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#1 Old 28th Apr 2018 at 7:06 PM Last edited by chocoberrychoco : 9th May 2018 at 1:44 AM.
Default Trees in world don't change color based on time of day
I was replacing the trees in Monte Vista with some from World Adventures since the old ones didn't drop leaves in autumn and winter and everything was fine, but when I tested it out, the trees I added (and some old ones) didn't darken at night so there'd be bright green spots at night. During the day the opposite would happen. The only fix I found so far was to look at a clump and then go to town view, but this is kinda tedious as there's multiple clumps and you have to do this every time the game goes from day to night or night to day or otherwise you'll have random green or black clumps. I've tried deleting some trees in CAW and then undoing, but that didn't seem to work. Does anyone have any suggestions?

some images:

Compare the light green trees to the darker ones near the house

Day (notice how much darker the trees are in the back left):

Edit: It seems like this happens in every custom world I've tested, some are just more noticeable than others. So yeah, lol, guess this wasn't really a CAW problem after all.
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