
23rd Jun 2011 at 12:54 AM
Last edited by Mootilda : 22nd Dec 2013 at
10:15 PM.
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SimPE changes / fixes
This thread (
http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=446696) convinced me to write down some of the things that I'd like fixed in SimPE. Moo Tools actually seems like a better place for this list, since it will be easier for me to find if I can get around to
SimPE modding.
- Fix for the neighborhood type bug in the IDNO record, so that I could remove the workaround for this bug in my subhood tutorial (
[Update: Use changeNeighborhoodType cheat instead.]
- Fix for the elevation array in the DESC record. NaN errors for non-zero values when 1) Adjust U0 or 2) Add a description where there was none before. Ensure that lot instance can be edited in the DESC record.
- Allow addition of wants and fears in the SWAF. Allow editing of SWAF history.
- Fix the memory and family ties editors so that they will display all of the hidden fields, such as the terrain type underneath the road, memories associated with the neighborhood, families, and lots, and family ties involving invalid sims. (See HoodChecker)
[Update: Can display additional memories using Extra -> Preferences ->
SimPE Settings -> Advanced mode.]
- Add the ability to sort the family ties editor list by last name (
- Implement plugins for the record types that are newly documented in the wiki. Lot, 2ARY, 3ARY, etc.
- In addition to looking for user data in the neighborhood and installation files, look for user data in CC. (ref:
[Update: Can include CC in search by specifying:
Extra -> Preferences -> System Folders -> Savegame
Extra -> Preferences -> File Table -> add Downloads folder
Check "RecursiveFolders (SaveGameFolder)Downloads\"
- Recognize "unknown" sims, like the Remote Control Car, Bird NPC, Robot NPC, etc.
- Allow user to edit a standalone Downtown template: