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#1 Old 8th Sep 2024 at 7:59 PM Last edited by sincera73 : 8th Sep 2024 at 9:23 PM. Reason: q
Default cambiare email
buonasera ho un problema, non avevo confermato l'email di registrazione che adesso mi ritrovo che non posso modificarla con un email nuova , perche l'email al quale mi sono registrata non esiste più. come posso fare?grazie. buona seratagood evening I have a problem, I had not confirmed the registration email and now I find that I cannot change it with a new email, because the email I registered with no longer exists. how can I do it? thanks. good evening
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retired moderator
#2 Old 8th Sep 2024 at 10:47 PM
@Tashiketh @HugeLunatic Could you help please?

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