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#1 Old 3rd Aug 2009 at 5:45 AM
Default Defualt Replacements
Making Default Replacements is A LOT of fun. And with the way SimPE is set up you can make sooooo many of just about any kind of thing you can imagine. There are two ways to do them. One way is object workshop (I prefer advanced mode), and another way is by way of your sims3d or 3d folder in your C:/ drive. I really want to make some more book replacements sometime, and I've been dying to make some more magazine replacements but this time with real life photos. So what do you think of default replacements? I'd really like to see more made from everyone here.
#2 Old 18th Dec 2009 at 8:28 PM
i made default replacement faces, pollination tech & ideal plantsim.

i did really enjoy making the faces ^^
thank god there was a tutorial for it that i could understand! lol!
but really, it's one of those things that, once you know how to do, you just can't forget.
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