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#1 Old 12th Oct 2023 at 2:07 AM Last edited by Nelausus : 13th Oct 2023 at 11:53 PM.
Default Recreating TS3 Magic Mirror: Recreating the Face
Hi everyone !

As my title said, I am recreating for the Sims4 the Magic Mirror of the Sims 3 Supernatural. A "muggle" version has already been uploaded to this site by TheJim07, but I decided to begin from scratch, since I also want to include some specific interractions, and also the magical talking face. For refresher, you can see the animation HERE .
But, as you can imagine, it is this part that gets tricky.

Since the face is moving, I though I could implemente some kind of "screen" (like TV) in front of the reflective surface, that would be transparent, where a video clip of the face would be playing on when the state of the object is "MagicMirror_On". But I cannot figure out how it could work. I looked into tunings, into the Mesh ... but unfortunately nothing scream "This is where you display a video"

I was also wondering if it would not be easier to do it by VFX. But is it possible in this case to make the Face fade in when the the mirror is turned on, and fade out when it is turned off ?

If anybody knows how to solve this issue, I would be in their debt.

Thank you all in advance.

(PS: If anybody has tutorials on extracting video clip from the Sims 3 (I manage to extract the sound but not the video of the Magic Mirror, they are .animation file) and on how "object states" work, I will be more than grateful) :D
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