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#1 Old 9th Nov 2010 at 5:24 AM
MAD!!!!! >:( Did you guys noticed that EA discontinued the sims 1 official site?
I try to enter the site and it jumps me to The Sims 3 OK I Know the site was old and everything and its possible that not to many people was entering the site BUT Is THE SIMS 1.The very first one!!! And I personally think that is a Lack of respect for the game itself and for those who are been fans of the game since the Sims 1. And i think they should bring the site back or at least make a smaller one!..Its not fair!!!!
Field Researcher
#2 Old 14th Nov 2010 at 2:23 PM
damn you're right. wtf.

There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing. -Aristotle
Test Subject
#3 Old 25th Nov 2010 at 10:40 AM
Quote: Originally posted by fanforever8
I try to enter the site and it jumps me to The Sims 3 OK I Know the site was old and everything and its possible that not to many people was entering the site BUT Is THE SIMS 1.The very first one!!! And I personally think that is a Lack of respect for the game itself and for those who are been fans of the game since the Sims 1. And i think they should bring the site back or at least make a smaller one!..Its not fair!!!!

I very much agree it's not fair but that's EA games for you. They're like this with every game they create, not just Sims. As soon as they've made their money on it, it's POOF! Off to the trashcan, can't make any more money on it. Oh, well. That's their attitude, not mine. Mine is that Sims 1 is the original, the grand daddy of them all and should be greatly respected for that if for nothing else.
#4 Old 25th Nov 2010 at 11:04 AM
Yep there was another topic a month or two ago about this. I'm guessing the site was taken down because it was costing EA money that they no longer wanted to spend. Also, how many people still play TS1 exclusively? I'm sure there's a few, but I think the vast majority eventually moved onto TS2 and/or TS3.

Still...it was nice to visit the TS1 site on occasion for nostalgia reasons. That's the entire reason I looked for it a month ago. It still almost warrants a good ol' FANBOY RAGE.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#5 Old 10th Dec 2010 at 8:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by edinfresno
I very much agree it's not fair but that's EA games for you. They're like this with every game they create, not just Sims. As soon as they've made their money on it, it's POOF! Off to the trashcan, can't make any more money on it. Oh, well. That's their attitude, not mine. Mine is that Sims 1 is the original, the grand daddy of them all and should be greatly respected for that if for nothing else.

yep that's true I'm with you

Hii!! ;)
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#6 Old 10th Dec 2010 at 8:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Captain THPS4
Yep there was another topic a month or two ago about this. I'm guessing the site was taken down because it was costing EA money that they no longer wanted to spend. Also, how many people still play TS1 exclusively? I'm sure there's a few, but I think the vast majority eventually moved onto TS2 and/or TS3.

Still...it was nice to visit the TS1 site on occasion for nostalgia reasons. That's the entire reason I looked for it a month ago. It still almost warrants a good ol' FANBOY RAGE.

Well maybe its true but at least they should make a smaller page or in the sims 2 page or in the sims 3 page add a window with the sims 1.

Hii!! ;)
#7 Old 20th Feb 2011 at 10:22 PM
i did'nt know it had a site how thick am i for not knowing that.
#8 Old 27th Jan 2012 at 9:35 PM
that happened to the sims 2 website too. Ever since sims 3 came out no people are playing sims 1. It's so annoying! Sims 1 was the one that started it all. People should give it more respect.
Mad Poster
#9 Old 27th Jan 2012 at 9:39 PM
People still play Sims 1 (myself included), but not enough people buy Sims 1 or expansions to make it worth the time and effort of EA to maintain the site. It makes me sad too.

I really and truly miss the folks I used to socialize with there, but they went away too.

Addicted to The Sims since 2000.
Top Secret Researcher
#10 Old 6th Jun 2012 at 10:07 AM
I was really peed off, Because I was about to buy it secondhand off amazon.co.uk but Then I went to Sims it had gone, same with SC3K and SC4, both of which I Play regularly. Now it just comes with SimCity Facebook, I'm SO annoyed!!!! Go SimCity 3k and 4 and Sims 1!!!!!!!!!!!

Just Call me Square!
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