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Test Subject
#26 Old 9th Jan 2013 at 10:27 PM
Friggn Outerwear!!
The townies in my game are wearing there outerwear when it's snowing. And when it stops snowing, they go to outerwear to everyday wear that has tank tops and skirts and shorts. And I only have 2 mods: Overwatch, MasterController. Someone tell me what is the prob?
Field Researcher
#27 Old 13th Jan 2013 at 6:19 PM
I did a little detective work since I would have that glitch and my Sims sure looked silly wearing a tank top in a blizzard. I found whiteriders curfew mod to be the unexpected culprit, I really liked that mod, you can remove that mod in the winter and bring it back when spring comes.

There are no stupid questions, just stupid people!
Lab Assistant
#28 Old 21st May 2013 at 10:02 PM
question??? is there a mod that has them where the correct clothing for some reason when my sims go to the bee hive, they always change into swim-wear to check the bee hive..............whether it is hot or cold they do this, then of course when they are making snow angels it could be freezing out, but still they change into swim-wear first to make snow angels, and I have my doubts they are from Finland.
#29 Old 24th May 2013 at 7:09 PM
For my sims outerwear works most of the time. I noticed that sometimes they won't change though. One reason might be because of the cold immunity reward. The other might have to do with how you set the destination for your sim. I have to test that more to be sure. For example, the difference between setting Visit Consignment Store as destination, or for directly chosing the cash register inside the consignment store.
Test Subject
#30 Old 5th Nov 2013 at 6:04 PM
sometimes they still play with sprinkles in swimming underwear with heavy snow... but be careful i almost lost one like that! Very impressive to see him full blue falling
Lab Assistant
#31 Old 22nd Nov 2013 at 5:31 PM
I change my Sims into their outwear and they change back into everyday. They can Freeze!!!
Test Subject
#32 Old 12th Dec 2016 at 2:30 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Rectos Dominos
I did a little detective work since I would have that glitch and my Sims sure looked silly wearing a tank top in a blizzard. I found whiteriders curfew mod to be the unexpected culprit, I really liked that mod, you can remove that mod in the winter and bring it back when spring comes.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! I've been searching everything and everywhere to find out why they wouldn't put their bloody coats on in thick snow....and it WAS that mod!!! Deleted it and they wrapping up warm and changing back into day clothes with no probs...I'm soooo happy to have this back, winter is my fav season, no curfew was good mod but I can live without it!!
Thanks again xxxxx
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