View Poll Results: Who's You Favorite Character?
Eric Forman (The nerd)
4 40.00%
Donna Pinciotti (The 'hot Donna')
2 20.00%
Michael Kelso (The dumb one)
1 10.00%
Jackie Burkhart (The fashionable rich girl)
1 10.00%
Steven Hyde (The cool guy)
3 30.00%
Fez (Te foreign but cool kid)
2 20.00%
Reginald "Red" Forman (The foot-in-ass king)
3 30.00%
Kitty Forman (Loving mother of Eric. And hilarious wife of Red)
2 20.00%
Leo (The hilarious constant stoner)
1 10.00%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 10. You may not vote on this poll

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#1 Old 28th Aug 2009 at 4:40 AM
Default Who's Your Favorite Character?
Do you have a favorite That 70's Show character? Who is it and why? I hope you leave your replies, I would love to see them. Until then, I say good day to you! And i leave you with these words... WE'RE ALL ALRIGHT!

And by the way, my favorites are between Fez and Red. Fez is the awkward sex obsessed teenage 'foreign kid' that everyone loves. Plus, he loves candy! And Red, well let's just say his dumbasses and foot-in-ass comments can make so many people laugh. So, who do you like?
#2 Old 30th Aug 2009 at 11:03 PM
I like Donna and Leo. Leo cracks me up and Donna is hot. I also like Kitty but I forgot to vote for her *Kitty laugh here*

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Lab Assistant
#3 Old 8th Sep 2009 at 7:51 PM
Fez is a Pez-Dispenser! (Just wanted to say that. ;] Hee hee!)
I chose Eric because - HELLO - Topher Grace is facking HOTT! lol! But I love them all. Donna is beautiful, Hyde's such an ass (but is obviously a fun guy to hang with), Fez is such a sex-addict it's like a disease. Red and Kitty are so cute together despite their off-and-on fights, plus; who DOESN'T love the "foot-in-your-ass" cracks?? =P Truth be told, I love 'em all and I wish the show would come back. If not, I'm just praying Topher Grace is in more movies like Spiderman 3. (Hottness!! ^_^)
Forum Resident
#4 Old 3rd Oct 2010 at 10:12 PM
I think overall Kitty is my favourite character. But I also voted Eric, Hyde, Fez and Red.
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