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Field Researcher
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#1 Old 27th Nov 2009 at 3:43 AM Last edited by plasticbox : 27th Nov 2009 at 1:29 PM. Reason: Fixed title, added note that indicates file format
Default Creating Sloped Driveways
Okay, so this has probably been done before, but I have changed it. Other users created tutorials about how you can make a sloped driveway, but it can't be the same as in TS2. I say that is incorrect, and made this tutorial to show users how it can be done. Hope it gets approved.

Tutorial and screenshots by tomvanroosmalen
Editing by ShanOw

[Moderator edit: The file attached is a PDF]
Attached files:
File Type: rar  REAL SLOPED DRIVEWAYS.rar (773.2 KB, 2424 downloads) - View custom content
Description: Real Sloped Driveways

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Lab Assistant
#2 Old 27th Nov 2009 at 8:14 AM
THanks tom!
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#3 Old 27th Nov 2009 at 8:15 AM
NP, Rosalie, haha, anytime.

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retired moderator
#4 Old 27th Nov 2009 at 1:30 PM
Moved, thank you.

I took the liberty to fix your post title (removed the "needs approval"), and also added a note that it's a PDF because in Article view, the file format isn't obvious otherwise. Feel free to reword that if you don't want pesky moderator edits in your post! =)

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In the kingdom of the blind, do as the Romans do.
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
#5 Old 29th Nov 2009 at 5:24 AM
There are driveways in TS3? I wasn't aware that TS3 had driveways anymore, so a "driveway" is merely a sloping piece of cosmetically decorated ground, and cars do not actually drive on them.

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Lab Assistant
#6 Old 29th Nov 2009 at 6:58 AM
Quote: Originally posted by J. M. Pescado
There are driveways in TS3? I wasn't aware that TS3 had driveways anymore, so a "driveway" is merely a sloping piece of cosmetically decorated ground, and cars do not actually drive on them.

it's so true

Good tutorial anyway
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