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Forum Resident
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#1 Old 1st Mar 2025 at 6:27 AM
Default Any way to make in-game bedding repo from Jonesi BB
I don't know if this is possible, but I was wondering if anyone had tinkered in the realm of possibly doing a repository of the in-game Maxis bedding from the Jonesi bed blanket. I've not found anything online about it and have Jonesi blankets repoed to the in game bedding but I was wondering if it could be done the other way around. Since I've not found anything on it after searching for quite some time, it may be a mute question but I'm wanting to know if anyone else might have come up with something.

What a wonderful day in the neighborhood!
Mad Poster
#2 Old 1st Mar 2025 at 3:30 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 2nd Mar 2025 at 3:50 AM.
There are two main issues with the ingame bedding:

1: It's partially morphed, and the mesh usually throws errors in Milkshape when trying to import it in, so remapping it is a bit of an issue. I think it's the pillows spesifically that causes the errors (too many morph states or some such).

2: Repoing it to Jonesi repos the whole bedding item (pillows, blanket, mattress, etc.), so all of it will have the same pattern. You can't have some in a plain color (mattress) and the rest (pillows, blanket) in a Jonesi pattern. One potential alternative is to have a non-recolorable subset for the mattress (say, white), and the rest repo'd to Jonesi, but again - it requires remapping.

The only ones I can remember having modified bedding successfully is Rebecah (made it shorter for toddler beds), and Davina (Made animated bedding without pillows) https://davinaojeda.tumblr.com/post...tured-moonlight.

Davina did however make some Jonesi-bedding animated/usable in the link above, if that helps (scroll down, it's near the bottom). It's not quite the same, but possibly close enough?
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#3 Old 2nd Mar 2025 at 3:22 AM
Thank you for the explanation simmer22. That makes sense; I figured it would be something convoluted like that to do. And thank you for the link! I went to a search link for the animated bedding but it didn't work, must have been old/broken. I would like to try those Jonesi slaves. I've recently been gleaning as much Jonesi slaved objects as I can. I didn't in the past but wanted to be able to cut down size of my downloads folder, been working on it for months as it was over 12 GIGS and I finally got it under but it's a work in progress. It's a conundrum, so many people love making beautiful/helpful stuff for the game, so many pretties! I've also been gleaning a bunch of Jonesi BB recolors and I was able to get my blanket recolors to a set of 100 at average file size each of under 30 KBs by compressorizing the files. I didn't think that could be done for a while because I had downloaded a lot of those recolors that even after they were compressed were still quite large.

Anyway, thanks a bunch!

What a wonderful day in the neighborhood!
Mad Poster
#4 Old 2nd Mar 2025 at 3:56 AM Last edited by simmer22 : 2nd Mar 2025 at 4:36 AM.
There are a lot of items repo'd to the bedding, too. Items repo'd to the crib bedding is also common.
I like a bit of both, since they have multiple uses each - and they can be mix-and-matchable.

Speaking of cribs, here's a maxis-match crib set repo'd to Jonesi's bedding (plus some neat recolors), if you need that:

Here's also a bunch of repo'd meshes:
Forum Resident
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#5 Old 2nd Mar 2025 at 4:21 AM
Thanks simmer22. I found those yesterday! I appreciate your letting me know though. Those took a lot of searches to find and I had to go thru a few pages to find the link in the search.

What a wonderful day in the neighborhood!
#6 Old 2nd Mar 2025 at 10:13 AM
I have davinaojeda's Avaar set for you. Their animated bedding is in it. It was easier to just zip up the whole set than pick at it. https://simfileshare.net/download/5331690/

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Forum Resident
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#7 Old Yesterday at 2:37 PM
Oh, thank you Deatherella!

What a wonderful day in the neighborhood!
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