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#1 Old 16th Aug 2010 at 4:13 PM Last edited by Nekowolf : 16th Aug 2010 at 4:23 PM.
Default Introductions
Welcome to all members who wish to join us! Please feel free to introduce yourself!

I am, as you can see by my screen name, "Nekowolf" - and I am a Heathen. That is Germanic paganism, and is born out of the Nordic mythology. Probably the most well known group of Germanic paganism would be Asatru.

While there are a number of symbols, the most known would be this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikiped...hintergrund.jpg

Mjöllnir, the Hammer of Thor. A symbol of strength, protection, and virility. Unfortunately, in the past, its image was tarnished by the Nazis, like the swastika.

Well, that covers enough for now.

Edit: Oh! And of course, may the might of Thor give you strength!

Is that a shillelagh in your pocket, or are you just sinning against God?
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#2 Old 18th Aug 2010 at 8:49 PM
I follow the greek gods. I do believe in magyk. As Every full moon I practice mine.
May Athena grant you wisdom.
Original Poster
#3 Old 20th Aug 2010 at 12:11 AM
Ah, welcome, welcome! Greek, eh? Always was fond of the mythology!

If there are any more of you out there, please don't be shy!

Is that a shillelagh in your pocket, or are you just sinning against God?
#4 Old 25th Aug 2010 at 1:43 PM
Celtic-flavoured Wiccan here. Been in the Craft since 2004, now running my own church.
Original Poster
#5 Old 27th Aug 2010 at 7:43 PM
Ooo, Celtic, very nice. Welcome, welcome!

Sadly, I heard a famous Celtic scholar, Barry Raftery, just recently passed. I don't know of his works, myself, but I heard he was an important figure in the Celtic community. Perhaps you know of his works?

And I wish you well on your house of worship!

Is that a shillelagh in your pocket, or are you just sinning against God?
Test Subject
#6 Old 29th Nov 2010 at 6:37 AM
Oops, not the red button again...
awww, I missed out on reply #5 by a couple of months, but nevermind - I'll just have to make sure I score #11, #14 and #23 (hee-hee!) Hmm, where to start? I guess I follow the grite seekrit psychred path of chao and all the myztik moovers of the universe - and I'll leave the glossolalia off right about there, before I get booted for txt-abuse. Taoist, would-be Mayan scholar and fan of the accretion of mythology (yea! Until it becommeth Lore, and even FACT!), I find myself torn between old and new school (for I am too schooled for cool), where I practice the ancient art of pen and pencil, dabble within the house of 1s and 0s, and even find time to raise a few children.

Check your spam!
#7 Old 9th Feb 2011 at 12:17 PM
nightwitch, a pagan mage who practices in the dark arts
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#8 Old 20th Oct 2011 at 10:03 PM
Hello, just wanted to pop in an intro myself quickly as I just joined up. I don't really belong to any discernible area. I started out reading about Wicca when I was a teenager, then was forbidden to do so by my family (and you don't fight with Catholics who control when you get to leave your room lol), so I lapsed until about a year ago when I ran across the same book I had been reading. Though I would venture to say I'm mostly just pagan who enjoys making concoctions in the kitchen I have really been able to learn much besides what I can fit it around my schedule.
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#9 Old 17th Jun 2012 at 9:39 PM
well i know that this thread kinda died but i just wanted to introduce myself Im a wiccan. Been one for a while, ive always done alot of energy work but I'm now trying to get into spells Just wanted to say hi!
Test Subject
#10 Old 17th May 2014 at 9:10 PM
It's almost been two years since the last reply hahaha.
Still, hi there, I'm wups, into the Chao scene, just like Abrahadarba, and very much into all things time forgot.

I'm student at a major university, becoming Bachelor of Arts this summer. My interests range from the occult to all things human, when I'm not writing on yet another new book I'll never finish I can be found knee-deep in piles of paraphernalia doing something you probably couldn't begin to grasp (neither could I), that is if I'm not playing the sims 2 of course.
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