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#1 Old 29th Jan 2010 at 4:09 PM Last edited by ForeverCamp : 29th Jan 2010 at 4:09 PM. Reason: Erasing a smiley that snuck in
Default Fanfiction Authors Unite!

So my question to my fellow groupies is:

Do you write fanfiction (Twilight, obviously, or others)? If you do, do you post it online somewhere or is it sitting lonely on your computer for your own enjoyment?

Let's make this our "Shameless Plug" thread for the writers among us!

I'll be the first to face the firing squad. I do write in various fandoms (mainly Twilight at the moment, but I do have some Harry Potter and NCIS fics). My fanfics can be found under the pen name CarlieD at fanfiction.net.

Fanfiction.net Author Profile

In particular

Shameless Plug Alert

My current work-in-progress that's been receiving most of my attention is Dark Secrets. It's a post-Breaking Dawn, Jasper/Alice fanfiction.

Dark Secrets - Chapter 1

I don't update as often as I should, because my courseload is just ridiculous at university but I try to get a chapter done every week / every couple of weeks (usually at the expense of an essay - I'm a terrible time-manager).
Test Subject
#2 Old 14th Jun 2010 at 4:15 PM
Hi! I just wanted to let you guys know, that i have a cute v-nect outfit for twilight fans on the Sims Fashion Barn....
@ SimsFashionBarn Twilight v-necks

Test Subject
#3 Old 27th Mar 2011 at 7:29 AM
You should make a fanfic that has Joham's hybrids seeking him out to kill him to avenge their mothers and then the truth about Didyme being told to Marcus so he destroys the Volturi out of rage and spite.
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