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#1 Old 18th Jul 2015 at 11:10 PM
Default Tractor Girl (Story) Ch. 1 Memories
Hi, people seemed to like my poem from when I was eleven, so I'm trying out a story now. And no, I did NOT write this when I was eleven, like the poem. Here's the link if you're interested in my poem: http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=559898
And the POV will be switching between two people each chapter. One will be a girl named Brooklyn. (AKA Brooke.)
The other you'll find out in the 2nd chapter.

Brooklyn scribbled on her notebook, trying to make time fly. But, she wasn't having fun. She never often did. Besides with her grandfather. Now, grandfather was gone.
The teacher jabbered on, saying stuff that wouldn't be useful in the future. Forcing down a scream full of annoyance, she began drawing a tractor. One of those big ones with the front looking like an old train.
She carefully traced it out, sketching out her grandfather staring at it with interest. Brooklyn drew herself as a toddler, giggling at the large thing. "Watch out for the steam." She could almost hear his voice, pulling her away from the steam billowing out.
The picture seemed to be shaking ever so slightly. Then the bell rang. Brooke perked up and scrambled to tidy her things, pushing them into one pile. But, the teacher called her name. Turning, she approached as carefully as
a hunter would stalking a bear. Teachers could be dangerous. In punishment-kind-of-ways. "I'd prefer if you stopped drawing in my class." He said calmly. She half expected to hear a growl emerging from his mouth. Everything about this teacher was bear-like.
His big, hairy arms. Dark eyes. Deep brown hair. His nose often looked wet and black, in her imagination at least. The teacher continued about how important it was to pay attention, but Brooklyn wasn't paying attention. Who would? Despite his appearance,
he was as boring as the ghost professor from Harry Potter. That sounded like a better world to Brooke. Full of magic, wizards, witches.. Too bad it did not exist. Eventually he was silent and she walked away, heading to her next class. Which was it?
She wasn't completely sure herself.

Sitting down at a desk near the window, the sound of the sheets of rain ramming against the windows was distracting from the teacher. Good. That would work for more drawing. Taking out her notebook, she continued adding things around the tractor.
Perhaps a dog on a leash, curiously watching. Or a bear peering out from the woods, wearing the bear-like teacher's tie and suit. Holding back giggles, she continued staring at the sketch of her grandfather. It was realistic. Her drawing was.. Superb. Then, the drawing began shaking again, ever so slightly. Was she trembling? No. Was the page trembling? Her finger traced over the whiteness of the page. No.. Then, what was going on? Then, the toddler-drawing of herself began crawling, a young girl's giggles echoed in Brooklyn's ears. Alarm shot throughout Brooke, like an electric current. The drawing of her grandfather picked her up and pointed to the bear, his chuckles bouncing in her brain.. The bear seemed bored as the finger gestured at him. It turned and lumbered away, the teacher's pants on the teacher slowing it down. The dog broke free of its leash and began chasing after it, yipping slightly. Brooklyn shuddered and put her hand over the drawing, urging it to freeze. It did so, but in the position it was in. Why would her drawings move? Like a cartoon? Perhaps it was her imagination at work. Or a dream. Should she test it out?
Biting her lip, she drew her grandfather, waving. His voice, a distant memory returning, said, "Brookie! My little tractor girl!" The drawing began shaking and slowly, her grandfather began waving. "Brilliant.." She was about to whisper, but it all came out in a breath. All fear gone, she felt tears but wiped them away. No way was she crying in school. Maybe she should pinch herself, she must be dreaming.. But, she didn't want such a dream to end. She hoped it wasn't a dream at all.

CLIFF-HANGER!!! I hate them myself, but.. It seemed appropriate for this story. Hopefully you enjoyed and if you did.. Be ready for chapter number two! Good day, simmers!
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#2 Old 22nd Jul 2015 at 8:33 AM
I forgot to mention that this story is sort of autobiographical to my life. Although I never had any powers and my grandfather isn't dead yet.. But he took me to tractor shows a lot, and I love Harry Potter so much.
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