This user has the following games installed:
Sims 3, World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Pets, Showtime, Supernatural, Seasons, University Life, Island Paradise, Into the Future
Can I rollback from 1.69 to 1.67 on Origin? Or Run basegame on Steam and DLC on Origin?
Hi! So I bought/built a new pc last year and didn't put a CD drive in it because, this is 2020 and everything I own is digitally backed up. I didn't think I'd need it, but low and behold, here comes sims 3...
I've seen lots of posts lately on twitter about step by step fixes to get the game running flawlessly and I was excited to try them out. One of them addressed the patch issue and how 1.69 quite literally borked the game. So I downloaded 1.67 super patcher and it won't let me rollback, and I was told that's because I need something *before* 1.69 and super patch it to 1.67.
Now ... if this isn't possible, would I theoretically be able to purchase basegame on Steam, and still somehow run my DLC (I own literally everything) thru origin, but it somehow piggybacks off my steam version? Ugh LOL This is such a dumpster fire but if there's a workaround, even if it's wild, I would like to try it! Thanks in advance!