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#1 Old 21st Mar 2018 at 7:01 AM
Default theory: "into the future" the sims are about to get extinct.
i just traveled for first time into the future with a random sim. the city is nearly empty. low quantity of buildings. did the sims developed the time machine to get people to re-populate the planet??? cause that is very dark if i am right. actually i have seen more "paparazzi robots" than sims running around (the sim was a celebrity) so thats makes the whole game really creepy.
Mad Poster
#2 Old 21st Mar 2018 at 3:13 PM
Oasis Landing should be populated with premades, regardless of your Sim's personal situation. If that's not the case it might just be that the good people of the future, in their infinite wisdom, decided to bring back the bubonic plague.

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Original Poster
#3 Old 21st Mar 2018 at 3:46 PM
Quote: Originally posted by GrijzePilion
Oasis Landing should be populated with premades, regardless of your Sim's personal situation. If that's not the case it might just be that the good people of the future, in their infinite wisdom, decided to bring back the bubonic plague.

for what i have seen, there are like 5 houses, then community buildings, and outside the city all is dead and abandoned. and if i saw 10 sims at any given point it was too much. so then again in this future is the last remaining city on the planet and there are more robots than sims... yay for the sims extinction???
Top Secret Researcher
#4 Old 21st Mar 2018 at 5:02 PM
The future is a disaster because of Biff.
It makes perfect sense.

Sims are better than us.
Original Poster
#5 Old 21st Mar 2018 at 5:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by HarVee
Well. That theory would explain why all the worlds I play in The Sims 3 feel empty, even when populated. Why does no one visit or go to the same bar as my Sim? Is everyone afraid of the sun? Is there a government issued mandate against going outside? Etc, Etc.

even if you tell me is a sims 3 bug, that does not get populated, still the future city has like 5 houses and 5 comminuty buildings. i am guessing the time machine was allowed to exist cause there are like 10 people in the entire sim universe...
Mad Poster
#6 Old 21st Mar 2018 at 7:02 PM Last edited by igazor : 21st Mar 2018 at 7:16 PM.
Not sure what's going wrong there. Oasis Landing isn't very large but it's supposed to come with 24 built upon residential lots plus 8 empty ones, and 19 are populated by resident "townie" households not necessarily descended from your sims. As I recall, there were at least three "sections" of town connected by the Zephyr transport system, but you could drive, walk, jog, bicycle, or hoverboard across the whole thing if wanted. Looks like the starting out population is supposed to be more like 50 humans plus some plumbots. And there should be many more community lots than 5. They're all listed out here: http://sims.wikia.com/wiki/Oasis_Landing

I think whoever is driving your time machine needs a new map/GTS system. You are landing in some other, strange sounding place or one that is only partially loading.
#7 Old 21st Mar 2018 at 8:04 PM
Usually when I go to the future there are so many Sims in the Community Center that I have trouble finding an open bed at night. What you're describing seems like some sort of bug? Did the families not generate?
Mad Poster
#8 Old 21st Mar 2018 at 10:54 PM
Are you playing a legit game or a pirated one? I have none of these issues.
Original Poster
#9 Old 21st Mar 2018 at 11:10 PM
Quote: Originally posted by daisylee
Are you playing a legit game or a pirated one? I have none of these issues.

your question is now abuse. even if it is or not legit, i should not have any issues. just cause a game is not legit, it does not mean the code has been afected.
i am guessing is some sort of uncompatibility with my os/hardware. the way i see it, the whole map is empty. there are like 4 or 5 sims on the community center, but thats about it. the houses are there but no sims ever seen. it strikes me off putting the future is empty and outside the future city all is dead and abandoned. it could also mean the future sims traveled back in time cause the future sucks. i mean everything covered in cement except those tiny oasis on the households entrance.
Mad Poster
#10 Old 22nd Mar 2018 at 12:12 AM
You have just admitted that both your 3 and 4 are pirated as suspected. This site does not support piracy of these games.
Mad Poster
#11 Old 22nd Mar 2018 at 12:18 AM
Quote: Originally posted by olc
your question is now abuse. even if it is or not legit, i should not have any issues. just cause a game is not legit, it does not mean the code has been afected.
i am guessing is some sort of uncompatibility with my os/hardware. the way i see it, the whole map is empty. there are like 4 or 5 sims on the community center, but thats about it. the houses are there but no sims ever seen. it strikes me off putting the future is empty and outside the future city all is dead and abandoned. it could also mean the future sims traveled back in time cause the future sucks. i mean everything covered in cement except those tiny oasis on the households entrance.

You might be onto something with the hardware theory. But I'm afraid that your first statement, while technically correct in some cases, is not the entire story. The pirating of programs and DLC can indeed affect the way in which the code is executed and whether it does so successfully or not even if whatever was done does not dig deeper into the game files and hack stuff at that level directly. The question comes across as being a technical one, not so much one of abuse or passing judgment.
Mad Poster
#12 Old 22nd Mar 2018 at 1:30 AM
While I don't speak from experience, I doubt that illegitimate copies of the game would be able to cause such specific, minor issues. But seeing as it's considered unacceptable to speculate on that on this website, I don't see the point in going into it any further.

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#13 Old 22nd Mar 2018 at 2:50 PM
Did you do the quest about dystopian or utopian future? I never did, but I guess if you did the dystopian, then that is the reason for it, since I think in a dystopian world it would be proper to have a bleak landscape. I don't know for sure, as I never did those quests.

Maybe you have bad CCs, script mods and stuff like that that causes the problem? Or maybe you messed up something. Back then, I moved in a butler to my family and I invited over another one, and since that, that old save of mine was really buggy. The sims didn't age (i had aging turned on) and loading screens would take hours, I always shut down the game with task manager. I think it was the butler's fault. But I am not sure.
Top Secret Researcher
#14 Old 22nd Mar 2018 at 7:41 PM
I always wanted to do a mod where instead of all that littering and stuff, you just kill Biff to get a Utopian future, and give Biff the Sports Almanac to make it dystopian.
Too busy playing tho', and I messed up my Visual C# 2010 by installing 2017 (for Unity). 2017 doesn't allow you to change the reference to system, system.xml and mscorelib.

Sims are better than us.
Mad Poster
#15 Old 22nd Mar 2018 at 8:10 PM
Honest question, @Emmett Brown, how did you cope before Back To The Future existed? What 30-something year old cultural reference did you rely on for semi-comedic effect in those days? Like did it still involve Christopher Lloyd? I really liked him in Star Trek III but that's only a year off.

I honestly don't know why people give that movie so much crap, it wasn't bad at all. Maybe it's because Star Trek II was so much better. Or maybe because they recast Saavik and replaced her with a giraffe. Maybe the nerds are salty about the fact that they blow up [SPOILER ALERT] in it. Or that they copped out of killing Spock off. Maybe they're salty that this amazing piece of cheesy 80s futurism was on the movie's soundtrack, but not in the movie itself. Whatever the case, it wasn't because of Christopher Lloyd.

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Mad Poster
#16 Old 22nd Mar 2018 at 8:35 PM
Quote: Originally posted by GrijzePilion
Honest question, @Emmett Brown, how did you cope before Back To The Future existed? What 30-something year old cultural reference did you rely on for semi-comedic effect in those days? ......

Maybe "Taxi". He was darn good in that. Funny show. LOL
Top Secret Researcher
#17 Old 22nd Mar 2018 at 8:45 PM Last edited by Emmett Brown : 23rd Mar 2018 at 3:29 PM.
I've always used "Back to the Future" as a cultural reference. Before 1985, no one understood the reference because they hadn't seen the movie yet.

Sims are better than us.
Mad Poster
#18 Old 22nd Mar 2018 at 8:55 PM
Profile picture seems strangely appropriate here.

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Mad Poster
#20 Old 23rd Mar 2018 at 3:49 AM
Quote: Originally posted by nitromon
One thing I noticed, if nobody has mentioned it, is that ... plumbot residents do not die... so they are forever. Yet each time I go to the future, the residents sims do change. Sometimes they get replaced with another plumbot family. So... I was wondering wouldn't eventually the whole future just be populated by plumbots?

Very interesting thought! It would probably take a heck of long time, but that would be funny to see. LOL
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