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#1 Old 9th Aug 2024 at 6:12 PM
Default Setting up proper file paths in sim pe (ultimate collection)
I am not sure if this in the proper place (move this too the proper place if possible)

But due too the need too search for things easily in sim pe I am asking for the right folder paths in sim pe for ultimate collection in the systems part of sim pe

I may have installed Sim pe/ultimate collection improperly (Saveing under one drive by addicent)

Image seen here too know what i'm talking about
Mad Poster
#2 Old 9th Aug 2024 at 10:38 PM
First of all, make sure your game is NOT installed to the OneDrive folder, or associated with OneDrive, or synched up to it, or any of the sort. This only leads to problems. Best thing you can do is to deactivate OneDrive (backup everything on your computer to a separate location/harddrive before you mess around with it, though - people have lost files from OneDrive messing around on their computers).


.SimPE doesn't know where you've installed the game (at least not if you've chosen another area than a common default one, or use a non-standard game of some sort), so you'll often need to set it up manually.

Find your install folder, use the paths that lead to the last folder of each path that has an "EP#" or "SP#" or name of EP/SP, or Base (Basegame) - don't go past to the "CSbin/TSbin/TSData" folders. Make sure to match up the games.

For the "Savegame" path, use the path that leads to the "...\The Sims 2" folder in Documents (the location of your Downloads folder, but one step up)

For the Nvidia DDS tools at the bottom, download and install from the link below (DDS tool reuploaded, the link doesn't work properly on the Nvidia site), then link to the "...\NVIDIA Corporation\DDS Utilities" folder location

You most likely have to restart SimPE for things to show up properly.
Forum Resident
#3 Old 21st Aug 2024 at 11:24 PM Last edited by Sims2Maven : 21st Aug 2024 at 11:59 PM.
I have to report that manually setting the paths doesn't always work. SimPE seems to be peculiarly dense when it comes to the osab install and Mansions & Gardens Stuff - it doesn't care what you tell it, it INSISTS on forcing in a nonexistent path to "The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection" (the osab install uses "The Sims 2 Starter Pack").

Update: You have to go manually manual, don't go searching for the folder, DO manually overwrite \The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\ with \Fun With Pets\, and Do NOT forget to "Save Preferences".

Problem solved...until next time.
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