignore:
1. No using the Warden's bed. (But if you do, he will wake you up and you better not protest or be punished for it)
2. You must do homework everyday until it is finished, if it goes unfinished for a day+ or gets trashed, you will be punished.
3. No eating The warden's food (but if you do, you must make him another plate of food)

All punishments are applied to guards to keep control to the warden.

If the warden is still alive, then prisoners and guards can have a toilet, and shower.

Okay, prisoners can use a bucket to poop in and prisoners can use a prisoner bed.
You can family or friends visit them.
If one prisoner dies, you can create another sim, move them into the prison and move out their parents or any other family member you don't want in the prison, but their parents and all adults, children, toddlers, young adults and elders must be moved out.

Here are the Prison Rules:
1. No using the Warden's bed.
2. You must do homework everyday until it is finished, if it goes unfinished for a day+ or gets trashed, you will be punished.
3. No eating The warden's food
4. No insulting the warden.



You lose if the Warden kills every prisoner.
Mad Poster
#2 Old 2nd May 2021 at 1:15 PM
Oooh!! Not the sort of thing I would have expected a cute cute Sim child to think of!! What on Simearth have your teens done to deserve this?!

Might they not be allowed one of Inge's prisoner beds from Simlogical? And perhaps a communal bucket to use as a toilet?

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
My Simblr ~~ My LJ
Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
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#3 Old 2nd May 2021 at 2:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
Oooh!! Not the sort of thing I would have expected a cute cute Sim child to think of!! What on Simearth have your teens done to deserve this?!

Might they not be allowed one of Inge's prisoner beds from Simlogical? And perhaps a communal bucket to use as a toilet?

Okay, they can use bucket and a prisoner bed.
Forum Resident
#4 Old 7th May 2021 at 12:18 AM
Unless you mod the length of the life stages, all the teens will grow to adulthood long before the Warden dies of old age. What happens then, since there'll be no homework once they transition to adulthood?
Mad Poster
#5 Old 7th May 2021 at 10:09 AM
A bit too harsh for me hehe. Prisoners would usually get showers at least. And where's the fun in no romance? Maybe if they get caught ...

Do teens get taken away if they get an F, or is that just children?
Mad Poster
#6 Old 7th May 2021 at 5:42 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Do teens get taken away if they get an F, or is that just children?
No, that's just children. Teens get sacked from their part time jobs. But personally I prefer them at home anyway, so it's no big deal. Teens can be great fun to play, but with school, a job, and homework, they can end up with no time to do anything -- not even romance.

CuteCuteSimChild, sorry I was really just gently teasing you in my last post -- I couldn't resist the dichotomy between your user name and the subject of the challenge. I'm afraid I'm one of the last people on MTS that would play a challenge like yours. I generally will only consider playing a challenge if it involves no significant risk to my Sims' life and limb. I generally try to play in such a way that my Sims enjoy the game as much as I do. I'm afraid the greatest danger that my Sims have to face is that I might smother them with my love! :lovestruc

On a practical note though, if you made the warden an Elder, rather than another Teen, that would solve the problem Simposiast mentioned. There would then be a reasonable chance of the warden dying of old age before the teenage prisoners became adults.

(By the way I do have an institution with teenage residents supervised by an adult warden (actually Craig Royce -- the male Slob). But the Teen Townie Hostel is nothing at all like your teenage prison! For a start the accommodation, while basic, is more than adequate, and secondly the teenage townies choose to live there and are free to move out whenever they choose.)

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
My Simblr ~~ My LJ
Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
#7 Old 7th May 2021 at 6:33 PM
No "WooHoo" ???

Got to have a little bit of sneaking around.... *Wink*
If they get caught -- then spin the punishment wheel.
Hahaha !

" Inama Nushif "
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