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#26 Old 5th Aug 2023 at 9:53 AM
Default Non-students in lecture room
For people who don't want "outsiders" on college premises:

I've used Visitor Controller (by TwoJeffs, I think) to keep annoying cows, llamas, coaches, cheerleaders and all the rest out of the dorms for quite a while, so I tried using it when I sent a Sim to the lecture room - and succeeded in blocking them all. It continued to work on the lecture hall lot after that particular sim had left - and I was also able to use it to exclude my own Sims who are not students. The only problem is that I can't remember where I found this particular - and very useful - mod: perhaps someone else (TwoJeffs? MTS?) could post a link.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#27 Old 5th Aug 2023 at 1:53 PM Last edited by beestew : 6th Aug 2023 at 12:14 AM.
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Thank you to everyone who has tested the mod so far. I would love some feedback from anyone trying out the 'interruptions' feature

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
@beestew any feedback? I posted about a week ago now.
I am about to have some YA in a clean and empty neighbourhood and wondering about the no proff spawning and using this mod.

Hey! I'm still keeping an eye on the thread. Irl is very busy atm, so it will be some time before I release an update. With everyone's feedback, here are changes I am considering:

- Prevent the podium throwing an error if there are no professors in the hood
- Add a tunable option to the podium to enable it to create new professors. (I am against this being on by default, but am open to adding it as an option).
- Create two separate .packages that suppress Maxis 'Go To Class', flavour one: Suppress with podiums on lot only, flavour two: Always suppress
- Buff Academic increase
- Nerf Feverish Note Taking Need decay

Quote: Originally posted by Lauroonil
The mod worked well for me. I was playing in a university hood and still had adults/elders walking around the lot but only the Young Adults attended the lectures. I was hoping that by manually assigning a professor, that I would be able to assign any Sim I wanted, such as those working in the Maxis Education or Science career as professors and was disappointed to see only NPC Professors showing up. Otherwise, it worked well. Thanks!

P.S. I should also add that my students had just started at college and I could see that their Class Peformance was going up a little bit during the class.

Yes, you can only manually assign Professor NPCs atm. I might consider allowing all Sims to be assigned, but I'm not fond of the idea. I will cave in to substantial demand (leave comments for features or changes you'd like to see, folks - if many people want something, I'll be more inclined to invest time into it )

Glad the mod worked well!

Quote: Originally posted by Meduza
I've found some time to play some more with your mod. Indeed, it was the blue notebook, so no worries. I guess some Sims really like interrupting lectures by trying to do their assigments on professor's desk.

Needs Coffee
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#28 Old 6th Aug 2023 at 12:49 AM
Quote: Originally posted by beestew
Thank you to everyone who has tested the mod so far. I would love some feedback from anyone trying out the 'interruptions' feature

Where was that feature? I didn't see it when I tried.

Hey! I'm still keeping an eye on the thread. Irl is very busy atm, so it will be some time before I release an update. With everyone's feedback, here are changes I am considering:

That's okay.

Prevent the podium throwing an error if there are no professors in the hood
That would be nice

- Add a tunable option to the podium to enable it to create new professors. (I am against this being on by default, but am open to adding it as an option).
I would love that option and yes options are always good.

- Create two separate .packages that suppress Maxis 'Go To Class', flavour one: Suppress with podiums on lot only, flavour two: Always suppress
I would not want it always set to suppress, again options to do or not do something are always IMO best.
On the note of suppressing class, young adults in the main hood not doing uni at all, which is a sub section of YA that I play. Even though I never start their college clock, they still get that 'go to class' push that I have to cancel out. Maybe if the podium was tucked away on the lot they live on this go to class could be suppressed on a sim by sim bases?

- Buff Academic increase
I would not want that. Again maybe as an option that could be turned off or on, but for me uni is too easy as it is.

- Nerf Feverish Note Taking Need decay
I think its fine. You have already provided options.

Yes, you can only manually assign Professor NPCs atm. I might consider allowing all Sims to be assigned, but I'm not fond of the idea. I will cave in to substantial demand (leave comments for features or changes you'd like to see, folks - if many people want something, I'll be more inclined to invest time into it )

Could you make it so any playable in the hood who is actually a guest university lecturer in the education career could be signed?

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Test Subject
#29 Old 26th Aug 2023 at 9:26 PM
Could I make a custom universty for realse for using this?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#30 Old 28th Aug 2023 at 8:07 PM
Quote: Originally posted by gabbypie64
Could I make a custom universty for realse for using this?

Yes, for realse.
Test Subject
#31 Old 31st Aug 2023 at 12:18 PM Last edited by mrcsthernr : 31st Aug 2023 at 2:13 PM.
I started getting a persistent "undefined transition" on the lecture podium when the lot loads. The game won't proceed until I delete the podium. HCDU doesn't report any conflicts and I haven't been able to narrow the problem down via What Caused This/Log Watcher yet.

SOLVED: Figured it out...
1) I completely forgot I generated a new save and hadn't created professor NPCs. I generated two and manually assigned one to the podium.
2) Before the changes took effect, I had to visit the lot again and delete student/podium controllers from the previous visit.
3) I returned to the lot a third time and everything is going swimmingly so far (besides Tank Grunt trying to muff Johnny Smith of course...)!

So...I'm torn about plans to eliminate the podium error because 1) it isn't a game breaking/corrupting error, and 2) it actually was the sign I needed that something was missing (i.e. the mod wasn't set up right). When generating new saves + playing with several mods, its easier (for me at least) to forget small things at times - that error message was the reminder I needed.....BUT I suppose that being able to generate profs from the podium object would be just as effective. My only question would be - how would players know that the issue they have is a missing prof? I hope this comment makes some sense.

I love this mod and it plays well (so far) with Go To School (Chris Hatch; this mod uses an entirely different lecture hall - now I have two!), Simlogical Schools, Opportunity Pack(s) (Sophie-David).

I noticed that my Lifestyles Mod (like the original religion mods) throws an error when a sims interacts with NPCs (because they aren't supposed to have lifestyle/religion data). The error is benign - you just have to hit reset. I need to look into adding BHAVs to that mod so it knows to skip NPCs (something I have no idea how to do at the moment)? **Just wanted to add this bit for those also playing with either of these mods.
Field Researcher
#32 Old 9th Nov 2023 at 12:36 PM Last edited by VirtualAlex : 9th Nov 2023 at 11:51 PM.
This mod looks great - but I'm a little confused. I have built a lecture hall and placed a podium and some black notebooks on desks, then the lecturer begins the lecture. You have said " Playable Sims are directed to attend lectures via the Lecture Podium" but when I click on the podium the only option is "when is the next lecture". My sim does not "attend" the lecture and no notebooks are visible or can be interacted with.

What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

EDIT: My bad, I had the notebooks facing the wrong way... It is working well. Are you still working on the mod?

A few suggestions:

- the class performance bar should go up a lot more after a lecture - I can barely see any change
- students shouldn't be doing their assignments in class!
- a plug in to stop playables being called to class would be great - I don't mind going with my sims to their lectures, but they don't need to "go to class" as well.

This is a very immersive mod, I love it.
Test Subject
#33 Old 11th Jan 2025 at 6:08 AM
Is it possible to edit this mod to somehow only have lectures on certain days of the week? Love it btw
Test Subject
#34 Old 18th Jan 2025 at 8:07 PM Last edited by heathensimmer : 27th Jan 2025 at 1:26 AM. Reason: Context
Scratch the last question since the mod doesn't work like I had thought, it's actually really good and I like that I can take Sims to the lecture lot and they don't have to attend at all, can just loiter. And that not all Sims on the lot attend the lecture. Makes the lot have many purposes and feels alive.

Further playing with this mod has revealed that if you're playing in a Uni subhood, it can pull adults from your main hood to attend lectures as long as they graduated from Uni, which I did not like and I don't think was intended. I believe this was fixed by me in my gameplay (HOPEfully...I've played through lectures only a few times with my edits) by adding a check in the BHAV that selects which neighbor IDs get to fill the NPC lecture attendee spots that simply makes sure they are a young adult.


If you can't see the picture for whatever reason, the BHAV is "Sub - Fill Array 2 With Eligible Students (Main)" and I added a node after node 6

[prim 0x0002] Expression (Neighbor's person data 0x00AF (kEP1 - Young Adult( 0=no, 1=yes )) == Literal 0x0000)

If true, the BHAV goes back to Set to Next, if false the BHAV continues.

Before, the global "College-Sim in College (or Graduated?)" literally checked if the Sim was in College OR that they had a degree, so when I used Batbox to give premade adult Sims a degree in the main hood, this is what caused the issue. I see that there is a Young Adult check in "Sub-Fake Populate Mid Lecture" but I don't believe that it works, possibly due to Batbox. I'm really not sure.
Test Subject
#35 Old 27th Jan 2025 at 1:22 AM
Ok I guess this thread is virtually abandoned, so bee stew, if you want to contact me, I can show you this issue. If I don't receive contact, I plan on releasing a fixed version. HeathenSimmer on Tumblr
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#36 Old 12th Feb 2025 at 4:37 PM
Hi folks. Happy to still see some interest

Things have been pretty busy on my end. I hope to revisit and publish this project once I release the objects I've been working on.

Quote: Originally posted by mrcsthernr
I started getting a persistent "undefined transition" on the lecture podium when the lot loads. The game won't proceed until I delete the podium. HCDU doesn't report any conflicts and I haven't been able to narrow the problem down via What Caused This/Log Watcher yet.

SOLVED: Figured it out...
1) I completely forgot I generated a new save and hadn't created professor NPCs. I generated two and manually assigned one to the podium.
2) Before the changes took effect, I had to visit the lot again and delete student/podium controllers from the previous visit.
3) I returned to the lot a third time and everything is going swimmingly so far (besides Tank Grunt trying to muff Johnny Smith of course...)!

So...I'm torn about plans to eliminate the podium error because 1) it isn't a game breaking/corrupting error, and 2) it actually was the sign I needed that something was missing (i.e. the mod wasn't set up right). When generating new saves + playing with several mods, its easier (for me at least) to forget small things at times - that error message was the reminder I needed.....BUT I suppose that being able to generate profs from the podium object would be just as effective. My only question would be - how would players know that the issue they have is a missing prof? I hope this comment makes some sense.

I love this mod and it plays well (so far) with Go To School (Chris Hatch; this mod uses an entirely different lecture hall - now I have two!), Simlogical Schools, Opportunity Pack(s) (Sophie-David).

I noticed that my Lifestyles Mod (like the original religion mods) throws an error when a sims interacts with NPCs (because they aren't supposed to have lifestyle/religion data). The error is benign - you just have to hit reset. I need to look into adding BHAVs to that mod so it knows to skip NPCs (something I have no idea how to do at the moment)? **Just wanted to add this bit for those also playing with either of these mods.

I'll leave the error as it proved useful so, and just include it in the documentation for the mod.

Quote: Originally posted by VirtualAlex
This mod looks great - but I'm a little confused. I have built a lecture hall and placed a podium and some black notebooks on desks, then the lecturer begins the lecture. You have said " Playable Sims are directed to attend lectures via the Lecture Podium" but when I click on the podium the only option is "when is the next lecture". My sim does not "attend" the lecture and no notebooks are visible or can be interacted with.

What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

EDIT: My bad, I had the notebooks facing the wrong way... It is working well. Are you still working on the mod?

A few suggestions:

- the class performance bar should go up a lot more after a lecture - I can barely see any change
- students shouldn't be doing their assignments in class!
- a plug in to stop playables being called to class would be great - I don't mind going with my sims to their lectures, but they don't need to "go to class" as well.

This is a very immersive mod, I love it.

It's definitely getting buffed come full release. I've actually had the time to play with it and the Performance Gain vs Motive Hit is wayyy too strict lol. I'm also considering making a 'No Auto Class' mod to complement this one.

Quote: Originally posted by heathensimmer
Scratch the last question since the mod doesn't work like I had thought, it's actually really good and I like that I can take Sims to the lecture lot and they don't have to attend at all, can just loiter. And that not all Sims on the lot attend the lecture. Makes the lot have many purposes and feels alive.

Further playing with this mod has revealed that if you're playing in a Uni subhood, it can pull adults from your main hood to attend lectures as long as they graduated from Uni, which I did not like and I don't think was intended. I believe this was fixed by me in my gameplay (HOPEfully...I've played through lectures only a few times with my edits) by adding a check in the BHAV that selects which neighbor IDs get to fill the NPC lecture attendee spots that simply makes sure they are a young adult.


If you can't see the picture for whatever reason, the BHAV is "Sub - Fill Array 2 With Eligible Students (Main)" and I added a node after node 6

[prim 0x0002] Expression (Neighbor's person data 0x00AF (kEP1 - Young Adult( 0=no, 1=yes )) == Literal 0x0000)

If true, the BHAV goes back to Set to Next, if false the BHAV continues.

Before, the global "College-Sim in College (or Graduated?)" literally checked if the Sim was in College OR that they had a degree, so when I used Batbox to give premade adult Sims a degree in the main hood, this is what caused the issue. I see that there is a Young Adult check in "Sub-Fake Populate Mid Lecture" but I don't believe that it works, possibly due to Batbox. I'm really not sure.

Okayyyy so this is a bug I also encountered but couldn't fix, hence the pre-release. The second Young Adult check in that function was my attempt to fix the issue but it doesn't appear to work, as you say. I'll add the Expression node and see if it works. In the meantime, please feel free to post your version on this thread so others can have it, since realistically it will be a while before I get around to updating it. I would rather you don't publish it outside of MTS, though.
Test Subject
#37 Old 13th Feb 2025 at 8:47 PM
Can I make a for download University using this mod
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#38 Old 14th Feb 2025 at 8:51 AM
Quote: Originally posted by gabbypie64
Can I make a for download University using this mod

Of course, and I would love to see it, too
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