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#1 Old 15th May 2015 at 4:34 AM
Default Free Will
This isn´t about Sims Free Will, but about the real thing.
I sometimes wonder about if (and if yes to what extend) we have free will. It´s hard to tell how system works when one is inside of that system, after all! From day to day I feel as if I make decisions, but how can I be certain? We all may have sat together and planned out every little thing in our lifes before we came here. Or maybe only certain milestones were planned, with the exact details left open.
I know there can be no definite answer be found, but I´m curious about your opinions and what the christian tradition has to say about this topic.
Personally I think our intent, feelings and judgement that go with or after an action are equally or even more important than the action in itself.
#2 Old 16th May 2015 at 4:17 AM
Being on this planet for a while, and a Christian throughout my life, and having made some decisions I truly regret... My answer is, We absolutely have free will. God gave us free will. He does allow Satan to test us, and I think sometimes we are given the same test over and over, to learn from our mistakes, and finally "pass the test". In any case... our sins, our mistakes, no matter what they are... are forgiven by Jesus, if we believe in him as Our Savior. If God did not grant "free will", Eve would never have picked the apple off the tree. God does not control us, we are not his robots... He isn't "playing sims"... with His People. You are correct in, "Intent"... The why you did it... "Feelings"... How you felt after you did it... and "Judgement" from God is important... However, still, if Belief in Jesus Christ as "The forgiver of All Sins" is not present... There is a problem. We cannot heal ourselves from sin, only He can.

Hello, I'm Tiya Marie :)
I Hope You Dance!
#3 Old 16th May 2015 at 1:49 PM
Can I spam agree above?
TIYARN007 you have definitely answered that question for me.
the book of Job is also very fitting as an answer. Job had everything except his life and wife taken from him in a discussion between God and Lucifer. Job was dealing with so much anguish and pain yet he still clung to God for protection and answers.
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