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#1 Old 23rd Jun 2017 at 10:36 PM
Default The Orphaned Challenge
I don't know if something like this has been made, but if so I give credit to whoever did.

Needed expansions - Preferably Nightlife, so your Sims can live in a smaller home. If you don't have it, place them in any home.

The story - You play as a family with one adult and at least one teen, one child, and one toddler. They move into a city home after the loss of one of the adults leaves them in a financial struggle. One day, one of the children locks the bedroom door while the remaining parent is making the bed, and since the door locks from the outside, they can't get out. Eventually they die, and the children need to survive.

Rules -
• The kids can't miss school more than once.
• You can call a nanny for when the teen is at school.
• You can't have more than $100,000 at the start of the challenge, but they can have really good stuff that you buy before you really start. (This was brought when they moved.)
• Pets are allowed, as long as you can take care of them.
•They must live in a generic 2-story downtown house or a normal sized house in a non-downtown house.
• The parent must be locked in a room through a child's locking doors menu.
•There must be at least one phone.
•People can move in once your teen becomes an adult.

The game is over once your teen grows into an elder or all family members die or are taken by social services.

There are no points, but your family should all stay at or above green in mood, and Platinum is always good.

I hope you guys enjoy, and sorry about all the rules I set.
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