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#1 Old 6th Dec 2022 at 1:12 PM Last edited by Aspersim : 7th Dec 2022 at 3:08 AM.
Default I Just Made My Own Golf Vacation Resort I Would Like To Show You And Talk
This is my Neighborhood Description

LasVegas Ace Golf Resort

This resort is Near the Sim Las Vegas boarder and brought to you by the taxpayer's of The Simville Community and All Simcity Area Resisident's and Suburb's

Here is a rundown of my staff as well as a possible custom career if anyone want to personally I just added this Resort Staff into this post for flavor it it NOT a Request for a custom career but just am Idea I'll put out here on this post.


(Grunt Staff)

(1) 34 Resort Handymen/Handywomen
(2) 4 Resort Dish Washer's
(3) 22 Resort Hotel Service Maid's
(4) 22 Resort Hotel Bellhop's
(5) 3 Resort Street Entertainer's
(6) 6 Resort Waitress/Waiter's
(7) 3 Resort Bartender's
(8) 9 Resort Cook's
(9) 3 Resort Security Guard's
(10) 10 Resort Executive Assistant's
(11) 19 Resort Junior Executive's
(12) 24 Resort Senior Executive's
(13) 7 Resort Senior Manager's

(Leading Company Officers)

(14) 1Resort Executive Food Officer "Jake Mars"
(15) 1 Resort Security Guard (Chief) Lt."Dan Meaner"
(16) 1 Resort Vice President "Mary Gable"
(17) 1 Resort President "Bill Cantner"
(18) 1 Resort CEO "Lisa Dam"
(19) 1 Resort Tycoon/Designer "Justin

(20) (Resort Owned By SimCity Community)

all of the staff count is based on how many desks and offices I have on Campus as well as how many Lawnmowers I have 1 for each handyman, this staff count is based on all non playable NPC's I have besides the handymen/women this includes the chefs the entertainer's the bartender's the waitress waiter's and buspeople and store clerks I have all working on campus running it

I even have my own headcount and offices running my own custom power plant and so on this is a Sim's Golf resort with it's own business company of sims the Company is run by a Sim version of Myself in pretend form, and it it owned by the SimCity community as you can see above

My full staff count would be 171 staff and business members total if this were a real resort

My personal radio station link in first post (commercial free and all music) listen with ANY web Browser now enjoy, this is a gift
me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TheAngelClassicRocKMix
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retired moderator
#2 Old 6th Dec 2022 at 1:34 PM
That's a really cool idea, such a fun resort! I like how you have it completely self contained. Really nice neighbourhood decoration too!

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
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#3 Old 6th Dec 2022 at 9:20 PM
Great job, Aspersim! I agree with Simsample about the neighbourhood decoration and it seems so well thought through.
Original Poster
#4 Old 25th Dec 2022 at 1:05 PM Last edited by Aspersim : 25th Dec 2022 at 1:27 PM.
Here is the complete list of my Career that I am pretending has pretend sims in it, it is a resort career if anybody is interested these are all the jobs and definitions of those sims who run my pretend Desert Las Vega Golfing Resort W More photos

(Grunt Staff)
(1) 34 Resort Handymen/Handywomen

$80 Daily

Description: A basic greenskeeper he or she simply mows the grass day after day, puts down weed killer, turns on the sprinklers to keep the resort green, rakes the sand bunkers, sets up the tournament chairs and tournament cameras on some of the championship holes for further usage with the higher ups in the resort staff they repair holes in the course dug by sims and offer general maintenance to every part of the resort

(2) 4 Resort Dish Washer's
$100 Daily

Description: A basic maid, but not only do they wash the restaurant and amusement park dishes but they help the handymen/women mop and wax the building floors when it comes time. Although a dishwasher mostly works inside in the air conditioning, unlike the handyman or handywomen who has to work in the desert heat of the day and night in Las Vegas and the Dishwasher gets paid more but has a tons more work because there are far less dishwashers than handymen

(3) 22 Resort Hotel Service Maid's
$133 Daily

Description: Each hotel and rental room location, has one of these maids this is one of the most easiest jobs on the resort. all the Resort Hotel Service Maid needs to do is make the beds and clean the hotel dishes and take out the hotel trash. that is a step up from being just a dish washer and a janitor as these sims are getting paid more and to do less then before in their last job on campus.

(5) 4 Resort Store Clerks
$150 Daily
Description: Learning how to handle money for the resort is a big lesion for future jobs on this resort. this is only the beginning of it. if sims pass the test here as a resort store clerk. the bigger bosses might just let them handle the resorts bigger finances in the near future.

(5) 3 Resort Street Entertainer's
$165 Daily

Description: Few can entertain like these talented sims, they play for tips although technically they are still slaves on the resort barely making a living but all they have to do is repeat their show over and over again until their shift ends. In which is not that long anyway, but they are required to perform in the pouring rain, snow and even in hailstorms even when nobody is watching.

(6) 6 Resort Restaurant Host's
Description these sims are now are managing restaurant cash registers as well as tables.

(7) 6 Resort Waitress/Waiter's

Resort Waitress/Waiters is the 2nd step towards a sim becoming mini hotel manager. among the resort staff, these sims are responsible to carry sims food to their tables in a restaurant without spilling it. They make more money then resort hosts and need to be quicker on their feet too.

(8) 22 Resort Hotel Bellhop's
$215 Daily

Description: Bellhops are mini managers as they are given a Hotel Service Maid to boot around, and command. But Bellhops are still required to deliver food from room to room. That is where their waiter/waitress skills come in handy, they need to be just as fast but they need to be more careful they are also responsible for all the hotel or recreation lots funds, they also must fill out finance forms for the executive assistant's to finish

(9) 3 Resort Bartender's
$250 Daily
Description: Resort Bartenders deliver drinks behind a cozy bar coffee and alcohol is important to sims on the resort and as such so is the bartenders

(10) 9 Resort Cook's
$280 Daily
Description: Resort cooks are essential in any resort to cook proper food for the tourists to eat and enjoy what they are eating and Las Vega's Ace Resort is no exception to great food
(Leaders Of The Resort)

(11) 3 Normal Resort Security Guard's
$300 Daily
Description: The Resort's Law Enforcement It's vary hard in Las Vegas to find decent Security Guards for this resort in particular. Pay is the highest for it being grunt pay and it's the one of the most important jobs on campus. to protect the resort's staff, profit's and the entire resort depends on these Guards and their Chief

.(10) 10 Resort Executive Assistant's
$360 Daily
Description: They have an administrative desk and do most of the hiring and firing of the lower resort staff, when not in their cubicle, they ride around the resort in golf carts making sure all grunt staff like for handymen and women are doing their jobs in the fields and on the greens

(11) 19 Resort Junior Executive's
$420 Daily
Description: They work in a cubicle or an small office space and do most of the bookkeeping and recording keeping, they are responsible for most of the companies text documents holding all the employee names and positions they have a cheap computer to help them do minor company computer tasks they also process paper documents and put them into digital from the Executive Assistant's work

(12) 24 Resort Senior Executive's
$520 Daily
Description: These are most of the companies process and data engineers, they help the senior managers with the live television shows taken from the resort, they they operate the companies power generators and data processing plants driven by the Senior Managers and CEO's the Senior Executives are the most important part of the resort setup, without them there would be no company to run.

(13) 7 Resort Senior Manager's
$630 Daily
Description: The Resort Senior Manager's work directly with one, or many of the CEO's and Senior Executives, to provide support and guidance for the companies middle upper staff they work mostly for the CEO's and operate as the backing end of the companies data, and profits and all of it's files and processing units as well as given charge to hire or fire any lower executive officer then themselves.

(Leading Company Officers)
(14) 1Resort Executive Food Officer "Jake Mars" $700 Daily

Description: Resort Food Executive Officer therefore given complete authority to hire or fire any Senior Manager and to look after all the resorts food distribution and to scout and hire or fire new resort restaurant or hotel staff if needed. And does some of the companies Vice President and The President's Paperwork and files

(15) 1 Security Guard (Chief) Lt."Dan Meaner"$800 Daily
Description: Head of Resort Security provides lockdown for all burglars on campus and does most of the legal documents on campus for the CEO and Resort Tycoon

(16) 1 Resort Vice President "Mary Gable"
$920 Daily
Description, Does the Resort President's Paperwork and sets up and run the entire computer network on the Resort with access to every file on campus or within' the company firewall.

(17) 1 Resort President "Bill Cantner"
$1,220 Daily
Description: Runs through all the finances on and profits throughout the entire companies network and firewall, and schedules all building operations and plans or adding or removing buildings on Campus

(18) 1 Resort CEO "Lisa Dam"
$1,990 Daily
Description: Dedicated partner of Tycoon/Resort Builder and supporter of company, she is the boss of all operations on campus and boss of every other CEO except the Tycoon all others must agree with her behavior and company decisions or get fired

(19) 1 Resort Tycoon/Designer "Justin Wright"
$2,230 Daily
Description: Runs the entire resort with help from the SimCity Community taxes and tourism, and collects 5% of total resort profits for himself

(20) (Resort Owned By SimCity Community)

My personal radio station link in first post (commercial free and all music) listen with ANY web Browser now enjoy, this is a gift
me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TheAngelClassicRocKMix
#5 Old 26th Dec 2022 at 12:29 AM
That is not something I would have thought of. I like it.
Original Poster
#6 Old 26th Dec 2022 at 2:34 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Sims2Christain
That is not something I would have thought of. I like it.

Yea there is a TON of used Custom Content in this Vacation Neighborhood including RV Campers, custom grocery store shelves, and custom Clothing Racks, Car Decorations, File Cabinets, Custom Computers, Cameras, Flag Poles and Tees and Golf Bags, Amusement Park Rides, Custom Bed Sheets, Custom Furniture, Custom Build Mode Objects, Custom Bookcases, Career Rewards, A Complete Mini Golf Set, and a ton more Custom Content plus all Expansion and Stuff Packs the project was a blast to build and customize I even have some Custom hood decorations and Slot Machines and Texas Hold-em in there too

this project was an addon to one of my main megahoods

The Golf Resort is Based on near Las Vega's City in Nevada inside the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas City is at the edge of the resort you either go through Las Vegas City Streets Or, Enter The Grand Canyon to by ground to access the resort. This of course is a pretend resort, it's not real and so it's not based on any real life Vegas resort in real life

The Sim locals are Mountain Folk they love to do the Slap Dance in public the NPC Sims carry backpacks around the resort and live on the resort inside of the fake houses surrounding the 18th hole lake and in the 2 towers next to the water tanks in one of the photos the locals pay high taxes to live on the resort or high rent for a small apartment if they live in one of the two towers. All Resort Guests only have hotel fees and travel expenses all flight cost contribute toward the resort's greens fees

The Resort has it's own power Plant that can be accessed to the public and power control building also. The Surrounding Resort Staff live in and around Las Vega Nevada. some live right on the edge of the resort itself and work onsite every day.

The resort has it's own private irrigation system to keep everything green and fresh resort temp can reach about 105'F -130' F with 100% Humidity on some mid sim mid summer days then maybe 90'F - 115'F in spring time

There is many public pools to swim in and hidden sprinklers that come out when sims are not around to keep cool

My personal radio station link in first post (commercial free and all music) listen with ANY web Browser now enjoy, this is a gift
me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TheAngelClassicRocKMix
Mad Poster
#7 Old 26th Dec 2022 at 4:08 PM
That looks great and it looks like fun for your game and it's what I'll be doing myself when adding my first vacation district to my town though I'll buiod a theme suitable for my game and the period it's taking place in.I'm currently nowhere near ready for even a shopping district yet and that's comgin first before anythin else is added.Pleasantview in my game is just been settled by the first colonial couple and other couples are to arrive over the coming five years and there will also be babies coming along as the settled couples begin trying to have babies.
Meet Me In My Next Life
#8 Old 27th Dec 2022 at 10:24 PM
Very well put together, I can tell you really was thinking just what you wanted and how and where as well of names of places.
I like what you did and have done I know you and your Sims will enjoy it all.

"Nothing in life is a Surprise it just happen to come your way at the time".
Original Poster
#9 Old 28th Dec 2022 at 2:37 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Simonut
Very well put together, I can tell you really was thinking just what you wanted and how and where as well of names of places.
I like what you did and have done I know you and your Sims will enjoy it all.

Thank you, Believe it or not it only took my 3-4 days to complete the resort already I have many sims from the Megahood buying vacation homes and taking vacations on the resort

My personal radio station link in first post (commercial free and all music) listen with ANY web Browser now enjoy, this is a gift
me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TheAngelClassicRocKMix
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