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#51 Old 31st Mar 2020 at 10:38 AM Last edited by sim2fanyea : 9th Apr 2020 at 5:56 PM.
Hello all,

I'm getting back to you to ask for help.
I'm actually trying to do my own parented rig, between sims 2 skeleton and Lara Croft skeleton (from Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness).
The rig is almost complete, but there is something off with the arms and hands, and I can't find any solution to fix this issue. If anyone could take a look at my blender file and find any thing that could fix this, I'll be super greateful !

I uploaded the blender file on this post.
It comes with an animation from Tomb Raider (in the blender file "TRAOD ANIM Head Stand") so you can append it to the "armature" skeleton to check if it's rigged correctly.
Mad Poster
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#52 Old 1st Apr 2020 at 3:21 AM
It's late here, so I didn't test, but I see that you turned off inherit rotation on the wrists even though you didn't put a bone constraint on them. That's not going to work because if the bones don't have bone constraints and they're not inheriting rotation from the parents, they're not going to move. I can't say that'll totally fix your problem, but that's part of it.
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#53 Old 1st Apr 2020 at 4:13 PM Last edited by sim2fanyea : 1st Apr 2020 at 4:46 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by omglo
It's late here, so I didn't test, but I see that you turned off inherit rotation on the wrists even though you didn't put a bone constraint on them. That's not going to work because if the bones don't have bone constraints and they're not inheriting rotation from the parents, they're not going to move. I can't say that'll totally fix your problem, but that's part of it.

Thanks a lot for your help ! It actually fixed the biggest issue haha.
Now I still have to understand why the arms are moving totally wrong compared to the Lara animation... Anyway thank you so much !!

EDIT : FIXED IT ! Just by redoing my bones parenting on the arms bones. Now it works almost perfectly !
Mad Poster
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#54 Old 1st Apr 2020 at 5:35 PM
Glad to help.
Lab Assistant
#55 Old 18th Sep 2020 at 5:55 PM
I am necro-ing this thread just a tiny bit because I felt it was worth it to make a post and report. Purely thanks to the ideas and possibilities presented in this thread, I was able to successfully complete TSM and TS4 conversions to TS2! This resulted in a mod that my modding-partner-in-crime, Laura and I just released for historical games. It replaces all of the default greetings in the game with period-appropriate ones from TSM and uses a salute from TS4.

Greet Expectations

A couple of examples:

So I just wanted to say thank you so much @omglo for starting this conversation and for all of your help along the way. Also to everyone else in this thread whose experiments helped me to troubleshoot as well! I had been told before that this absolutely was not possible and so had abandoned the idea of ever having stuff like this in my game. Now that I've successfully completed the entire process, I hope to make a comprehensive tutorial for people looking to do the same. No promises as to when I will have time to do that, but I will do it
Mad Poster
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#56 Old 18th Sep 2020 at 9:26 PM
I'm happy to be able to help this become a reality. When I first read about animation conversion, I thought it'd be perfect for historical neighborhoods. Thanks @Mortia and Laura for putting in the work and making it happen.
Lab Assistant
#57 Old 25th Mar 2021 at 11:54 PM
Default Tutorials Here
I'm bringing this thread back yet again because I've finally had some time to sit down and write up some proper tutorials for how I got this working. Thanks as always to omglo for starting this thread and getting me curious, and for making all those rigs

Converting Animations from The Sims 4 to The Sims 2

Converting Animations from The Sims Medieval/The Sims 3 to The Sims 2

Hope this is useful!
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#58 Old 26th Mar 2021 at 10:42 PM
Wow! I just wanna say you are all doing such an amazing work! And it's so great seeing so much stuff being done for TS2 and people still experimenting and modding it!
If anyone ever finally cracks the face animations in sims 2 I think I'm gonna cry!
#59 Old 11th Apr 2021 at 5:18 PM
I agree with kacpi33 : you all have done a great work. Animations was THE thing that preventing me from fulfilling my best dreams for TS2. Great thanks !

I believe in the "Thanks" button and its amazing powers !!!
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