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#1 Old 22nd May 2016 at 3:44 AM
Default Where to Upload Simlish Fonts
I'm finishing up a few Simlish fonts, but I'm not sure which section(s) to upload them to. They're obviously not game-specific, so do I just choose a game? The few fonts I've seen uploaded here are split between Sims 2 & Sims 3 and then again between Miscellaneous and Programs & Utilities. If there is an actual correct section, please let me know!

I apologize if this is not posted in the correct forum, but I was unsure which game to ask under and was unable to join the Discord server due to an invalid/expired invitation.
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#2 Old 7th Jun 2016 at 8:13 PM
Wellll, I chose a game at random and tossed it in Programs & Utilities. I also ticked a font/icons checkbox I hadn't noticed before, so I guess all is well. Now I'll just cross my fingers and hope for approval!
(Also, I tried to remove this thread, but I just get a 403 forbidden error.)
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#3 Old 9th Oct 2019 at 5:42 PM
I noticed early on that the fonts I submitted under Programs & Utilities were moved from this category to Miscellaneous instead while in the queue. I didn't mind this, of course, but I found it odd since "Miscellaneous" did not have a font/icons checkbox that I was able to find. I've since continued uploading fonts under Miscellaneous to save moderators the trouble, but should I still be looking for a font/icon checkbox? At this point, I'm unable to even locate this designation under Programs & Utilities. It seems to have completely disappeared!
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#4 Old 10th Oct 2019 at 12:41 PM
Hiya! Sorry for the fact that we never actually replied to this thread. not exactly sure how we missed this.. oops!

Anyways, the reason why we moved it to Misc was mainly that Programs & Utilities are more for coding-related thingies So Fonts in that regard (even though as a graphics designer I can see how that could be a Utility) are a Misc on the site. But usually the Misc category doesn't really have many checkboxes so having no checkboxes is totally fine! Or if Misc > Misc is an option then using that is also totally correct

However! We are working on a system to make finding fonts or icons a bit easier. Fonts obviously don't need to be in a specific game section, so we're working on a category where such downloads will be able to be found in all game categories to make it easier for people to realise that fonts and such need some love too (and easier to find obviously!)

Hope this sort of answers you question! If not, we're always here!
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#5 Old 12th Oct 2019 at 2:23 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Lyralei
Programs & Utilities are more for coding-related thingies

Indeed, that's what most of that category across the different games seems to be. However, it still seemed like the most logical solution at the time for two reasons:
1.) It was the only category with a "Fonts" subcategory! :P
2.) Four of the seven fonts present before mine were (and still are!) categorized under Programs & Utilities. The other three were under Miscellaneous.

You can see how it'd be more than a little confusing!

Quote: Originally posted by Lyralei
We are working on a system to make finding fonts or icons a bit easier.

This is great news! That'll get rid of the hesitation I feel every time I upload, ha. Hopefully, it'll also encourage more Simlish type designers to pop in. Goodness knows you can never have too many typefaces! (At least I can't...)
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#6 Old 12th Oct 2019 at 7:18 PM
Changed thread category to Solved/Answered
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