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#1 Old 28th Aug 2012 at 1:02 PM
Invalid file found while patching
Well I hope this is the right forum to post my problems with patching. I patched my game to 1.36 version. Ambitions was still 4.2 version and patching to 4.10 went somehow wrong so I reinstalled it and started to patch it - 4.0 - 4.2 -4.3 -4.5 a then when I was installing 4.6 it suddenly said Invalid file found > S3launcher.exe. There is not such file on my The Sims 3 CD so I can't restore it.
In the Arena
retired moderator
#2 Old 30th Aug 2012 at 6:10 AM
Since the Superpatchers are released, there's no need to do incremental patching one-by-one anymore. You can patch Ambitions directly to 4.10. Have you tried with the Ambitions Superpatcher 4.10? Does it also result in the "Invalid" error message?

And the EPs+SPs stopped getting patched since Generations. But if you still want to, their links are in Game Help:TS3 Patching:Patch_Download/Archivedwiki.
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