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#1 Old 3rd Aug 2017 at 3:18 PM
Default Hug (your) children ?

I got a new computer some time ago, and I only recently added back TSM to it. I found a lot of the mods I had before, but there's some that are still missing from my game.

I'm pretty sure I got a mod that allowed people to hug their children, but I can't find it. I thought it was one of ChickieTeeta, but I guess not as I didn't find it while searching her thread...

Does someone know about it ? There are so little interactions possible with children, and they're very.. " formal " ? I wish my parents-heroes could at least hug their own kids.

Mad Poster
#2 Old 3rd Aug 2017 at 5:33 PM
I thought you could hug your kids already ingame. Am I wrong about this?

All my Beginning Hoods here at MTS. http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=7749491
All my Beginning Hoods as Shopping Districts plus Old Town. http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=523417
MooVille, a tribute to Mootilda and her fabulous lots http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=534158
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#3 Old 3rd Aug 2017 at 7:40 PM
Can you ? Hm... I don't think it's possible in my game, at least from what I tried, my knight's wife has two kids, has the trait "loves family", relation maxed out with both of her kids, but can't hud any of them..

Maybe it's my game that doesn't want that or that sim/kingdom is bugged, but that's another issue.. Can they in your game ?
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 3rd Aug 2017 at 7:51 PM
click on your knight's kid, click friendly, and the option for friendly hug will be there.
Lab Assistant
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#5 Old 3rd Aug 2017 at 9:59 PM Last edited by Anwnn : 3rd Aug 2017 at 11:09 PM.
Hmm.. I just tried again.. Still no hug interaction for me. I thought maybe I needed to talk to him before it appears, like it does sometimes with some socials, but there's actually less interactions available when I do that...

Thanks for your help

edit : I tried with another parent/kid in this kingdom, no hug possible either. I'm gonna try in another kingdom.

edit 2 : Just tried, I've gone through the pregnancy and infant stage, but as a child, no possibility to hug this one either :/

edit 3 : I got it !! It was really ChickieTeeta who did it actually, I just didn't see it because it's part of a bigger mod. In case someone needs it at one point, it's here : http://www.modthesims.info/showthre...084#post4106084 in " socials selectable "
Field Researcher
#6 Old 4th Aug 2017 at 3:41 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Anwnn
Hmm.. I just tried again.. Still no hug interaction for me.

By game default, parents cannot hug their own children. I suppose its a stupid mistake by the developers...at least on some players' games.
I had this problem also not being able for my hero sims to hug their children, and I was sad, and confused, so I ended up discussing this situation with Chickieteeta, who showed me screenshots of her game where her hero sims were hugging their own kids. But never in my game was the option available to do such.
So, sweetie Ms Chickie, made a mod which included the ability for parents to hug their children in TSMP&N. Its called MTS_ChickieTeeta_1354810_ForsakenShimrod_SocialsBothFullVersions.

Here is the link for Autonomous Woohoo No Jealousy mods by Chickieteeta, and Shimrod101


In the command prompt in the game, you can also try Type the command "Showmoresocials" without the quotes, press enter on your keyboard, then check the specific sims socials menu by selecting the "more" option and see another option inside which will also say FRIENDLY, select that, and see if an option to hug your children appears then. I did not know of this cheat command at the time of my problem with hugs in-game, so I have never tested it to see if it works for sim parents to hug their kids, but it does work for other sims when options for their conversations fail to appear for them, such as my two priests who seemed to have lost their abilities to ask any other sim higher relationship questions, such as musical preferences, or singing songs, but only had the basic first meeting replies and responses, so this command prompt cheat fixes this error. May also help with the kids. But anyhoo, you now have the link to Chickie's mod, so go hug those sim kids, and perhaps your heroes may not regret it...LOL sometimes my sims wish they never had some of the monsters they conceived, or is it just me???

Have a blast, forever if it lasts,


Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must live.
Lab Assistant
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#7 Old 4th Aug 2017 at 10:00 AM Last edited by Anwnn : 4th Aug 2017 at 10:11 AM.
@Xeny Ooooh I understand now. Thanks for the explanation. It's really weird how games react to some computers/persons. I've installed TSM at least 7 times, on two different computers, from the CD or from Origin, and never in my game had I the ability to hug my children. Ever ! I got the mod by ChickieTeeta & Shimrod last time I installed it, and put it again in my game now, but I'm gonna try it without the mod, with the command you told me about. I'll report here how it goes.

As for regretting your kids.. Well I'm not a big fan of children IRL, so my heroes don't always get to have some but.. For the ones I DO get, I'd like to have something to do with them more than just using them as grocery bags. Especially for family oriented sims, that just doesn't seem right to me.

Thanks again to everyone who answered

edit : Hm.. The Showmoresocials command doesn't seem to work with me either.
Field Researcher
#8 Old 11th Aug 2017 at 1:44 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Anwnn
edit : Hm.. The Showmoresocials command doesn't seem to work with me either.

Okay, Anwnn, let me check it out on my game, because I am unsure if I was detailed enough in explaining the procedure in checking the socials menu for the remarks you want your sims to be able to use. Firstly you must be controlling the sim you want to make the remark, or hug when you type "showmoresocials" into the command prompt, then you must have the child near by your hero sim, or be chatting with the kid at the time, then click on the kid with you controlling their parent, but DO NOT click the first friendly you see, first click the "more" option. There inside is another option called 'friendly', and no other option. Now click friendly, and then you will see more selections for your sim to say to their counterpart...another sim to whom they are chatting with.
By the way, after rebooting of your game, you will need to re-enter the showmoresocials command for those of your sims who need it.
It will take me a little while to test this command out in my game, as of this time, I have no kids from my sims, just the kingdom over-crowding so-called orphans from God knows where, who dress richer than the monarch, and are always trying to steal my clothes! Specific clothing I color up just for my sims so I can see and recognize from a distance, adult or child, but when a NPC tries wearing them, I take control of the bast...ds and change their outfit FOR them!!!
Also I'll need to take a mod or two out before testing, but just know, I'll be back ASAP with a conclusion.

TC ma Dear, Xeny

Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must live.
Lab Assistant
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#9 Old 11th Aug 2017 at 3:57 PM Last edited by Anwnn : 12th Aug 2017 at 5:34 PM.
Hi Xeny

I tried once again, but the issue in my case is that the "more" option you're talking about doesn't appear in my game - at all. I thought that maybe it was because of DeeDawg's Edit in CAS using the slot for the "more" option, but... No. I took it out to try, and it didn't work better. I even took my entire mod folder out, and it still didn't change a thing.. Is there some kind of thing needed before to be able to use this command ?

I don't usually mess up too much with my people's clothes, apart from those working near my heroes, cause my monarchs usually tend to be quite relaxed. The only guy that's upsetting me now is one totally naked guy, walking around my kindgom like it's his.. But still, I didn't change it ... yet !

Thanks for your help
Field Researcher
#10 Old 17th Aug 2017 at 7:58 AM
The showmoresocials command has nothing else special about it, except to have testingcheatsenabled, but surely you already have that done, because you are using mods. So, I can't know why the 'more' option is not showing in your selections menu when you click on a sim to communicate. It should not matter what sim you use, as long as they're an adult. Almost no real command works on children sims if they are being controlled by the player. You are using Grims Medieval Core or no? Not that it should matter either, as this is a game command, but just wondering if in fact, it is a mod configuration issue. I will still check out the situation in my own game, once one of my sims gets a kid of their own. I just started a new ambition, so it will be some time. I know my monarch can be a bit free with the bedroom keys, and he adores children, evil, or good (sad that), but still he does try and find the right woman first, before taking the BIG step to forever...besides, it is practically impossible in my game for my sims to get another sim pregnant if they are not married to each other...and you know why they can't? Grim did a dastardly thing to his core that makes it this way! I had no idea at first, then began wondering why my king Xylan Darksword didn't have the usual 50 kids calling him daddy running around the kingdom...then it hit me, and Chickie confirmed it for me. Oh! How sad is that???


Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must live.
Lab Assistant
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#11 Old 17th Aug 2017 at 12:33 PM
Hi !

I do have Grim's Medieval Core, as I also have enabled testingcheats in my game. In fact, I play it in English only because in my language version ( French ), some interactions of the testingcheats code do not work. DeeDawg helped me with that while I had this issue. I don't know why the French version is suffering from this, but at least it shouldn't be a problem of language here.

I didn't even know it was Grim's core that prevented the unmarried women to bear children.. I thought it was in the game in the first place. Unless you're only talking about women heroes ? I have to admit this is something I never noticed in my game, as I have very few children anyway. In my 4 ambitions ( 4 totally different kingdoms ), I think I have... 5 children in total ? And 4 of them are from the same couple.

I know I tried to have my doctor ( for one of the quest, love doctor or something like this ) have children with every patient that came to him, but it didn't work and I didn't try much after that.

When you type the sowmoresocials command, do you have the " more " tab with other adults ? For example, if you talk with your royal advisor with your Monarch, do you have it enabled ? Because I know I don't, it's not only children.

I'm gonna try one more time to test it without mods, in a new ambition. Last time, I think I forgot to delte.. Cache maybe or something, because even without my mods folder, I still saw Sims with a very unusual skin color that I downloaded. So.. yeah I think I should try again.

Anyway, thanks for your time
Field Researcher
#12 Old 21st Aug 2017 at 3:40 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Anwnn

Yes, when using Grim's Core, a hero sim cannot get ANY female sim pregnant, unless he is married to said female sim through acts done on a bed, and in a bedroom. You can make a sim pregnant, by selecting a female sim, and in the menu there is an option to get pregnant, which will work on ones wife, or a family member with which there is a relationship to the resident of the home, but does not work on major well known NPC sims, like Linota, and others, even if your hero sim has added them to his family. I am sure Grim is to blame for this also. Before I used this mod, and in game default play, my Xylan had kids 4 in a (sim) week...maybe more. He had so many it was impossible to remember names, so we just named them Xylan 1st to Xylan 45th, except for the female Xylan's...LOL, we gave them individual names, I think, as they were so many also....I soon learned it was best to just ignore the kids and go about the duties in the ambition.

I will check now exactly how the Showmoresocials command operates in the menu for the sims, as I am right about to create Peteran Priest's church, and Lagger Beer always needs this command so he is able to talk with other sims beyond the base questions and replies. I am sure that the very mod you requested by Chickie and Shimrod101 to hug children is the cause of my two priest's losing their abilities in this department. I've checked it out thoroughly.

I'll be back in a bit, and edit this reply with the info you request.

Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must live.
Lab Assistant
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#13 Old 21st Aug 2017 at 10:08 AM Last edited by Anwnn : 21st Aug 2017 at 10:40 AM.
Heh, " female Xylan " made me laugh. In France, the King's daughters had names but were often referred to by their birth order, like " Madame Premiere, Madame Seconde " etc, meaning Madame la First, Madame la Second ... and this until they were married. I think maybe some Kings cared about their children, but honestly I don't feel like they were really important to them, apart from the heir thing.

The fact that he had so many children ( Your King ) but stopped now make me think that his body "evolved ", in a way that now demands to make kids to someone worthy of his genes, does that makes sense ?

Weird how this game is absolutely different from one person to the other. I don't think I've ever had issues with my Peteran priest, even with this mod.. I will wait for your update then.. Thank you very much for your time !
Field Researcher
#14 Old 26th Aug 2017 at 9:43 AM Last edited by Xeny : 26th Aug 2017 at 9:59 AM.
Oh I am so sorry it took me so long! There was some crap that happened, but now I have your update...

I used the command for my Xylan, monarch, after having made Lagger Beer, Peteran Priest, he who only ever is allowed all the basic responses with conversations, the choices of ask about musical preferences, sing a song to, rough-house, etc. do not show up for him, and not for my Jacoban Priest Taran Lords either. But I had taken out Chickie's and Shimrods mod in a test before, and sure enough, both of my priests had their communication options returned to them....but I couldn't stand not having many of the options their mod adds to the game, like Brawl, and kiss the hand. So I am glad I found the command because that fixes it all.

Anyway, after using the "showmoresocials" command in the command prompt, when I click on a sim I want my sim to talk to, there will be showing 2 "more" options. The one at the top middle is a normal usage "more" like when your hero sim has more options to use than some other sims might. The second "more" is in the first window, and list on the left middle side, and once that 2nd "more" is clicked, there will be another friendly different from the first one you see in the first window that opens after selecting a sim to chat with. The second "friendly" inside the second "more" option, includes every other friendly communication choice that is not in the first friendly options, like I mentioned, musical preferences, ask if single, sing song to, rough-house, friendly hug, etc.

I also am realizing a possible difference between yours and my configurations, but still it should not matter concerning the command "showmoresocials" and having it work for your sims, and game. That difference is that I have a mod installed that allows me to give any sim the abilities of other professions without losing their own profession talents. For example, my monarch Xylan Darksword is a blacksmith, and a wizard with all of the abilities of my blacksmith and wizard, he can even get the arcane edge. Nearly all of my hero sims have combat abilities, my Jacoban Priest has commerce abilities, and often runs errands for my trader by sailing to and fro and trading on the ship while she sells at her stall and builds up massive xp, and fast. Having this ability gives my sims added options in their menu's that the default game does not allow for, so in fact, there-in may be a reason that you do not see 2 "more's" in your sims' menu. But still it should not matter. Grim said he added the abilities of the mod I use to his core in one of his posts, and as it is that I use Grims core, I have seen how he has used it, but it is still different than the mod I use. In one way is the ability to remove the given ability from ANY sim. I can remove ANY ability from ANY sim, hero or NPC even if it is their default ability. The author of the mod does not even know that it can be done. He claims it cannot be done, but he is wrong, for I have done it several times. I still do it when a sim gets on my nerves...npc's that is. My sims are my babies, and never get on my nerves.

And no, Xylans body is still the same hot bod hes had since losing the default skin of TSM. It is truly Grims fault that none of my sims can have babies out of wedlock, unless I use the menu option to get a female pregnant, which takes the whole point out of the child making endeavor, although I must say, it does save time!

Well, Anwnn, my Dear, I've done my best, and am sorry that little of it helped you. I am so glad however, that you are back to enjoying the game and spending time with your sims. I have come to look upon my sims as good friends, at least while I play the game.

Bless you and yours,

PS The name of the mod I use is: TZ-DynamicProfession.package
It offers some options that other mods do not, so I would be unhappy not using it, so I use it, although there is likely some conflict with other mods I use in the game, as they are similar to each other in the types of files that they are. But the conflicts are small enough that they cannot stop me from using them together.

Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must live.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#15 Old 26th Aug 2017 at 2:16 PM Last edited by Anwnn : 26th Aug 2017 at 8:35 PM.
Hello Xeny

First, do not worry for the time it took you. It's totally ok and moreover, it wasn't even that long That said, I hope everything's fine for you.

Thanks for testing it, that comforts me into thinking that my game is at fault here. I AM however going to try the mod you talked about ( Dynamic profession ), to see if that improves things in my game. I'll come back later to tell you if that changed anything. I hope it will !

I'm glad also I got back to my kingdoms. It's probably my favorite Sims game and it makes me sad that there's only one expansion pack, but at least, there are some nice mods to make it more enjoyable. I - too - love all my sims.. Or almost all of them

Thank you again for taking the time to try to help me, I appreciate it.


Well, actually ! You helped me way more than what you're giving yourself credit for !
After I installed the Dynamic Profession mod, and entered the command, I was finally able to see it ! This mod does a lot besides giving or taking sims' abilities so maybe it unlocked something in my game too.

I'm also sure it conflicts with mods I have, for example I saw that there's an Edit in CAS function in the debug tab, but I already have DeeDawg's Edit in CAS. I experimented a bit to see if I should get this one out of my game, but nope, it's the only one I found that keeps the weight I give them when edited so.. I just hope it will be alright with my game.. I think I just need to test it more. I did try to see if my priest was having the same issues as yours do, but.. nope, nothing here. So it shouldn't be the combination of those two mods, at least.

Maybe I forgot some things, but for now I'm just happy to play with all the new possibilities. I hope it will last !

Thanks again
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