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#151 Old 5th Mar 2011 at 2:13 PM
Actually I followed instruction from the video .. I have tried to use fortune cat sculpture then I have realized that had no these things such as 'pie menu strings' and 'pie menu funtions' so I quitted instead (How bad I am!). I was afraid if it can't work without those ones. And do I still have to follow those steps in the video even I use objects in the catalog ?

Ps I have tried following Johnbrehaut1 tute too.I chose flamingo sculpture. But the new object I have made replaced the old one and when I clicked on 'pose' button to start the animation, it showed nothing.

--- ---- -- -- ---
Retired Duck
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#152 Old 11th Mar 2011 at 10:01 AM
If your object does not have TTAS (Pie Menu Strings) or TTAB (Pie Menu Functions) records, then you need to import them from semiglobals.

I think the video tutorial is for making a pose box, not animating an object. They are very different things.

To make a pose box, you should clone an existing pose box and replace the animations with your own. It is much easier that way! :D
Lab Assistant
#153 Old 5th Nov 2012 at 10:49 PM
I'm at the point of the tutorial where I've added the lines and need to put my anim name into the BHAV. But, my anim file is not in the Text List.

So far line 0x3 in Plugin View is [prim 0x0069]Animate Object but then I can't change the [UNK:ObjectAnima:0x69]). That's where I'm supposed to put the anim file name.
My object is supposed to move by itself - no interactions with sims.

I was going to start eating all natural foods, until I heard of all these people dying of natural causes.
My other favorite website, www.SimSafe2.com, I'm Petunia Mae Witherbottom there.
Retired Duck
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#154 Old 6th Nov 2012 at 12:02 AM
You need to add your animation to the object's local Object Animations text list. It'll probably be under the Text Lists category ("STR#") but if not you may need to import it from your object's semi-globals.
Lab Assistant
#155 Old 6th Nov 2012 at 12:23 AM
Echo, thank you for your quick reply.
I did look for it by importing but there are a2o and c2o in there. I just need an o.

I was going to start eating all natural foods, until I heard of all these people dying of natural causes.
My other favorite website, www.SimSafe2.com, I'm Petunia Mae Witherbottom there.
Retired Duck
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#156 Old 6th Nov 2012 at 1:20 AM
Then just import one of the a2o ones, and change its instance number to 0x86. That'll make it work as an object animation file.
Lab Assistant
#157 Old 6th Nov 2012 at 1:21 AM
thank you so very much, Echo!

I was going to start eating all natural foods, until I heard of all these people dying of natural causes.
My other favorite website, www.SimSafe2.com, I'm Petunia Mae Witherbottom there.
Lab Assistant
#158 Old 6th Nov 2012 at 4:09 AM

I just cannot get it, Echo.

I was going to start eating all natural foods, until I heard of all these people dying of natural causes.
My other favorite website, www.SimSafe2.com, I'm Petunia Mae Witherbottom there.
Retired Duck
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#159 Old 6th Nov 2012 at 5:17 AM
Can you show me your text list with instance 0x86?
Lab Assistant
#160 Old 6th Nov 2012 at 2:23 PM
In preparing to shoot a pic for you of the text list, I realized it was still the instance number of 81. I figured out that by clicking the resource tab at the bottom of SimPE i could change my instance number there. Then I went back to BHAVs and sure enough, my anim name was in there!

I was going to start eating all natural foods, until I heard of all these people dying of natural causes.
My other favorite website, www.SimSafe2.com, I'm Petunia Mae Witherbottom there.
Lab Assistant
#161 Old 6th Nov 2012 at 3:28 PM
My object has crashed my game, and I think I know why. Learning to animate by these wonderful tutorials, I got mixed up and cloned THIS object from a sculpture, the vase with the grass in it.
When I imported the text lists (and maybe more things) I used the painting globals. AARGH! Is there an easy fix to this?
I also found the "preview animation" button in SimPE and it said there was no CRES.
I WILL GET THIS, lol! This BHAV stuff will not beat me!

I was going to start eating all natural foods, until I heard of all these people dying of natural causes.
My other favorite website, www.SimSafe2.com, I'm Petunia Mae Witherbottom there.
Retired Duck
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Original Poster
#162 Old 6th Nov 2012 at 10:41 PM
I'm pretty sure sculptures use the painting globals anyway, so I doubt that's your problem.
The object you cloned initially - did it support animation?
Have you checked that all your text lists and BHAVs are in the group 0xFFFFFFFF?
Lab Assistant
#163 Old 7th Nov 2012 at 12:16 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Echo
I'm pretty sure sculptures use the painting globals anyway, so I doubt that's your problem.
The object you cloned initially - did it support animation?
Have you checked that all your text lists and BHAVs are in the group 0xFFFFFFFF?

No, it did not originally support animations so following your "Building An Object Skeleton" tutorial I changed the 3D value from 0 to 1 (OBJD). (And followed the rest of the tut.)

Yes, all text lists and BHAVs have 0xFFFFFFFF at the end of each line, under Group, in the Resource List.

Now there are Groups in other areas that are not 0xFFFFFFFF.
Resource List:
ANIM 0x1C0532FA
BCON " "
BHAV " "
CTSS " "
GMDC 0x1C050000
GMND " "
TXMT 0x1C050000
NREF " "
OBJD " "
OBJF " "
TTAs " "
CRES 0x1C050000
SHPE " "
TXTR 0x1C050000

I was going to start eating all natural foods, until I heard of all these people dying of natural causes.
My other favorite website, www.SimSafe2.com, I'm Petunia Mae Witherbottom there.
Retired Duck
retired moderator
Original Poster
#164 Old 7th Nov 2012 at 1:00 AM
And the game is crashing completely, not just presenting you with an error or a jump bug? 95% of the time that's caused by a broken CRES file, especially if you've been doing the "Building An Object Skeleton" tutorial, which does a lot of CRES wrangling. Double check all the connections in your CRES, and make sure you haven't accidentally left anything dangling. If you can't find anything, you might need to post your object so I can take a look at it.
Lab Assistant
#165 Old 7th Nov 2012 at 1:26 AM
Echo, I am writing everything down as I'm going through it, sort of like a detailed tutorial so I don't forget. Your help is VERY appreciated! Thank you so much.
Attached is the little pinwheel.
Attached files:
File Type: rar  LittlePinwheel.rar (37.5 KB, 12 downloads) - View custom content

I was going to start eating all natural foods, until I heard of all these people dying of natural causes.
My other favorite website, www.SimSafe2.com, I'm Petunia Mae Witherbottom there.
Test Subject
#166 Old 7th Nov 2012 at 9:39 AM Last edited by Splitfig : 7th Nov 2012 at 9:50 AM.
Default Using Milkshape: HELP!
I have only previously used Milkshape on my friends machine and have just purchased a copy for my own use on my PC.

When I open a file, e.g. AFAnimBase.ms3d, all I get is a whole load of blue circles and shapes surrounding the skeleton. See Pic.

Can somebody please tell me;
a) what they are
b) if they are of any possible use and if so what exactly
c) how do I get rid of them?

My friend said she had them when she first used Milkshape, but found a tutorial which detailed how to get rid of them, but cannot remember where the tutorial was.

I apologise if I have posted this in the wrong place.

Peace and Love.

Please help!
Retired Duck
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Original Poster
#167 Old 7th Nov 2012 at 9:56 AM
NoRealLife2 - All of your vertices are still attached to the practical node, which the tutorial disables. You need to assign bones to each of the vertices in your object.
Splitfig - You need to go to the preferences window and reduce the joint size, then zoom in.
Test Subject
#168 Old 7th Nov 2012 at 10:13 AM
Splitfig - You need to go to the preferences window and reduce the joint size, then zoom in.

Thank you for your fast response, but what do I reduce the joint size to?

Scratch that, 0.01? Is that right? Looks workable to me.

Thank you so much for your help and your very fast response.

All my Love,

Jess X
Retired Duck
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#169 Old 7th Nov 2012 at 10:26 AM
As small as it needs to be to work for you. Glad you got it sorted!
Lab Assistant
#170 Old 7th Nov 2012 at 2:41 PM Last edited by NoRealLife2 : 7th Nov 2012 at 4:12 PM.
You're the BEST, Echo - THANK YOU

Still crashing.
I exported the GMDC from SimPE using the Milkshape ASCII exporter.
Imported the GMDC into Milkshape using the Milkshape ASCII importer.
Reassigned the vertices to the Root_Trans and Root_Rot joints.
ADDED ImpQuatDat: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 -0.150000 0.000000 -0.500000 to all three joint comments.
Saved the mesh as milkshape file.
Exported using Milkshape ASCII exporter.
In SimPE imported using Milkshape ASCII importer.
Commited; Fixed Integrity; Saved.

In game, I click buy mode; deco, and then when I click sculptures it crashes to desktop.

I was going to start eating all natural foods, until I heard of all these people dying of natural causes.
My other favorite website, www.SimSafe2.com, I'm Petunia Mae Witherbottom there.
Lab Assistant
#171 Old 16th Nov 2012 at 2:31 AM
Still wanting help in learning what my mistake is. Thanks.

I was going to start eating all natural foods, until I heard of all these people dying of natural causes.
My other favorite website, www.SimSafe2.com, I'm Petunia Mae Witherbottom there.
Retired Duck
retired moderator
Original Poster
#172 Old 17th Nov 2012 at 8:13 AM
I can't immediately see what the problem is, but I'm pretty sure something's broken in the CRES. I'd suggest re-doing the process of adding bones, but instead of doing them all at once just add one or two at a time and test. It's a very easy process to make a mistake, and once made they're very hard to identify.
#173 Old 14th Apr 2017 at 3:04 PM
could someone please make a video tutorial on how to make an animated sims 2 object please?

i tried following the tutorial myself, but when it got to the behavior function step, i kinda got lost.
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