
30th Jan 2014 at 9:29 PM
Last edited by rabidfangirl411 : 2nd Feb 2014 at
12:41 AM.
T.A.F.E- The Academy of Fine Education
Welcome to The Academy of Fine Education! Otherwise known as T.A.F.E., we strive to give students a higher education. With our award winning dorms, fine cuisine, and teachers who care, we are the first choice of a place to go for a boarding education.
Mr. Devries- Gym
Ms. Shively- English
Mrs. Henne- Math
Mr. Thomas- Social Studies
Mrs. Kingsbury- Headmistress
1st Hour
2nd Hour
3rd Hour
4th Hour
Character Sheet:
Age: (14-18)
Physical Description: (No pictures, just words.)
Schedule: (fill in with teachers name for each hour except lunch)
First Hour-
Second Hour-
Third Hour-
Forth Hour-
Other: (Anything else?)
Drama IC is okay, but no OOC drama. If one character is mean to yours, it isn't personal!
This is a school roleplay without supernatural things and it takes place in the modern days. Please don't change that.
Super secret password you need in order to join is the color of your socks as you type in your character. If you aren't wearing any, then put "I ain't wearin' none!" The password will not be on the character sheet when I put it on here.
OOC should be like this: ((OOC: blah blahbity blah))
Have fun!
Name: Tamera Gaulzetti
Age: 14
Physical Description: She wears glasses, and has blue hair and yellow eyes. Hair goes to her shoulders. Pale skin.
Personality: Very shy, and very smart.
Biography: Tamera was pretty much abandoned by her father and her mother died while she was staying with her aunt.
First Hour- Mrs Henne
Second Hour- Mr. Thomas
Third Hour- Ms. Shively
Forth Hour- Mr. Devries
Other: Takes medicine for asthma and depression.
[QUOTE=wilksfamily]Name: Morgana Est
Age: 16
Physical description: blonde hair that's always in a ponytail, light blue eyes, freckles across her nose.
Personality: athletic and brave, but some-what shy.
Biography: Morgana always displeased her mother, ever since she was born. her father left her mother and once Morgana was 14, she was shipped off to T.A.F.E
First hour: Ms. Shively
Second hour: Mr.Thomas
Third hour: Mrs. Henne
Fourth hour: Mr. Devries
Other: Always wears a necklace with cherries on it. Has braces.
Girls Dorms-
Dorm 1-A:Tamera Gaulzetti
Dorm 4-A:Morgana Esti
Boys Dorms-
Dorm Rules-
No entering the opposite gender dorm section.
You will be expected to clean up after yourself.
Lights out at 10 pm, wake up at 10 am.