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#1 Old 15th May 2011 at 7:56 PM
Default Need help getting started
Hi: I have used milkshake for about 18 months now & have created quite a few nice alpha meshes & have made a nice body mesh for sims2. Two weeks ago I got Blender 2.49& Bobcatben's script& I'm already in love with it's ability. I tried smoothing out a plain bodymesh& it went great&imported it into SimPE no problem. I decided to do the same on another body which contains an alpha swimsuit which I made. I exported it the same way as the plain body(the difference in this body is a couple of hundred more vertices&faces because I added some shoes & more faces to it) Totall vertices2519 triangles3112. I smoothed it out in Blender & in other occasion tried subsurfacing it twice it looked fantastic. When I tried to import it back, SimPE showed a warning sign telling there is too many vertices&faces or groups? In the big window that pops up I chose replace but, there isn't any ok botton highlighted like it usually does so, there's nothing to confirm with. This happens even when I try just plain old smoothing & no subsurfacing the same body,anothe word I'm not adding anymore vertice/faces understood. Why is this cause,upon working on this body in milkshake, I just replaced GMDC & yes it does say in front of the body "too many vertices" but, it's never been an issue. I even have downloaded sims with clothes meshes which some famous creator has made which have up to 14000 vertices & there's never any problem. Is there something I can do cause, that body looked even greater after working on it in blender & it would be a shame cause.. Thanks for any help in advance.
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
#2 Old 15th May 2011 at 8:00 PM
There is no reason to have a 14000 poly body mesh, and doing so is a bad idea and quite wasteful. Add polys exactly where you need them, as you need them. TS2 isn't meant to be a super high-poly game - high poly items really bog the game down a LOT - and the polygons added do not significantly add to the look in-game once the user is actually playing. Going a wee bit higher is fine for things like alpha meshes that need to be double-sided, or items with meshed-in jewelry or really elaborate skirts or something, but unless it's just an incredibly fantastic high-fashion item that's just meant to be used to take pictures, it's just... a really bad way to do it.
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#3 Old 15th May 2011 at 8:13 PM
Quote: Originally posted by HystericalParoxysm
There is no reason to have a 14000 poly body mesh, and doing so is a bad idea and quite wasteful. Add polys exactly where you need them, as you need them. TS2 isn't meant to be a super high-poly game - high poly items really bog the game down a LOT - and the polygons added do not significantly add to the look in-game once the user is actually playing. Going a wee bit higher is fine for things like alpha meshes that need to be double-sided, or items with meshed-in jewelry or really elaborate skirts or something, but unless it's just an incredibly fantastic high-fashion item that's just meant to be used to take pictures, it's just... a really bad way to do it.
Ya,but that doesn't really address my issue cause, I'm concerned about this importing stuff & my mesh has very few polygons as you see HP. Thanks anyway I'm waiting for a solution.
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
#4 Old 15th May 2011 at 9:08 PM
What's the poly count on the item you're trying to import? You shouldn't be getting that error for most reasonable body meshes.
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#5 Old 15th May 2011 at 9:45 PM Last edited by telefen : 16th May 2011 at 2:01 AM. Reason: Newer info
Default new problem,old problem solved
Quote: Originally posted by HystericalParoxysm
What's the poly count on the item you're trying to import? You shouldn't be getting that error for most reasonable body meshes.
Hi Hp: I mentioned that in my post. Well if you mean this: It says vertices:2519 triangles:3112. I'm surprised because, when I smoothed the underwear body which has slightly leass details & no shoes (vertices:2667 Triangles 2908), SimPE didn't complain at all. This being the fact that i did the exact same operation in blender / smoothin) so,a hundred vertices more why this problem? Is it the shoes? it can't be cause, i took them from the game & besides it's not such a significant difference in poly count. That's what you mean right by polycount if I'm not mistaking (the number of vertices/faces). I took the feet from underwaer/swimsuit mesh&joind them with the alpha body excluding the shoes in milkshake&replaced the gmdc.2: exported the mesh into blender &subsurfaced it twice&smoothed it like a baby skin3: reimported it with no problem 4: extracted the GMDC& joined it with the shoes of the alpha mesh to get that smooth body I wanted which simope refused to import. Went to bodyshop & looked at the alpha swimsuit/leotard it looked fantastic with all the bumpmapping exactly where they belong ( on the alpha part naturally& the body looks a lot smoother) New Problem: I discovered all the bumpmapping I had done on the underwear&swimsuit mesh, had disappeared. I tried new recolor,in gimp I see all the bumpping&tried to make new one's to no avail. It doesn't change anything in bodyshop. So, obviously this smoothing and or subsurfacing does something when it smoothen's the mesh but it takes away bumpmapp ability somehow. Any idea's Hp or anyone?
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