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#1 Old 16th Jan 2020 at 6:07 PM
Default Are there any side effects to using higher resolution terrain textures?
Hi! Title pretty much says it all. I decided it would be a nice upgrade for the game's lacklustre terrain. All of the textures are double the normal resolution (2048), and so far I haven't experienced any side effects. The world is completely empty at the minute, but even once finished it won't have any sims and minimal buildings.
dodgy builder
#2 Old 16th Jan 2020 at 7:52 PM
Lagging is one problem you might have. If it's empty though, it might be too early to see the effects. On the other hand highing a higher resolution might not come through on the game. Can you see any real difference?

Do you have pics from your world close up with the 2 different resolutions?
How does the textures themselves look. Very often you can fix the added resolution by just using a better texture with the same resolution.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 16th Jan 2020 at 8:52 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Volvenom
Lagging is one problem you might have. If it's empty though, it might be too early to see the effects. On the other hand highing a higher resolution might not come through on the game. Can you see any real difference?

Do you have pics from your world close up with the 2 different resolutions?
How does the textures themselves look. Very often you can fix the added resolution by just using a better texture with the same resolution.

This image was taken in CAW, but I can confirm that it does carry through to the game.

The textures themselves aren't bad, I just figured that I could up the ante graphically given how empty the finished world will still end up being. It's a castaway island-it won't have sims or animals, and lots will be kept to a minimum. There will be a bunch of trees, plants and rocks though.
Mad Poster
#4 Old 16th Jan 2020 at 11:23 PM
Big fan of the higher res texture. It's not completely crisp, but a lot better than the default and it almost seems to have depth to it due to the extra detail.

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Mad Poster
#5 Old 17th Jan 2020 at 2:08 AM
I have to ask, why are you building a world where you do want Sims?
Mad Poster
#6 Old 17th Jan 2020 at 4:14 AM
Different question - I don't suppose it'd be much of a technical challenge to replace existing world textures with higher-resolution versions? I know there's ways to default-replace a texture file with one of a different resolution.

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Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#7 Old 17th Jan 2020 at 2:30 PM
Quote: Originally posted by daisylee
I have to ask, why are you building a world where you do want Sims?

Well, aside from your sim and maybe a pirate ghost.

Quote: Originally posted by AGuyCalledPi
Different question - I don't suppose it'd be much of a technical challenge to replace existing world textures with higher-resolution versions? I know there's ways to default-replace a texture file with one of a different resolution.

It shouldn’t be. I can’t imagine the game would react well if you replaced all of the grass, dirt and rock with 2K textures in Bridgeport though. If it works, then that means my world will be fine. Woo.
dodgy builder
#8 Old 17th Jan 2020 at 5:38 PM
Quote: Originally posted by AGuyCalledPi
Different question - I don't suppose it'd be much of a technical challenge to replace existing world textures with higher-resolution versions? I know there's ways to default-replace a texture file with one of a different resolution.

You can replace every texture if you like, and it will replace the original texture on parts of the world where you used that texture. Quite handy if you decide there's something wrong with it. Perhaps it tiles too much or something.

What do you mean by default replace?
Mad Poster
#9 Old 17th Jan 2020 at 8:24 PM
That's what I mean by default-replace. As supposed to, I don't know, replacing a file that wasn't default in some capacity.

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