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#13226 Old 11th Jul 2024 at 5:08 PM
There was an update to Windows 11 some months ago, and now when I press the Print Screen key it automatically directs me to cropping a part of my screen to copy and save as a screenshot, or I can choose to copy the whole screen and it saves both in the clipboard and in my screenshots folder. Before this update I needed to do Print Screen + Home to save an automatic screenshot. However, when I'm on the sims, pressing the print screen key alone only copies my current screen on the clipboard.

Me, personally, I always use print screen to copy my screen and I immediately go to Paint (I'll never stop using this program haha) and I crop the edges, name the photo, and save it. I prefer doing this because I like giving my screenshots a chronological number that makes sense to me and a name of what's going on in my photo so that I can later search by sims' names. I have taken screenshots before and waited till I'm done playing to crop and rename my pictures, but I find it quite tedious. I'm just used to cropping and naming them at the time of taking them, and then I keep on playing
Mad Poster
#13227 Old 11th Jul 2024 at 5:11 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 11th Jul 2024 at 5:40 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
Printscreen making a screenshot must be behaviour that you have to set up, I think.

Windows 10 and later (and possibly 8 as well, I don't know) have a screenshot option enabled by default. It's the Windows key + printscreen button, and saves in a folder inside the native "Pictures" folder. Took me long enough to figure out that one

Not sure about earlier versions, though. I think I used the Printscreen + Paint/Photoshop method for a very brief time, but other than that I've used Gadwin Printscreen since my XP computer.

I prefer to keep on playing instead of editing between each screenshot and edit later (I usually have more time for editing than playing), so having the pictures save in a folder is a must.
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#13228 Old 11th Jul 2024 at 6:41 PM
Quote: Originally posted by LauraPamplonaS
There was an update to Windows 11 some months ago, and now when I press the Print Screen key it automatically directs me to cropping a part of my screen to copy and save as a screenshot, or I can choose to copy the whole screen and it saves both in the clipboard and in my screenshots folder. Before this update I needed to do Print Screen + Home to save an automatic screenshot. However, when I'm on the sims, pressing the print screen key alone only copies my current screen on the clipboard.

In settings>accessibility>screenshots, switch off where it says 'use print screen to open snipping tool'.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#13229 Old Yesterday at 12:08 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
Printscreen making a screenshot must be behaviour that you have to set up, I think.
I don't recall setting it up. As I recall, I've been able to make a screenshot by just pressing PrintScreen (without the Windows key) ever since I got the new computer in October 2020, even before I got The Sims 2 to run properly on it. Maybe it does have something to do with me subscribing to Office 365, which I did almost immediately on getting the computer. Office 365 includes a lot more space on OneDrive than I'd get with Windows 10 alone.

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
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Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
Mad Poster
#13230 Old Yesterday at 11:53 AM
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
I don't recall setting it up. As I recall, I've been able to make a screenshot by just pressing PrintScreen (without the Windows key) ever since I got the new computer in October 2020, even before I got The Sims 2 to run properly on it. Maybe it does have something to do with me subscribing to Office 365, which I did almost immediately on getting the computer. Office 365 includes a lot more space on OneDrive than I'd get with Windows 10 alone.

Nah, I don't use Office at all and I have the same feature without having set it up.
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#13231 Old Yesterday at 12:40 PM
It's a feature of Windows 10 and 11, take a look at the article I linked earlier. The snipping tool is too.
Mad Poster
#13232 Old Yesterday at 3:36 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
It's a feature of Windows 10 and 11, take a look at the article I linked earlier. The snipping tool is too.

Snipping tool must be 11, because I never had to turn it off and I have 10.

I'm kind of glad that my computer doesn't support 11.
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retired moderator
#13233 Old Today at 12:51 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Snipping tool must be 11, because I never had to turn it off and I have 10.

Snipping tool is in 10, and the ability to bind it to print screen is too. It sounds like it was turned on in an update for some with 11 though.
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