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#1 Old 17th Mar 2024 at 8:05 AM Last edited by simorita : 17th Mar 2024 at 9:39 AM.
Default MC5 custom whim doesn't show Sim's name
I was able to make a custom buff that references the actor Sim's name, but my custom whim text comes up blank for the terms {0.SimFirstName}, {0.SimPronounObjective} and {0.SimName}. I suspect I need to set the participant to the actor for the whim to draw the info; buffs created through loot actions have an option for this, but I don't see where I can do that in the Simple Want and Fear Set creation page. Can someone link me to a tutorial on custom whims that show Sim names or walk me through the process? I'm also curious about how to make whims that require you to interact with a certain Sim, I've only been able to figure out how to require certain relationship bits so far.

Under "Target Settings" under the Goal Type Interaction, if I pick "Random" instead of "Any" for the Specific Target, then a Sim fitting the Target Conditions relationship bits shows as a portrait icon for the whim... but {0.SimName} in the Name and Description of the whim still comes up blank.

Update: Found that {1.SimName} works to display the name of the Sim that has the whim, which is what I originally wanted, but now I still want {0.SimName} to work to show the target's name! The target's portrait shows and the action correctly only completes if done on them, but the name comes up blank

One last update: solved it!!! I had to use 2.SimName instead of 0.SimeName. Dunno why it says to use 0.SimName for the target in the goal name within the program, maybe it's something to do with how my interaction is set up, but I couldn't tell you what.
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