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#1 Old 14th May 2012 at 5:50 AM
Default Season Finale *Spoiler Alert*
This season ended on a really big cliffhanger. Henry ended up in the hospital from the poison magic apple turnover meant for Emma given to her by mayor Mills. Emma finally believes in the curse and magic and everything. Mr. Gold tells Regina and Ms. Swan that he has a way to help Henry with some magic he put inside an underground dragon in Storybrook that only Emma can defeat with her father Prince Charming's sword. Mr. Gold then tricks Emma into handing over the magic egg inside the dragon that she killed. Henry then died in the hospital, mayor Mills and Emma were all weepy. Emma kissed Henry on the forehead and all of a sudden, poof! The curse was broken! So happy! but wait! Mr. Gold takes the magic liquid he was after and drops it in a magic well accompanied by apparently his wife who was imprisoned in the psych ward in Storybrook by Regina as part of the curse. All of a sudden a big cloudy blackish-purple cloud sweeps over the whole town, and Emma says, what's that, Henry says "Something bad', and Regina has a big evil grin on her face. That's where it ended and the Storybrook storyline in a nutshell. The fairytale story was short and was basically about Prince Charming trying to escape from prison from the evil queen and find Snow with the help of Rumpelstiltskin. I really wanted the curse to be over and done with for good, but then I guess there would be no storyline, I don't know what the purple cloud did but apparently it made Regina happy, and that's usually not too good.
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#2 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 9:59 AM
Well, even if this hasn't had a post for quite a while, I'll stll say it:

Purple Cloud = Magic coming back.
Top Secret Researcher
#3 Old 5th Sep 2012 at 1:07 AM
I bit rumplestilskin is going to get killed in the next series/season and I was so dissappointed that henry did not die!!

"I know, and it breaks my heart to do it, but we must remain vigilant. If you cannot tell me another way, do not brand me a tyrant!" - knight commander Meredith (dragon age 2)

My sims stories: Witch queen
Nocturnal Dawn
Original Poster
#4 Old 13th Oct 2012 at 11:01 AM
OMG why would you want Henry to die?
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