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Mad Poster
#26 Old 16th Mar 2024 at 10:44 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Noa1500
I played the Newsons once. And only once because they were a nuisance

I moved them into a tiny tiny trailer. They also got a large dog. So many routefailures.

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Lab Assistant
#27 Old 16th Mar 2024 at 11:17 PM
Quote: Originally posted by moonlight__
I noticed that the majority is bored with bin families you get in every neigborhood. Could it be that they have no interesting story nor a legacy, they're basically CAS sims for people who want to skip CAS? I find it weird how the devs never bothered to create a small legacy (three gens) for them but did to sims like the Singles, the Loner guy and the Wans.

Btw, I thought about the plenty of Capps and Montys in the bin in Veronaville. That neigborhood would be such a pain in the ass in multiple generations given by the huge number of sims related to each other and them becoming all related if you marry the iconic Romeo and Juliet.

I wonder if it could have been a concern with overpopulation, or even just "those ancestral sims are dead anyway, why bother including them when you may or may not add families that show up in every neighborhood?" I think some of them have interesting backstories and dynamics (Newson is especially creative, and a challenge to the player for sure) but some of them (Ramaswami and Goodie) really could use more personality or a backstory. With a lot of the bin families I'll just extract their appearances and make them a set of ancestors in CAS, kill them off and attach them to the family tree in SimPE.

I do wish they'd been included with the little menu that explains each of the subhoods, with a menu that prompted you to add them to your neighborhood or not like "hey, there's this cool new neighborhood called downtown, and if you want, two families, the 'X's' and 'Y's,' who would love to join your neighborhood! Do you want to move them in?"
Mad Poster
#28 Old 17th Mar 2024 at 5:03 AM Last edited by AndrewGloria : 17th Mar 2024 at 5:41 AM.
In my last post in this thread, I forgot to mention the Bluewater Bin Sims. Or, more accurately, I never got round to mentioning them. I moved the Larsons into that eccentric "upside down" house at 25 Toboggan Way -- the one where you have to go up an external staircase to get into the house, and then down an internal staircase to reach the ground floor. I don't really understand the logic of that house, and neither, I think, do the Larsons, but it was within their price range. I think think it may originally have been designed by or for an eccentric "prepper" as a place to survive a forthcoming apocalypse. The Larsons aren't that, but probably you have to be a bit eccentric to be a Sim in my game! Despite what the rubric says, the Larsons don't start off with enough money to start a business, and 25 Toboggan Way is really not a suitable place to run a home business. So they both took jobs to help the raise enough cash to start. They took jobs in the Politics career, since they reckon that, if you want to get on in business, politicians are useful contacts to have. They have now saved up enough money to buy a small plot of land near the sea, just across the road from Malcolm Landgraab's Club Dante, and they intend to build a very small shop there, and start trading shortly as "Klondyke Bazaar". But they're not giving up their day jobs yet!

That leaves Chester Gieke. He has left Bluewater and bought himself a small downtown house at 36 Greaves Avenue, where he is starting to work his way up in the Science career. Now, I'm sure some of you will remember how, when I was daydreaming when walking the dog a few years ago, Andrew paired me up with Chester! Perceptive as he is, Andrew could clearly see that I was gay, even before I admitted it to myself. For that reason, I'm trying to keep Chester out of any serious romantic relationships, until I can find a way to join him. I suppose the obvious solution would be to make a self-Sim, but I'm still holding fire on that! I suspect that even the cleverest modders aren't able to really turn me into a Sim. And, even if they could, I can see some disadvantages in that!! What if I became a Sim, only to find that Chester didn't like me??!!

Leaving behind my wildest flights of fancy, I should mention that Albany Capp didn't turn out to be troublemaker that I feared he would be. He's maybe too committed to his family to really cause trouble. Whatever the reason, Cornwall and Consort have caused me more concern than Albany ever has! Only yesterday I spotted Cornwall in a fight with Tess Joyner (one of Gilbert Jacquet's girlfriends) at the Here or Else Grocery in Bluewater.

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
My Simblr ~~ My LJ
Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
Mad Poster
#29 Old 17th Mar 2024 at 9:13 AM
Chester is cool And. @AndrewGloria

I told you before - Chester is mine.
Original Poster
#30 Old 17th Mar 2024 at 10:59 PM Last edited by moonlight__ : 18th Mar 2024 at 11:00 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by MHS0501
I wonder if it could have been a concern with overpopulation, or even just "those ancestral sims are dead anyway, why bother including them when you may or may not add families that show up in every neighborhood?" I think some of them have interesting backstories and dynamics (Newson is especially creative, and a challenge to the player for sure) but some of them (Ramaswami and Goodie) really could use more personality or a backstory. With a lot of the bin families I'll just extract their appearances and make them a set of ancestors in CAS, kill them off and attach them to the family tree in SimPE.

I do wish they'd been included with the little menu that explains each of the subhoods, with a menu that prompted you to add them to your neighborhood or not like "hey, there's this cool new neighborhood called downtown, and if you want, two families, the 'X's' and 'Y's,' who would love to join your neighborhood! Do you want to move them in?"

I agree about the backstories from some of them. I tried giving the Ottomas and Newsons a play because they're the type of family I would fixate on but for me personally they got boringly a couple of days later because I wasn't the one who brought them into that situation. The Traveller family in my OP were similar to Newsons but were super interesting because I made those poor kids orphans and I watched that family grow than fail miserably since their super tan Bon Boyage days. Same with my McGreggor family that didn't have a lot of money but a lot of kids. I remember resisting the urge to make my sims try for baby everytime their kid grows up into a child. The Ottomas were already established with their personalities and the number of kids, plus they're ugly af. The Rawasamis were kinda interesting cause I made them career oriented, adopted a girl that looks like a combo of Zendaya and Rihanna and she was the boho chill art kid of my neighborhood, an opposite of her parents.
Forum Resident
#31 Old 18th Mar 2024 at 2:37 AM
I've mostly played Strangetown, and three of the bin families have moved in there (plus the Strangetown-specific ones).

The Ottomas family moved in next door to the Grunt family, after Samantha Ottomas, heavily pregnant, kept coming home from work with Erin Grunt, just before each of Erin's pregnancies started showing. I adjusted the ages of the three older Ottomas children to make them the same age or slightly older than Erin's three, and also changed their names so they are now Daniel, Sheila and Joseph. The twins are Benjamin and Emma, and just before going grey Samantha had a sudden baby fever and a sixth child, Zoe.

Dora has now died, and never lived to see her sixth grandchild so didn't achieve her LTW. Samantha is making great progress with her career and is now a High School Principal. Peter was demoted all the way back to Level 1 with his career after a bad chance card, but is now back to his old job as a sports journalist and there I think he will stay. He had a brief affair with Bella Goth that Samantha never found out about, but is now a fairly devoted husband. Daniel went to university and has now graduated and is living with his long-time girlfriend Gabriella Newson-Loner. He's got a job in the Music career, and for the moment feels that everything is going the way he wants. Sheila never went to uni, and instead married her boyfriend Edward Forest. They are both Family sims, so children are no doubt coming, but they've been happy with just the two of them for the moment. Joe is a Knowledge sim and just about to start at university. He's been on a date with Lucy Dowling that went well, but his turn ons suggest he really wants to date Beatrice Nigmos-Smith, so he'll have to see if he's got the courage to ask her out when they're both students. Ben (Pleasure) and Emma (Fortune) are both teens, and Emma has a boyfriend (Kenneth Picaso) but Ben doesn't yet. Zoe is only just a child.

The Picasos moved in and had two sons (Kenneth and Albert, not twins) and Jessica was pregnant with their third child when Matthew died by satellite (in story terms, died in an accident at work, he was a fighter pilot). Jessica had a daughter, Matilda, and then Matthew's ghost promptly scared her to death. After a panicked summons of an adult, any adult, by me, I made a sister for Jessica, Pleasure sim Sarah Thane, who moved in to look after the children. She did a good job of putting her life on hold to bring up the kids, and now they are all at school she has a job in acting and has just married Richard Atkinson (aka Mr Big) and they've all moved into a big house in Downtown.

Finally, the Newsons. I aged Ginger and Gavin back down to the end of their childhoods, and all six were adopted by Mortimer Thanasia (aka Nervous Subject) and his husband Ajay Loner. All of them had the surname Thanasia-Loner as children/teens, and then chose a surname once they were adults/ young adults (though I think Garrett and Georgia will stick with Thanasia-Loner). Ginger Thanasia-Newson married her childhood sweetheart David Gibson, and they have two sons Michael Gibson and Timothy Gibson. Ginger and David have a farm, and David is working as an artist. Gavin Loner went to university, is now working in the Business career and dating DJ Verse. Gabriella Newson-Loner went to university, joined the sorority and is now living with her boyfriend Daniel Ottomas and working in Education until she can find a job in film. Gallagher Newson is currently a student and the twins are teens.


I do have a backstory for the Newson family, though some of it isn't really possible in the game, but anyway:

Greg and Gloria Newson were a married couple who always wanted a baby, but it didn't happen. Eventually they were delighted when Gloria fell pregnant, but tragically the baby, a girl they called Grace, was stillborn. Both parents were devastated.

A couple of years later, Greg was called to the hospital where he worked to identify the body of a young woman who had claimed he was her next-of-kin - and was astonished to discover his niece Anna Newson who had run away from home, and even more astonished to be presented with her baby boy. The baby didn't seem to have a father, and Anna's parents didn't want to raise him, but Greg and Gloria offered to adopt him. As Greg, Gloria, and Grace all start with G they named him Gallagher.

A year or so later, Gloria was at the local orphanage to sort out some paperwork, and found a boy of about 5 sat outside on the stairs. She started talking to him, and discovered his name was Gavin and he'd been told he'd never have a family, because people only wanted to adopt babies or maybe toddlers. They talked, and Gloria found him a lovely, kind child - and he noticed that all the names began with G like his. Eventually Gloria and Greg ended up having a discussion about adopting a brother for Gallagher, and Gavin joined the family.

They remained a family of four for a few years, and Gavin and Gallagher grew (and Greg and Gloria grew older). Gloria was usually the parent taking the boys to school and back, and she would always notice the girls in the year two behind Gavin and two ahead of Gallagher - the class that would have been Grace's. One of those girls came from the orphanage, and one day she saw some older children bullying this little girl for being an orphan. Gloria started to try and intervene, but before she got there an older girl charged in to rescue her fellow orphan. Gallagher was playing with his friends and Gavin had an after school club, so Gloria had time to talk to the girls, and discovered they were Virginia and Gabriella. Virginia had heard about Gavin's adoption, and told Gloria that she ought to adopt Gabi - because Gabi needed a family, and her name began with G. Gloria was initially dismissive - she thought her family was complete - but over the next few days both faces kept coming into her mind, with that earnest voice telling her that Gabriella needed protecting, while not caring about herself. Eventually she and Greg discussed the girls, and invited them both to visit - and ultimately adopted both of them. Virginia didn't like being the only one not to be "G Newson", and so Greg suggested that Ginger was a nickname for Virginia. So Ginger Newson she became.

The next event in the Newson family, however, was a tragic one. Greg got sick. At first they hoped he would recover, but then he got worse and in the end he died. Everyone was devastated. It did at least prompt Gloria that life is unpredictable, and she talked to Ginger and Gavin about what they would need to do if anything happened to her.

Gloria never thought she would get any more children, but one day she was approached by a distant relative about twins whose parents couldn't care for them. She knew how awful the local orphanage was, and she didn't want the twins to end up there, so she agreed to take them on. The family had a group discussion to decide on names, always starting with the letter G, and eventually settled on Garrett for the boy and Georgia for the girl (Greg was dismissed as too painful).

Then one day Gloria was killed in a tragic accident. Ginger and Gavin, desperate to avoid the orphanage, collected the family together and set off...
#32 Old 18th Mar 2024 at 7:53 PM
I have the Travellers living in Pleasantview right now, in 130 Sim Lane. Their house is very nicely furnished and decorated because they start off with quite a lot of cash, but things have changed a lot since they moved in. Let's face it--they were none too smart with their money and bought whatever they had a whim for. Neither one has a very well paying job, and Trent is not even working in his ideal career, which is crime. They have a lot of bills due, all sitting right on the front porch where they are right in my face, turning bad colors. The repo man just came and took Tina's bed. They've had two more children, Trudy and Tyson, and could barely afford their cribs. They had a kitchen fire and haven't been able to buy a new stove to replace the one that burned yet, so they cook all their meals off a cheap bbq grill. And they woohoo every chance they get. I'm terrified they will get pregnant again. They are mad chaos, which is why I like them.
Original Poster
#33 Old 19th Mar 2024 at 7:34 AM
Quote: Originally posted by sturlington
I have the Travellers living in Pleasantview right now, in 130 Sim Lane. Their house is very nicely furnished and decorated because they start off with quite a lot of cash, but things have changed a lot since they moved in. Let's face it--they were none too smart with their money and bought whatever they had a whim for. Neither one has a very well paying job, and Trent is not even working in his ideal career, which is crime. They have a lot of bills due, all sitting right on the front porch where they are right in my face, turning bad colors. The repo man just came and took Tina's bed. They've had two more children, Trudy and Tyson, and could barely afford their cribs. They had a kitchen fire and haven't been able to buy a new stove to replace the one that burned yet, so they cook all their meals off a cheap bbq grill. And they woohoo every chance they get. I'm terrified they will get pregnant again. They are mad chaos, which is why I like them.

That sounds exactly like my Traveller family when their kids were kids but writing all of that would be too much. I only remember Trent having a low level Slacker career and Trisha being a SAHM. Tina didn't want to learn from their mistakes and started building her career in culinary when when she was a teen.
Field Researcher
#34 Old 22nd Mar 2024 at 2:33 AM
I delete them. My families are always better.
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