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- Lift Restrictions - The Build Up and Downfall of Panem
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- Lift Restrictions - The Build Up and Downfall of Panem
Replies: 1 (Who?), Viewed: 2850 times.
16th May 2015 at 10:56 AM
Posts: 196
Potential spoilers.
You and a bunch of others have decided to follow a seemingly wise leader. He talked about how he would move civilisation away from the danger of your homeland and into a new age. After days of travelling, you and your tired companions arrive on new shores - shores soon to be known as property of Panem.
Set up
Create 16 people, 8 female and 8 male. Move each of them into a separate empty lot with size of your choosing with a fishing pond and gardening plot. Make each of them a small hut with the cheapest objects for living (for example: a bed, a barbecue, a fridge, a shower, a toilet etc). Set the family funds to 500.
If you don't have seasons you may use a mod that allows the production of produce.
Stage 1 - The dawn of the Capitol.
After building your house you realise there are little to no supplies for expanding and upgrading. You and others need to get a job for this place to start to flourish.
Athletic career - After completing this career, you can use any exercise equipment. You may not have a sim in the military career until this career has been completed.
Business - A sim needs to maximise this career track before anybody can sell produce. You may not run a home business until this career is completed.
Culinary - A sim needs to maximise this career track before anybody can put away leftovers. You must maximise this career track before sims can go onto the oceanography career track.
Medicine - A sim must complete this career track before other sims may cure their illness. You may not have a sim in the science career before completing this career.
Criminal - A sim must complete this career track before sims can buy a burglar alarm or phone. You may not have a sim in the Politics career track before this career is completed.
Politics - A sim must complete this career track in order to unlock the Law and Law enforcement career tracks.
Military - A sim must complete this career track before any sub hoods (districts) can be made.
Slacker - A sim must complete this career track in order to throw parties. Sims at the top of this career track may take their families to the Presidents parties for free.
Law Enforcement - A sim must complete this career track in order to purchase fire alarms and call for services.
Uni jobs - Restrictions only apply if you own University.
Show business - A sim must complete this career track before anybody can watch TV, listen to the radio or perform for tips (with anything).
Artist - A sim must complete this career track in order for anybody to use an easel or musical instrument.
Natural Scientist - A sim must complete this career track in order to own any pets or woohoo. You may only try for baby before completing this career track.
Paranormal - A sim must complete this career track in order to revive any sims or beg for a sims life.
Seasons - Restrictions only apply if you own Seasons.
Gamer - A sim must complete this career track in order to use gaming consoles, pinball machines, remote controlled cars and computers.
Education - A sim must complete this career track in order for University's to be opened and for freetime skills to be learnt.
Journalism - A sim must complete this career track in order to read the magazine for anything other than jobs.
Music - A sim must complete this career track in order to be a DJ or dance.
Adventurer - A sim must complete this career track in order to make a sub hood or community lot. (I do realise military is the same as this, but I think that making the districts should be more of a challenge than most things).
Step 2 - The Districts
Now everything is at your touch you realise how many sims there are around you with different talents. Surely if people with the same talents work together, everyone will be more prosperous. Being the President, you order for thirteen new districts to be made, each with their own responsibilities. You need a large population but an even bigger amount of money.
You must save up enough money to pay for the districts, and they must be new districts. You cannot use any districts previously made. To save up you can use a variety of methods, such as making a sim, placing them on an empty lot on the edge of town and using Moniques computer to transfer money for each family to them or using family funds to 'transfer' the money to town funds (taking away an amount of money then jotting it down on a piece of paper). Whatever works for you.
You will roll a die in order to see how much money a family will pay. If, for example, you roll a 1 you take away 100 simoleons and add that to the town funds. If you roll a six, take 600 simoleons and add that to the town funds and so on.
If a family is unable to pay the fee then they must go without electricity and water for three days. Make sure to take all their money and add that to the town funds, however.
One district costs 10,000 simoleons to build. You must save up 130,000 simoleons for all the districts to be built.
Step 3 - Sorting the population into the districts
Each district will be sorted by how much money a family has.
0-1000 District 13
1001–2000 District 12
2001-3000 District 11
3001-4000 District 9
4001-5000 District 8
5001-6000 District 7
6001-7000 District 6
7001-8000 District 5
8001-9000 District 4
9001-10,000 District 3
10,001-11,000 District 2
11,001-12,000 District 1
12,001+ Capitol citizen.
If you find another way you prefer for sorting the districts, such as a die roll or similar then feel free to use it.
Now the population of Panem is more sparse, a baby boom is needed. Each family needs to have at least 3 children for at least 2 generations, more if you wish.
Step 4 - The First Rebellion
Now the population is at a healthy number, the plan was for the birth rate to drop, but people keep having children as if it were a family tradition. The population soars and recourses drop. All excess recourses are to go to the Capitol. The districts slowly start to get neglected. The districts start to rebel against the Capitol with District 13 leading as it has nuclear power.
The Capitol tries to control the rebellion. They send out their mutants, such as Jabberjays that will listen to spy conversations, to fight the rebellion. Peace keepers are spread around the districts to keep things under control.
If you live in a district you must roll a die every second day at 8am. If you roll a 6, you have been accused of being a spy and your household is killed. Do this for two weeks.
District 13 is ready to launch an attack on the Capitol. A fight is about to take place. All sims in District 13 are to join the Military career.
If you live in District 13, after every day of work you must roll a die. If you roll a 3 or a 6, you are dead. If you fail a chance card, you are dead.
If you live in the Capitol, after every day you will roll a die. If you roll a 2 you must evacuate to another lot as you are in a dangerous area. If you roll a 4, your household dies.
After a week of this District 13 has been defeated. Rename District 13 to Nuclear wasteland and move out all remaining families in District 13. Place the largest lot and build and underground 'headquarters' for eight sims using the cheapest stuff for living. Copy this place and make enough for all of your remaining families to live in. Move them in and set everyone's funds to 0; it's time to rebuild. Start saving up money and improving your living space. Whilst District 13 is saving up, move onto Step 5.
Note- Whilst District 13 is saving up, you should upgrade the furniture with the money you get. Make sure everyone in District 13 learns mechanical and body skills up to a minimum of level 5 by adulthood.
Step 5 - Punishment
The Capitol is outraged by this display of events and decides to punish the districts. Every year there will be an annual Hunger Games, where two tributes will be chosen from each remaining district to compete in an arena. The tributes will then fight to the death until a lone victor stands who will be rewarded with riches and glory. The Victor will never have to compete in the games again (in the exception of a quarter quell when certain rules are used or changed). Their children, however, will still be entered into the games.
Choose an amount of time between the games. Remember, you will still have a training period so I recommend at least two days. In each district, go around the families and roll a die for children and teens. If they roll a 5, they have been selected to compete in the Hunger Games. Do this for each gender. If nobody rolls a 5, then try again until somebody does. If a tribute is selected from one family and has siblings, the siblings may take their place if they're a child or teen.
Train up your tributes. Teens must quit their jobs and you must excuse them from school by skipping school and cheating their grades up, using a no social worker mod so they won't be taken away for bad grades or use the boolprop teatingcheatsenabled true cheat to spawn in a yellow box and click on add to private school (Always turn this cheat off after using it as it can mess up your game if you're not careful). The tribute in question never has to go to school again. To train up your tributes have them improve their skills.
For the actual games you should make a community lot in the Capitol then have all the tributes attend this community lot by spawning them in. Then take control of all the tributes and make then do a game such as the log rolling competition, darts, the axe throwing competition, seeing who can get the most tips from playing an instrument, seeing who gets out of the pool first etc. Once a tribute fails a task they must die. Once you are left with two tributes make them fight. Whoever loses is dead. The Victor is sent home and you may add as much money as you wish to their funds. They also may have a house upgrade. The whole district will attend a party thrown by the Victor to celebrate. If the Victor has any siblings still within the age limit for the Hunger Games the siblings still must be entered. The Victor may enter the games again if they choose to take the place of a sibling and if the Victor is still within the age range.
The catch to being a Victor is that the Victor must meet every walkby. If they have any positive chemistry with the Victor at all then the Victor must woohoo with them, as the walkby has actually been sent by the President to make them a little happier. Roll a die. If you get a 5 you must reward The Victor in some way, such as more money or fulfilling a want.
After a minimum of 5 games, you can go on if you wish, you may choose a Mockingjay. They can be a girl or a boy from any district. The Mockingjay must beat their first Hunger Games with the other tribute from their district. They must then enter another Hunger Games, which doesn't have to be a quarter quell if it isn't time for one by your standards. If somebody walks by from District 13 whilst the games are commencing, the games end immediately.
You must empty the district your tribute came from. Delete the sub hood if you wish, after moving a total of eight sims from your mockingjays district and all survivors of the second hunger games and their families to District 13/Nuclear wasteland, which should have built up quite a lot during this time. Make enough room for everyone then move on to step 6.
Step 6 - The Second Rebellion
Remember to keep playing other districts too! The hunger games are still going on.
Your Mockingjays loved one (be they family or not) didn't make it and is now being tortured by the Capitol. Once per day the Mockingjay must check the 'news' (the weather channel). If snow is predicted and happens then you may start to begin the revolution. Once per every two days, roll a die. If you roll a 3 you are being bombed. Move all of the current household as far away from shelter as possible except babies and toddlers, get a timer, if the sims aren't inside by 30 seconds (game speed 1)they're dead. This includes walkbys and anybody visiting if you can control their household. As soon as you go back to their household, kill them.
Make friends with at least 5 sims from each district with your Mockingjay to ally with them. Once you have all the districts as your allies, go save your mockingjays loved one. Once you have them, make the loved one hate the Mockingjay by cheating as the Mockingjay has to make them fall in love again. You cannot control the loved one until they love eachother again.
After all of the promos, the threats, the endless meetings, a conclusion is met. A major war must be held. May the odds be ever in your favour.
To hold the war, you can play it out very much like the hunger games. Whoever wins the fights, the games, whatever you like to use, lives. Whoever loses dies.
There are two endings, one where the Capitol wins and one where your Mockingjays wins. That's right, you might not even win.
(But if you want your Mockingjay to win, that's fine. I'm not one to judge. You did just spend a lot of time on these sims, after all.)
Ending 1:
They all lived happily ever after.
District 13 triumphed, eradicating all Capitol corruption. Sure, a lot of people died and things will have to be fixed, but none of that matters to your Mockingjay. They have saved Panem, and found something very special... Love.
Ending 1.5:
They won, but nothing was quite the same afterwards.
District 13 triumphed, but were condemned to failure of ruling Panem. Power corrupted the leaders, forcing a harsh new reign on all that they ruled. Your Mockingjay never had time to think about all who died during all of the fighting, but now they were all alone with their thoughts, they couldn't handle it. They slowly went insane, forgetting all they fought for. Everything turned out badly anyway.
Ending 2:
They lost, and the Capitol was not happy.
District 13 crashed and burned. The Capitol marched over the ashes of the rebellion, and their corrupted leader swore another would never happen. The Hunger Games went on, more severe punishments were enforced, everything was watched. The Mockingjays punishment? Their loved one was to torture them to near death, leave them to heal and repeat. The loved one never refused, because their limbs were cut off and replaced with Capitol controlled prosthetic limbs.
Feel free to ask questions and make corrections.
Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favour.
Always remember that you are absolutely unique.
Just like everyone else.
-Margaret Mead
Just like everyone else.
-Margaret Mead
Test Subject
15th Jul 2015 at 1:31 PM
Posts: 47
Seems fun
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