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#1 Old 4th Nov 2024 at 2:08 AM
Default Replacing Shaders on CASTable objects
My goal now is to use the intended "RabbitHoleHighDetail" shader ( https://simswiki.info/wiki.php?titl...tHoleHighDetail )
on a custom shell building.
For now I am using TSRW, and using S3PE as a diagnostic tool to check out the exported package in detail.

I am cloning the StatueJetMemorial object, since it is CASTable and seems pretty inert (no interactions).
I chose cloning a CASTable object over cloning a community building that already uses RabbitHoleHighDetail because seemingly there is no way in TSRW to make something CASTable that isn't already?

I used S3PE to clone the object and imported into TSRW.
Only changing the Textures and Mesh results in a correctly rendering Object.

However, I'd like to change the object to use the RabbitHoleHighDetail shader, so that I can make use of it's features as seen in other rabbit holes (such as fading out when the camera is near to it).

Changing the Shader in TSRW (and allowing it to autofill "commonly used" material parameters) results in it looking correct in TSRW preview, but I get flashing red shader in game (presumably shader / material error )

I'm also having this issue in trying to make use of Additive shader on other groups.

So here are some more specific questions i have

About shaders:
- am i correct in my assumption that shaders can use only accepted parameters, and those listed under each shader in that sims wiki link are correct?
- does a shader need ALL of the accepted parameters to work? (my guess is no, because many maxis packages seem to use a variety of parameters)
- could the material "Name" have anything to do with this issue? (I have been leaving it as is)

- I've been making small changes to the material configuration, re-exporting as Sims3Pack in TSRW, uninstalling previous attempt from Sims 3 launcher (wait 15 seconds), installing new package (wait 15 seconds). then launch and check out my object in game.
Is there some way i can speed up this process for quicker iteration?

here is the MATD chunk entry for the object in question:

--- ChunkEntries[10] ---
--- 0x01D0E75D-0x00000000-0x3114B29666AFDA77 - MATD ---
Version: 0x00000103
MaterialNameHash: 0x3114B296
Shader: 0x8D346BBC (RabbitHoleHighDetail)
IsVideoSurface: False
IsPaintingSurface: False
--- MTNF: Mtnf ---
MTNFUnknown1: 0x00000000
--- ShaderDataList: SData (0x10) ---
[00]: Field: 0x9554D40F (SpecStyle); Data: 2.0000
[01]: Field: 0x05D22FD3 (Transparency); Data: 1.0000
[02]: Field: 0xB63546AC (SpecularUVSelector); Data0: 0.0000; Data1: 0.0000; Data2: 0.0000
[03]: Field: 0xAD528A60 (SpecularMap); Data: 0x00000000 (0x03 (Delayed))
[04]: Field: 0xF12E27C3 (SpecularUVScale); Data0: 1.0000; Data1: 1.0000
[05]: Field: 0xE77A2B60 (AlphaMaskThreshold); Data: 0.0000
[06]: Field: 0x6CC0FD85 (DiffuseMap); Data: 0x00000001 (0x03 (Delayed))
[07]: Field: 0x3C45E334 (NormalMapScale); Data: 1.0000
[08]: Field: 0x2D4E507E (DiffuseUVScale); Data0: 1.0000; Data1: 1.0000
[09]: Field: 0x449A3A67 (AverageColor); Data: 0x00FFFFFF
[0A]: Field: 0x2CE11842 (Specular); Data0: 1.0000; Data1: 1.0000; Data2: 1.0000
[0B]: Field: 0xF755F7FF (Shininess); Data: 20.0000
[0C]: Field: 0x637DAA05 (Diffuse); Data0: 1.0000; Data1: 1.0000; Data2: 1.0000; Data3: 1.0000
[0D]: Field: 0xBA2D1AB9 (NormalUVScale); Data0: 1.0000; Data1: 1.0000
[0E]: Field: 0x91EEBAFF (DiffuseUVSelector); Data0: 0.0000; Data1: 0.0000; Data2: 0.0000
[0F]: Field: 0xFB66A8CB (FresnelOffset); Data: 0.5000

Forum Resident
#2 Old 4th Nov 2024 at 3:43 AM
The trick to quickly testing a TSRW project is to go to Edit > Project Contents > Export to .package That way you don't need to bother with the sims3pack format and all of its misgivings.

It's possible to give a non-CASTable object the preset data it needs with the program Texture Tweaker 3.
Though I will note that rabbitholes specifically may have trouble with presets- at least for EA's, all of the mods I know of that make them CASTable actually have a scripting component to them. If you find it doesn't work as expected, it may not be error on your part.

TSRW's auto-fill can also take a bit of a sledgehammer approach. Sometimes it works, sometimes its too harsh for the wanted effect. You may have more luck selecting no to that prompt and filling in the properties manually, as needed- by checking the wiki or having an existing object open to use as reference.

The known parameters will be the most reliable, but they're quite lenient to experiment with. The only risk is a bit of head-scratching and crashing to desktop from time to time
There are even still a few things marked as 'unknown' or have no name that have useful effects, that were simply never discovered and labelled during the time the S3PI was still in development.
When in doubt, look at many different EA objects and see what tricks they're using.

thecardinalsims - Cardinal has been taken by a fey mood!
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#3 Old 4th Nov 2024 at 3:55 AM
Ahh okay that seems much quicker to export directly to .package. I'll do that from now !
That should speed up my experimenting a lot. Texture Tweaker looks great! Now i'm not limited to starting with a CASTable object.
Seems this would also let me get that 4th channel

And noted about the shader parameters stuff.

Thanks again for your help!
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