Quote: Originally posted by Craft90
What's happening... I played some Sims 4 today. I had my Sim order drinks three times and nothing happened. The Bartender was idling away and playing around but not serving anything. I had to quit and remove a couple of mods dealing with drinking and then it worked. But the issue wasn't resolved fully. I had another Sim go to another lot. He ordered a drink but he was stuck at "waiting for drink". I let him sit by the bar for an sim hour two and finally he got the drink. While sitting and waiting, he somehow got a point in dance... dancing showed up in the cue but he was still stuck waiting for that bloody drink. Then once he had drunk up he went over to dance... and then I noticed that two Sims were sitting in the same chair... like what? How did that happen? It's like the game is lagging behind thinking things that haven't happened has. Another Sim teleport into a chair.
I haven't touched TS4 since the little incident of a french bulldog getting stuck under ground textures, but before that, I had this same problem. For those that don't know, I only have the base game and Cats & Dogs with 4 mods.
When my sim paints, she gets stuck and needs to be reset after she finishes a painting. For simple tasks such as cooking, there is a 50/50 chance my sim will get stuck either during the cooking process, or will finish cooking something then get stuck and will have to be reset in order to make her sit down and eat, because getting sims to behave or 'listen' in this game isn't aggravating enough.
I'm not above being contrary when the mood strikes but unlike the majority of the TS4 community, I do not take these annoying AF bugs as "Here, EA! Take more of my money!" I take these things as Maxis telling me they don't want my money. I'm glad Maxis and I can agree about something because the pregnant kids and toddlers and having to teleport to rabbit holes that came with the "Hobbies" pack certainly isn't doing anything for me or my attitude towards the best game ever.