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#1 Old 30th Mar 2023 at 2:11 PM
Default edit objects properties
hi guys!
is there a way with seoc or S3PE or whatever i don't know,to change the characteristics of an object?
for example, I would like to eliminate never breaks from the toilets and other things...
can you help me pls?^_^
#2 Old 31st Mar 2023 at 3:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Nerejde12
hi guys!
is there a way with seoc or S3PE or whatever i don't know,to change the characteristics of an object?
for example, I would like to eliminate never breaks from the toilets and other things...
can you help me pls?^_^

Open in s3pe. Find OBJD in tag list and click Grid at bottom of s3pe. This opens a new window. Scroll down to Topic ratings and click the arrows to open them. There is a topic for never breaks. Click on that and another arrow appears to right. Click this to open the list of choices.

Test Subject
Original Poster
#3 Old 1st Apr 2023 at 11:54 AM
Quote: Originally posted by LadySmoks
Open in s3pe. Find OBJD in tag list and click Grid at bottom of s3pe. This opens a new window. Scroll down to Topic ratings and click the arrows to open them. There is a topic for never breaks. Click on that and another arrow appears to right. Click this to open the list of choices.

thank you so much!
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