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Quote: Originally posted by LauraPamplonaS
I play a neighborhood with over 300 currently live sims, so I do appreciate an occasional tragic, untimely death. So far, 95% of my sims have died of old age. Other than that, I'd say the most common death has been death by illness, including food poisoning. After that, death by childbirth (with a mod of course), and then a combination of lightening, fire, and hunger.
I always keep track of the way my sims died, and although some times they died of hunger, their deaths were actually more complicated than that. One example is my young adult Noah, who got struck by lightning when she was in the hot tub, then got struck a second time on the way to the house, and she managed to run to the bathroom to use the toilet, but she died of hunger right then and there. She technically died of hunger, but I also blame the lightning. Another was a young adult named Jasper. His house was on fire for a long time, and the family was in and out of the flames for a while. His father did actually die in the fire, but his mom and his brother, along with him, made it out alive. However, he died of hunger while trying to take care of his damaged needs. I had a pregnant sim who let her needs decay by staying in the exercise machine for too long. She got heatstroke, passed out, woke up, and died by hunger, so the heatstroke was kind of part of her death.
In other neighborhoods I've had death by satellite, drowning, frightening, murphy bed, and sunlight as accidental deaths. The thing for me is, that once I saw these deaths happening for the first time, I try not to put my sims in those situations, just because I don't like to purposefully kill my sims. I barely ever tell them to cloud or stargaze; they never go swimming with low energy, I never keep my tombstones around, I never buy the murphy bed, and when I play vampires, I'm careful to send them to bed before the sunrise. However, I do like a random accident sometimes.
I was also really close to having a sim die by hailing, but I caught him while performing the animation of being crushed by the ice, and I cancelled the option--so he didn't die. I sometimes kinda wish I hadn't noticed it so that he WOULD'VE died hehehe. Just because I've never seen it before in my game!!!
Damn, you get a lot of deaths!
I might be about to have a child sim die of food poisoning, accidentally. It was my own fault though, I totally forgot I put in a mod that gives food poisoning to vampires who eat human food and the whole family got food poisoning... including her since she's a vampire child.. she's sleeping in her coffin.[1]
It's my first ever sims food poisoning case, across all games and all time (Literally never seen it in the game before). So I've no idea how this will play out, but it will be played out until the eventual outcome.
It has inspired me to add the school sick days mod[2] though, albeit with modifications as to avoid conflicting with the summer hot days mod hatch put in T&A which uses the same resource.
[1] Which now I write it and realise, it is kind of amusing that she could be dying, and she's already in a coffin.. poor choice of bedding on my part perhaps.
[2] I felt that's fair and realistic, if a child is genuinely unwell in real life, they too might be given time off to recover.