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#1 Old 12th Oct 2023 at 10:19 PM
Default HELP - Entitled bug
I created an Entitled hero and in the middle of the quest, the "Disgusted by Premises" debuff becomes permanent. I delete the buff and it immediately reappears, even in decorated rooms. I can't get the "Decorated" or the "Enjoying the Finer Things" buffs, just that one.

I tried going back to a previous save, remaking the hero and restarting the quest, but the same thing happened. I went to a previous save from the beginning of the quest and the bug came back. Resetting object doesn't help.
The only thing that helps is changing the trait to another one and resetting object. But once I change the trait back to Entitled, the debuff comes back. I don't want to choose another trait.

I found and old thread about the same problem (https://modthesims.info/t/599001) but no solution. I wish I could just have it work normally or at least permanently remove this buff.

Can someone help me fix this in any way?
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