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Mad Poster
#34401 Old 10th Sep 2024 at 2:55 PM
I don't know about hiders, but there must be something in a Body Shop item's code that stops some things appearing on randomly created Sims. Ever since I got Open for Business, I've noticed that some outfits like the gorilla suit and the diver's suit never appearing on Sims generated in CAS or in-game. The only way I can get a Sim dressed as a gorilla or a diver is if I choose that outfit for them. I reckon there must be some kind of hidden flag or something that tells the game not to use them on randomly created Sims. I have a feeling that these outfits aren't available when a Sim buys clothes in a shop either. Something must be hiding them.

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Mad Poster
#34402 Old 10th Sep 2024 at 3:14 PM
Quote: Originally posted by CatMuto
If I use Hiders to hide hairs or hats in CAS, I know they don't appear in CAS or when using Gussy Up.
But does this also mean that they don't spawn on randomly generated townies and similar? (Not special NPCs, like Witches, but regular ones)

If the items are properly hidden, this should also stop them from spawning on townies and sims growing up, etc.

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
I don't know about hiders, but there must be something in a Body Shop item's code that stops some things appearing on randomly created Sims. Ever since I got Open for Business, I've noticed that some outfits like the gorilla suit and the diver's suit never appearing on Sims generated in CAS or in-game. The only way I can get a Sim dressed as a gorilla or a diver is if I choose that outfit for them. I reckon there must be some kind of hidden flag or something that tells the game not to use them on randomly created Sims. I have a feeling that these outfits aren't available when a Sim buys clothes in a shop either. Something must be hiding them.

Most likely the items you mention are not townie enabled, so sims won't wear the items unless the player chooses them. Items can be hidden from the catalog in different ways, too. It's mostly to do with various settings in the PropertySet resource (or MeshOverlay/TextureOverlay, depending on CAS item).


I have come across some CC items that appeared to be townie enabled and de-customized, so they didn't have a star and kept being randomly assigned to sims. Mostly from one quite old site, though. I've had some occasional issues with CC from that site... Never got around to fix them, but at least I now understand what was going on (at the time I almost wondered if the game had several hidden outfits, but still doubted dit since they looked like CC).
Forum Resident
#34403 Old 10th Sep 2024 at 9:06 PM
If I'm not mistaken, the mixture is made by randomly matching facial features of both parents. I was simply referring to the fact that a nose or type of eyes that never appeared due to fate could reappear in a grandchild, obviously with fewer possibilities than the genetics of the parents. Sometimes you have to add new blood because by chance very similar traits have come out, with that mod sometimes more varied things could come out.

I didn't say anything about cloning grandparents' full faces, obviously the parents' genetics have to be much more dominant. Regarding eye and hair colors, are really inherited from grandparents looking for information in them? Or are the parents carrying it as a recessive gene in their genetics? I would say it's the second, right?
Field Researcher
#34404 Old 10th Sep 2024 at 11:17 PM
Anyone using Chris Hatch's visit sims mod, can it be used for a family (or individual sim) to use it to visit another in a Vacation hood?
Mad Poster
#34405 Old Yesterday at 12:27 AM
How does seating at multi-storey restaurants work? When playing this lot, I noticed that nobody ever used the upstairs tables until I added a second podium (which spawned extra waiters and occasionally caused minor traffic jams around the kitchen).

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

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#34406 Old Yesterday at 8:04 AM
I think that without a mod like my dining stuff, the podium finds all dining tables on the lot even if they are very far away. When tables are found, they are sorted by their distance. Being on another floor level adds 10 tiles of distance. The host will pick a free table in order from the closest. So I think they should get seated when tables on the podium level are full. But that is not right because you could have tables for other reasons on the lot.
Mad Poster
#34407 Old Yesterday at 9:46 AM Last edited by Bulbizarre : Yesterday at 9:57 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
I think that without a mod like my dining stuff, the podium finds all dining tables on the lot even if they are very far away. When tables are found, they are sorted by their distance. Being on another floor level adds 10 tiles of distance. The host will pick a free table in order from the closest. So I think they should get seated when tables on the podium level are full. But that is not right because you could have tables for other reasons on the lot.

How does your Dining Table Selection compare with Midge's dining table size mod? Yours also seems to take weather into account.

I'm definitely going to grab the hack that prevents plate-stealing

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

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#34408 Old Yesterday at 10:58 AM
It combines a few features into one mod because I found them hard to divide, and there were already too many packages. It does the opposite of what you want by limiting the area considered to be a restaurant. Yes, in bad weather people will sit at tables that are too big rather than outside. For example, in the One-Twenty Five Cafe they will not sit outdoors in snow. I think my mod will also try to seat the party together in the same room if it has to be divided between two tables. It will skip tables where food cannot be placed. For example. in the Crypto Nightclub it will not go to the counters at the bar, which are too far away or to the outdoor tables with the candle trays that are too big to fit a food dish.
#34409 Old Yesterday at 6:23 PM
So, what makes it if you can or can't place a lot up to a road in a map?
As an example pictured below, I want to put some lots in the Channelwood map, but when I try to place lots (regardless of how large they are), the red area says I can't place them.
No matter where I put the lots there, they will not allow any placement, with the lot ground being shown as red, so I can't put it down.

I'm guessing that's something I, as a layperson, can't alter in-game, but would have to change in the actual .SC4 map?
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#34410 Old Yesterday at 6:38 PM
@CatMuto I think you'll need to level the ground just there with the modifyneighbourhoodterrain tools. If I remember correctly there's a slope there away from the road? Will check later when I boot the game.
#34411 Old Yesterday at 7:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
@CatMuto I think you'll need to level the ground just there with the modifyneighbourhoodterrain tools. If I remember correctly there's a slope there away from the road? Will check later when I boot the game.

I took more in-game pictures to see it better, but now it looks like I can put lots on just fine... maybe it's because I previously had some neighborhood deco stones nearby that somehow messed with the placing.
Mad Poster
#34412 Old Yesterday at 9:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by CatMuto
So, what makes it if you can or can't place a lot up to a road in a map?
As an example pictured below, I want to put some lots in the Channelwood map, but when I try to place lots (regardless of how large they are), the red area says I can't place them.
No matter where I put the lots there, they will not allow any placement, with the lot ground being shown as red, so I can't put it down.

I'm guessing that's something I, as a layperson, can't alter in-game, but would have to change in the actual .SC4 map?

Some of the neighbourhood deco has a strangely large footprint which can prevent placement. I've had trouble with the telephone pole specifically.

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

Looking for SimWardrobe's mods? | Or Dizzy's? | Faiuwle/rufio's too! | smorbie1's Chris Hatch archives
#34413 Old Yesterday at 9:56 PM
It is possible to mod neighborhood objects to allow them to overlap roads and lots in the XNGB resources.
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#34414 Old Today at 12:34 AM
Quote: Originally posted by CatMuto
I took more in-game pictures to see it better, but now it looks like I can put lots on just fine... maybe it's because I previously had some neighborhood deco stones nearby that somehow messed with the placing.

Sometimes the neighbourhood needs reloading to place lots after removing obstructing hood deco (you can do this either by entering and exiting a lot or going to another hood and back).

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Some of the neighbourhood deco has a strangely large footprint which can prevent placement. I've had trouble with the telephone pole specifically.

I modded some of mine so that I can put it in lots or on water or over roads etc.
Mad Poster
#34415 Old Today at 12:38 AM
In my Baldrair Bluffs custom 'hood (based on patul's Le village de Patul terrain, I cannot place a lot on the gap site in Simourris Boulevard, marked with an "x" in the picture above. I was however able to place a 1x1 empty residential lot in the gap site marked with a "y". I have no idea why I can't place a lot at "x". I can't use the neighbourhood terrain modifying tools because they came with an EP I don't have (FT?), but I am tempted to use the Lot Adjuster to let one of the neighbours temporarily take over the site, and then flatten the land using the in-lot terrain tools. I have no idea if this will help.

Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
It is possible to mod neighborhood objects to allow them to overlap roads and lots in the XNGB resources.
In my Elswyn 'hood based on M.M.A.A.'s Oceanside County terrain, there is at least one forest that extends over a couple of roads. I have no idea how M.M.A.A. did this, and think it may even have been a mistake. If I try to move the forest I can no longer place it over a road. I think there may have originally more such forests in the neighbourhood but some of the trees have been felled to build houses -- just like in real life?

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