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#1 Old 1st May 2024 at 1:34 AM
issues with textures and UV in game
i'm having issues with custom content not exporting the way it looks in tsrw. the textures and uv gets all messed up. i included wrk and package files if anyone could have a look at what could possibly be the cause of the issue?
Attached files:
File Type: zip  narrow (12.75 MB, 3 downloads)
Description: .package and .wrk files
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#2 Old 1st May 2024 at 5:10 AM
Looks like the material properties are broken / have been edited in a way that the object you cloned doesn't support. There are a lot of mismatched textures going on in there that don't all belong to this object, too. As well as the Mask being made blank- this should be replaced with plain black and simply disable the patterns if the item won't be recolourable, but textures should never be removed.

It works fine if I import the mesh and textures into a new clone, looks like you may just need to start fresh in a new project
If you need to use Material textures, I'd recommend starting with a cloned object that already works that way- like an existing prop or building shell.

thecardinalsims - Cardinal has been taken by a fey mood!
Test Subject
#3 Old 27th May 2024 at 2:42 AM
Quote: Originally posted by CardinalSims
Looks like the material properties are broken / have been edited in a way that the object you cloned doesn't support. There are a lot of mismatched textures going on in there that don't all belong to this object, too. As well as the Mask being made blank- this should be replaced with plain black and simply disable the patterns if the item won't be recolourable, but textures should never be removed.

It works fine if I import the mesh and textures into a new clone, looks like you may just need to start fresh in a new project
If you need to use Material textures, I'd recommend starting with a cloned object that already works that way- like an existing prop or building shell.

Hello, I am currently having exactly the same problem. I am trying to modify the rabbit hole of the grocery store (the one from the base game). In TSRW, the changes are correct, but once in the game, it is completely different.

I should mention that when I try to import/export meshes, I get a warning message about a non-zero usage index. Is this related?

To work around this issue, I have tried modifying other rabbit holes as well as shell objects, but I constantly get the same message from TSRW. I am wondering if it is actually possible to modify rabbit holes.

I probably didn't understand the solution you suggested.

Can you help me, please?
Forum Resident
#4 Old 27th May 2024 at 4:31 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Paul180784
Hello, I am currently having exactly the same problem. I am trying to modify the rabbit hole of the grocery store (the one from the base game). In TSRW, the changes are correct, but once in the game, it is completely different.

It seems like TSRW has an issue with some kind of unique (or erroneous, on EA's part) data that these rabbitholes use- maybe related to how the data got mangled in OPs project, too.
The warning only appears for .wso import/export, so with luck it may be an issue with that file format specifically.

A workaround, in theory, would be to export once as .wso and once as .obj.
Make your desired changes to the .obj and import it. Then use the Auto-Bone (button with bone icon beside the import and export buttons- honestly a feature I didn't know TSRW had until this very moment) with the .wso as reference to hopefully reassign the bones that allow the doors to animate.

For a less similar mesh that would require manual bone assignments, it would be worth seeing if the data is preserved using the S3PE method that I detail in this post.

thecardinalsims - Cardinal has been taken by a fey mood!
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